Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

Feel Better Books

Feel Better Books

Are looking for an escape from the stresses of life, not from the challenges of life?

Simple Self Help Advice, For The Very Busy, And For Those Unable Or Unwilling To Pay Out Hundreds Of $$$ On Prescriptions And Pills, Doctors And Therapists. Easy To Adopt Techniques And Strategies. The Target Audience For This Product Is Truly Massive.

feel-better-books.com - stress success health happy mind

Feel Better Books
Dr Robert Anthony – Secret of Deliberate Creation
Feel Better Books
Hello, and welcome to my website...
My name is Monica Gilchrist and I started this website for people like myself who are
looking for an escape from the stresses of life, not from the challenges of life.
It took me many years to realise that I could participate fully, and lead a busy and fulfilled lifestyle, without needing to let stress and anxiety dominate my thinking.  I am learning how to get rid of anxiety and I want to share it with you.
I am still learning, and uncovering resources that help me on a regular basis.  I will bring these resources to you here so even if there is nothing here for you today please add a bookmark for this site and return now and again to see what's new.
Wishing you all that I wish for myself,

I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life - and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.
~ Georgia O'Keeffe

I may occasionally provide links on these pages to products that I recommend, and for which I may earn a small commission if you purchase.  I do not endorse or recommend links or products provided by other people in the comments sections of my posts.
Have Your Say….
Hello Everyone!
I’ve had various comments (and a whole lot of spam) since I began this website.  I thought it would be interesting to open a page for commenting to see whether people are interested in sharing their thoughts on life, tips for getting through their day, experiences with families, friends, etc.  Or just about anything that anyone wants to discuss.
I’ll start the ball rolling with this question, and I look forward to the replies:
If you were able to change one small thing in your day-to-day activities, to make your day a lot easier, what would it be?
Dr Robert Anthony’s Secret of Deliberate Creation
I tried this course and I would have to say it changed my outlook on life totally and removed 50% of my stress. Why not take a look for yourself by clicking the link below…..
The Secret of Deliberate Creation
Sleep Well
I have seen articles which contain lists of the average sleep needs of children, teens and adults like the one below.  Now, I’m not saying these are wrong but I always wondered where these averages came from and how it was possible to measure this, and also what we are we supposed to do with this information.
Newborns (0-2 mths)     12-18 hrs
Infants (3-12 mths)         14-15 hrs
Toddlers (1-3 yrs)            12-14 hrs
Preschoolers (3-5 yrs)    11–13 hrs
School-aged (5-12 yrs)   10-11 hrs
Teens (12-18 yrs)             8.5-10 hrs
Adults (18+ yrs)                 7.5-9 hrs
Our ancestors would regulate their sleep naturally around sunrise and sunset, so presumably that they slept longer in winter when the days were shorter and the nights longer, something we definitely don’t do now.  I also recently read an article on the UK’s BBC News website which explained how it used to be common practice to break a night’s sleep with an hour or so of being awake and how it was accepted as normal.  Some scientists are beginning to suggest that the 8 hour sleep is unnatural.  There is a link to that article at the bottom of this article.
It seems that in this age of artificial light, we have lost the ability to regulate sleep naturally, or to be guided by what our bodies need.  However, by changing a few habits and patterns, we can help improve our sleep quality.  Click ‘more’ to read my list of sleep enhancing suggestions and to watch a short video from the Sleep Council.
Five Top Tips for Dealing with Teens
The trouble with teenagers is that they’re just like their parents were at that age.   That made me chuckle when I first heard it, but it’s so true.  How can I complain when my daughter snaps at me, disrespects me, or argues with me when it’s exactly what I did to my own mom?  I just try to remember that I didn’t mean to do it to her, and I felt guilty about it for years, but thanks to my daughter, I’ve forgiven myself now.
An instruction book would be useful for children of any age, but particularly for teenagers.  As they grow up, children swing between adult and childish behaviour, but this is the stage of life where your teenager is more often