Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

The SEO Method.

The SEO Method.

Cutting Edge SEO Techniques
With Google's latest updates, SEO has now changed forever. Although there are great strategies and value in "The SEO Method Version 1", we have had to update it.
Click here to discover our newest methods inside The SEO Method 3.
Want Us To Do Your SEO?
Click Here
Buy Now
The step-by-step SEO method that’s proven to work
No spamming, no cloaking, no blog farms, no link
exchange networks, no 'black-hat' methods that will get your websites
banned - just the best kept SEO secrets, guaranteed to generate an avalanche
of free search engine traffic.
With these secrets your website can rank #1 on Google for all of your
top keywords. What makes me so sure? Because I do it every day,
in any niche I choose, every time, and I can show you can quickly and easily do the same.
This stuff is not rocket science... anyone can do it - I've proven it over and over again and I'm going to prove it to you (
click here
for my proof page).
All you have to do is follow my simple step-by-step system.
But who am I to make such a bold claim?
My name is David Jenyns and despite the fact that I've been marketing
online since early 2001, you won’t know me because I move in different
circles to you. I’m not an internet marketing 'guru' or part of any 'IM
boys' club'. I only began studying internet marketing to promote
my own non-IM business.
David shares his secrets
What's my business? I’m a stock trader and I used to work for
one of the largest brokers in the country and then later trained other
wannabe traders. In short, I have a knack for building profitable stock
market systems and teaching others how to do the same.
Over the years I’ve built an extremely successful business selling ‘how
to’ information products in one of the most viciously competitive niches
Type 'trading system' into Google – you’ll see what I mean. At last count,
46,500,000 pages battle it out for that one keyword and, according to
Google, if you use their adwords program they'll sting you
$5.04 per click!
But what if I told you I get that traffic for free?!
Watch the video below and I'll show you how I rank #1 out of 46 million
websites for the keyword 'trading system'
and more importantly, how you can do the same.
Note: Search engines results are dynamic - rankings, volumes and estimates
may vary slightly at any time.
And here’s the best part,
I don’t pay a single cent
any of that traffic. Now imagine what would happen to your business if
you could do the same in your niche?
How about another brutally competitive niche - the Forex market.
I rank #1 in Google for the term: forex trading strategies.
Remember I'm not an 'internet marketing guru'... I’m a 'trading guru'. Here’s
how I positioned myself as the 'go to' expert for a well-known charting
program – MetaStock.
For the keyword 'MetaStock', I am second only to the makers of the software!
Here's where the story gets better…
Click Here To Download
I can’t help it, I’m a really big thinker, and when I figure something
out, I want to see just how big I can go. Sure, I dominated the 'stock
market' niche but I wondered if I could replicate this success in other
To take it to the next level, I recorded a series of training videos
for my outsourcers – detailing the exact method I used to rank my trading
website. I wanted to see if I could completely 'own' any niche I chose.
After 14 months of testing on 583 different domains, guess what?!
My '
SEO Method
' works gangbusters in any niche, every
time, guaranteed. It even worked with Yahoo and Bing!
Here’s some of the completely bizarre niches we tried…
#1 in Yahoo for: learn how to ski
#1 in MSN for: free personality test
You'd agree, it'd be foolish of me to share all of my niches but I wanted to prove that I know what it takes to get a website to the top of the search engines. The fact is, I currently hold hundreds upon hundreds of #1 positions (in some pretty bizarre niches) on google, yahoo and bing! That’s
pretty impressive for an internet unknown ;)
In fact, once I started to roll out my SEO method in a big way, I caught
the attention of some internet marketing greats and shared the videos I recorded for my outsourcers. Here’s what a few of them had to say…
“Great job. Very thorough and easy to follow. Thank you for giving
props to PF in your video. Those screen shots of your results are
very impressive. Way to go! :-)”
- Jason Potash
“Impressive stuff. Will have to keep paying attention to you.”
- Paul Colligan
“Another good vid on SEO. Much like my own system in fact.”
- Keith Baxter
“Thanks for reaching out to me and sharing this video (and the
proof page which is really impressive!).
You're giving out great information. If people will take some time
to follow the system, they'll enjoy some great free traffic!”
Shawn Casey
“I wish you the greatest amount of success. It's clear that you're a man who operates from the heart as well and what I recommend is to all the visitors is make sure they visit

Mike Koenigs
- Mike Koenigs
Want more proof?
click here
to read
some non guru testimonials or
click here
to download your copy.
Truth is, I really didn’t appreciate how cutting-edge my SEO methods were
until these gurus convinced me of two things …
#1. My SEO method is revolutionary in the way it delivers top
ten rankings, step-by-step.
#2. I can’t dominate every keyword in the world, so I should share these
videos so people like you can have their own profitable top-ten businesses.
You too can bypass Google Adwords & dominate your niche
with free, natural search traffic!
Introducing the SEO method. The step-by-step, 3 part, video training my
outsourcers followed to get #1 positions for 583 of my own domains (
click here to download the videos
). Here’s
what they cover…
Video 1: “How Search Engines Work”
- 1 hour 13 mins
The secret to reverse-engineer the Google algorithm to out-rank your competition
How to rank for keywords without optimizing for them
How ‘long’ your ‘long-tail’ keywords should be for maximum profits
Key strategies for using external links to drive your ranking higher
Why ‘flashy’ websites don’t get rankings
How to copy-cat natural search, giving the search engines exactly what they are looking for
How to become a high-quality links factory
Where to place your keywords so Google knows exactly what it must rank you for
How to guarantee Google finds and indexes your website
How to position yourself in the ‘buying cycle’ so your websites are seen by red-hot buyers, not tyre-kickers
Video 2: “On and Off Page Optimization”
- 1 hour 13 mins
How to analyze competing websites and use this data to beat them at their own game
The single most important element when optimizing a webpage
The best way to research keywords
The secret to ‘hooking’ your prospects, ensuring they click through
How to use Amazon’s intelligence to find out what your searchers are buying
What the correct keyword density is, to maximize your ranking without getting your sites banned
How to craft the body of your website content (title tags, meta descriptions, meta kewords, etc.) to attract the search engines
The difference between link ‘reputation’ and link ‘popularity’ and how to use each to rank your site #1
The quickest, best and easiest way to get high-value external links to your site
Video 3: “Putting it all together”
- 44 mins
How to best use articles to begin the ranking process
How to get high-quality articles written cheaply
Blog networks - what are they and should you use them?
Directories - how many submissions are optimal and which directories are best?
Web 2.0 – are these sites overrated?
Web video – learn how to use the 2nd largest engine to gain competitive rankings with ease
Social bookmarking – the secret to turbo-charge indexing
How to focus on only those links that really count
The quickest and easiest way to build your ‘feeder site’ network
So how much
do these videos cost?
The SEO method is only $37 -
click here
to grab your copy.
Why so cheap?
I’ve told you, I am not interested in becoming an internet marketing
guru… I make more than enough money in my little old ‘stock market’ niche
What’s more, if I wanted to make a killing in the internet marketing
niche I wouldn’t be selling my secrets for $37. Just look at my stock
trading products; I sell those for a much higher ticket!
Sure, I probably could charge a lot more when you consider what some
other so called ‘gurus’ charge for their software and/or monthly memership
sites. Heck, most SEO companies charge $2000 per month and they don’t
have 1/10th the results I have.
But, you don’t know me, and I want to make you an offer you can’t refuse.
How about some extra bonuses?
So, in addition to the three SEO method videos, here's 4 valuable bonuses to sweeten the deal...
Downloadable itunes + mp3 versions
of all the videos
- perfect for your outsourcers.
Blueprint PDF -
A precise step-by-step outline of the system,
ensuring you don’t miss a single step.
Guru Sessions Mp3 –
11 hours of Q&A sessions
with Frank Kern, John Carlton, John Reese, Marlon Sanders, Mike Filsaime,
Rich Schefren, Yanik Silver and more.
Plus a special unadvertised video bonus and some extra goodies!
All for $37... how's that for a killer deal?
Click here
to download it all now!
Fact: With this information you can be ranked #1 on Google.
Whatever you are selling, I promise you, you can be ranked top-ten in
Google within a couple of months – sometimes much quicker.
How long the process takes will depend on your market. If you
want to rank for aggressive search terms like 'mortgages', 'viagra', or
'credit cards', it’s going to take longer… but less competitive niches
'learn to ski'
'log cabin plans'
can be done within a month or two
(and yes I do rank for both those
I am absolutely convinced that once you understand
the method, you will be able to apply it to any website you choose, and
begin attracting cash-loaded customers.
The process that I use is actually very simple. It’s a step-by-step process. Sure it does take some work but I guarantee it works and the rewards are definitely worth it.
Time to make a decision. Don’t follow frauds, phonies and wannabees...
Think of all the time and money you have spent following so called 'gurus'.
Aren’t you tired of teachers that aren't doers?
I am the real deal. Check out
my proof page
search my name ‘david jenyns’ on google, visit my trading websites,
… do whatever you need to, to realise I am the real deal.
I have spent over 7 years and $200,000+ developing my SEO method… I
know what it takes to get your website ranked and I’m happy to share this
knowledge with you – no risk.
Here’s my offer.
Download my complete SEO method, watch the videos, apply the techniques,
and get #1 rankings. Should you decide for any reason that the SEO method
isn't right for you, just let me know within 56 days and I'll give you
a full refund.
With Google's latest updates, SEO has now changed forever. Although there are great strategies and value in "The SEO Method Version 1", we have had to update it.
Click here to discover our newest methods inside The SEO Method 3.
Order right now and see your websites go to #1.
Your SEO coach,
David Jenyns
Professional Trader, Author & Coach (turned internet marketer)
PS. If you’ve already got a product you’d like to promote, all it takes
is a couple of sales (and how hard will that be when your site is #1?)
and you’ll have your $37 investment back in your pocket. After that, your
one-time outlay pays for itself over and over again.
PPS. I guarantee you’ll get more than 10,000 times what you pay for or
I'll refund your purchase 100%.
Click here
to get started.
PPPS. Here's what other internet marketers like you said about my course:
"I can't believe you've made this public! It was bad enough when you passed me on my keywords that took me 2 years to get on page 1, but now you're sharing this with everyone!
Seriously though, when you showed ME your system, I saw how straightforward your method is and obviously IT WORKS.
To anyone wanting to rank for highly competitive keywords and in short order, GET THIS RIGHT NOW! You'll be glad you did."
Brian McAboy -
- David Dutton -
- Ryan Malone -
"I've been studying SEO for quite a while and have tried many methods
and failed. With your SEO method, I was able to rank #4 for a keyword
with 1,600,000 competing sites and 17,000 searches per month. Not only
does this method work on a small scale for small niche domination, but
I can scale up my efforts and conquer any niche I want (besides the
ones you are ranking for.. :D).  This is easily one of the best SEO
courses available and I'm so glad i found your website,  otherwise I'd
still be trying to rank with no success and would have given up by now.
Great job David, thanks for a great product!"
- Landdon Wiggs
"First of all I would like to say that I myself have been in Internet Marketing for about 3 years, so when I first saw David's course I was of course extremely skeptical myself. After reading some nice warrior forum reviews however, I decided to take a risk and I bought his program. I must tell you that it was one of the best decisions that I had made in a while.
I must admit that the first time I opened up David's program I read the blueprints first and I though "Wow, what a waste of my time! I already know all this stuff". However, upon opening up the third video (I skipped directly to the third), I realized that although I knew everything that David talked about, he put them into a nice plan which I would have never thought of myself. In fact I thought that it was such a great plan that I created a new website which I decided to optimize soley using his plan. Within days my website had reached the first page of a relatively low competing long tail keyword, and with these results I feel that I can start earning revenue from a month old website in just a couple of months!
Again, I must say that his program has gone above and beyond my expectations (just don't read the blueprints first), and I would definitely recommend it to anyone!"
- George W - Virginia, United States
"I bought this package and went through the 3 hours long videos. This is total SEO TRAINING packages that worth much higher.
We all are always searching methods to boost search engine ranking and often fail But DAVID is awesome SEO MASTER. His package includes Three Stages in SEO -beginners, Intermediate and Advance. These three courses will complete 100% SEO course.
There is PDF instruction file which will guide us through each steps so that you won't miss anything to get top ranking. I was trying to learn SEO since past one year and after getting this package i don't think i have to learn anything more. I only need to imply it in practical.
I have still lots of MP3s to listen. I think videos and the PDF files are more than enough for me to get top rank.
Thanks a lot DAVE. You are my SEO GURU and MASTER. Seriously...Because i never found such wonderful training and instruction before.
This is my true testimonial on what i felt after getting his package. I think this is not enough and i still haven't completed all trainings. Will posts afterward too."
- Krishna - Warrior Forum Member
"Excellent series. While none of what was discussed is new to me, Dave and his command of the whiteboard and marker gives an extremely clear picture of how to create a very natural and organic feel to the ranking of the site in a systematic way.
I've been spending a great deal of time lately reviewing different internet marketing plans, but having this information in mind can make it completely possible to gather the right materials in the beginning and spend just a few hours a day doing the manual grunt work if you wish and/or gives you the outline to outsourcing if you so choose.
Video 3 really laid it out for me.
I took a look at the blueprint after, and it is entirely possible to break this into a detailed day by day task list where you could create the entire campaign from start to finish, then break up the order of things getting done to give it that naturally occurring feeling.
I really feel I have a solid understanding of what needs to be done and how it needs to happen. I feel confident running on a small or large scale.
Looking forward to implementing and getting that #1 spot for myself and my clients.
- Jill Carpenter - Warrior War Room Member - USA
"After watching the 3 hours of SEO training videos, I have to say that David's system is laid out in a step by step format that is very easy to follow and understand. I only wish their was a "word for word" transcript
I appreciate the way that David's training go from Video #1 - How Search Engines Work (for Beginners) to Video #2 - On & Off Page Optimization (Intermediate) before getting to Video #3 - The SEO Method (Advanced). This allows for less experienced IMers to get up to speed fast.
These videos are well worth the price."
John Rodriguez - HyperActive Warrior Forum Member - New York, USA
"This took some time to review with three long videos to watch and I really am impressed!
1. How Search Engines Work (over 1 hour - great for beginners who want more than the usual stuff... more detailed information then I've seen in most tutorials)
This video leads you through the seemingly mysterious ways of Google Search so you get
a better understanding of how to relate what you can do to start succeding.
2. On and Off Page Optimization (over 1 hour of detailed information about promoting a money website for the kind of results you've only dreamed of!)
3. The Seo Method ( 44 minutes of over the top information on 'How to Rank')
Oh boy! this will make even a seasoned marketer sit up and pay attention:
it's definitely for you if you want to do long range planning ahead for dominating a market... it's all there with David drawing diagrams on screen and providing links to resources he uses.
On the other hand David also considers the marketer who wants all the information
so he can focus on staying 'One step ahead of the top person in his market'
There is lots more, the Pdf guides, the mp3 interviews with several of the top marketers and the videos are available in two formats, to accomodate some people's bandwith
capacity. They both worked fine for me but I downloaded the ones with less mgs.
This is a product I will be happy to promote if David has an affiliate program, today's
price would probably be my commission when The Seo Method starts selling for its
real value."
Fran C - Seattle, USA -
"Dave is making some serious promises but guess what? He keeps them because HE DELIVERS! The SEOMETHOD is filled with potent methods secretly used by some (I dare say most) of the top IMers. Why Dave? Why? Why did you let the cat out the bag? You’re forcing me to step my game up just to stay ahead of the pack!
What is the SEOMETHOD? It is the blueprint you have been looking for – if you want to push your IM income up there with the big dawgs! The thing about this blueprint that makes it so phenomenal is this; if you are an IM rookie or noobie, you won’t be for long! Follow these strategies and you’ll be in the money and I’m not talking about the peanuts!
If you are a seasoned IMer, getting the SEOMETHOD is like leaving the Cleveland Browns to play for the Pittsburgh Steelers, (Sorry Browns fans). The upgrade means you win the big games. When you upgrade to the SEOMETHOD, you’ll start dominating keyword phrases you previously only came close to page one on the SERPS, but no cigar! Not after the SEOMETHOD.
Warriors, you know that Internet Marketing is a battle of ingenuity, wit, strategies, tactics and striking first. Don’t get left behind the proverbial eight-ball; grab your copy of the SEOMETHOD, Now!
Give me a day or so and I’ll come back and provide a detailed analysis. I’ve read the manual and immersed myself in the videos and all I can say is WOW! Dave, you delivered!!! "
Crew Chief - Warrior Member
"I knew a few minutes into the first video this guy really knows his stuff. He walks, eats and lives SEO. I am beyond impressed. With this knowledge I will definitely start targeting larger competition keywords. No brainer purchase here folks!"
Adam Jackson - HyperActive Warrior Forum Member - USA
"It is clear from everything David says that he IS actually doing this himself and not just talking theory. The methods and strategies he recommends will not be new to those of you with experience in SEO, but, IF you have ever seen them presented in a way that shows you how all the pieces fit into place, it is certain that you will have paid a heck of a lot more than you are being asked for here.
He doesn't tell you what you should do, he tells you what he actually does to achieve top SE rankings. He also makes it clear that you can't do it all yourself. This is something that other "teachers" are reluctant to point out or don't mention because they aren't really doing what they are teaching. Best of all, he explains which parts of the process he does himself, which parts he automates with software and which tasks are outsourced to freelancers.
The methods and resources he uses are solid (I use many of them myself) and he presents everything in an easy to follow manner. I believe that, at $37, it will be the best value SEO blueprint available on the market today."
Andy Smith - Active Warrior Forum Member - Spain
"I was lucky enough to see a copy of this too and it is great information indeed. You would pay a lot more for this type of stuff anywhere else. For me the real value was in the 3rd video and the PDF of the process and it is cutting edge stuff.
At this price it is massively overdelivering."
Fraser - - United Kingdom
"i will say to anyone you need to be serious about seo for this one as david said this will not happen over night!! however if you follow the steps he has shown as i have started you will see massive benifits in the end.
Just as a personal story i got this course a few days ago and implimented it right away, now i have one site with i think 14 keywords in the top ten with an exact google match of 200 hits per month for a lot of those keywords i think this course is worth its weight in gold."
Owen Mailer -
"Got the product and it's well worth the money. This product could easily be priced for a lot more money and still be worth every penny!
It explains everything you need to know, so from beginners to people that already know the ropes of SEO, you will learn a great system that Davids proven will get results. Shows all the areas you need to look at and why as well as exactly what will make it all happen.
Thanks David for a great product at an unreal price!
I Highly Recommend this to anyone that is wanting SEO results and a solid system!"
Brett - Active Warrior Forum Member - BC Canada
Just want to let you know that I am
really impressed with the SEO Method
videos and have seen great results after
just 1 month of implementing a
couple of techniques.
All in all this is rock solid info and is
presented perfectly for easy
Leon Williams
"Great information. Bread and butter SEO stuff, all in one short video.
I know some of your websites, yes, they ranked very highly on Google... You do know your stuff... :)"
Dassana Jayalath -
"You are a natural! That's It..
It can never be said better.
Your lesson was very helpful and have shared the link to a few friends selling products online.
God Bless!"
Mike Ndegwa -
"Excellent. You've just put in one video almost everything I learned about seo during the last year! Clear and to the point. You're clearly an excellent teacher."
Ken Morgan
"Very Comprehensive. I probably do 7% of what you showed and can already rank well for many keywords. I can only imagine what happens if one follows your system thoroughly. ;)
Good stuff."
Tomaz -
"Great Stuff david !!
Thanks a lot. Very clear instructions."
Barry -
"Thanks Very much. This video contains the stuff that I have always been looking for, as well as cool stuff I have never heard of before. Thanks a lot David"
Dawei Fan - www.dublin-personal-trainer
"Priceless. This is by far the best search engine optimization information I have found on the net to date. I have purchased a lot of SEO products in the past and this one is a league ahead of the rest - novel and cutting edge."
Jeik Savage
"Read your bio.
Just read your bio page and about your trading / programming background.
Now I'm really impressed..."
Mtntgr -
"this is awesome - and it's great to see a fellow Australian doing this stuff so well.
Thanks for an awesome video."
Lesley Komlos -
"AWESOME job! I made a mindmap of everything you said on the video. Step by step."
David Dutton -
"This is great and I'm glad that you're "giving back". This is good stuff and I know you could keep this all to yourself and retire rich relaxing on a beach somewhere, but helping others is truly how to live."
Travis -
Click here
to see what the harsh critics at the warrior forum had to say.
With Google's latest updates, SEO has now changed forever. Although there are great strategies and value in "The SEO Method Version 1", we have had to update it.
Click here to discover our newest methods inside The SEO Method 3.
Want results like these?
SEO Techniques
Dave Jenyns Blog
Copyright 2011 inc. All rights reserved.Read more detail

Result of The SEO Method.

The SEO Method just got even better with the seo method BONUS!,"More Information : Related Search: is seo, seo on, youtube search engine optimization, seo content, seo ,If youve been doing SEO for a few years now then you might find this video boring but nevertheless David does a good job of explaining how search engines work.,The SEO Method by David Jenyns is making a big claim here and it's safe to say that we are all generally skeptical when someone tells you that they can get ,With Google's latest updates, SEO has now changed forever. Although there are great strategies and value in "The SEO Method Version 1", we have had to update it., Here's a free article marketing tutorial courtesy of David Jenyns from the SEO Method. This really is Internet marketing made ,Introducing The SEO Method 3: The complete all-in-one digital SEO training course that teaches you everything you need to know. This is the exact system we use to ,The SEO Method review is my unbiased review of David Jenyns' SEO video course. If you're having some dismal results with your SEO then check this one out.,Were just about ready to release The SEO Method 3 to the general public! Keep checking back we should be live and accepting orders within a few short days.,Looking to dominate the search engines? The SEO Method is a step-by-step seo training system for climbing your way up the search engines. Click here to learn top seo

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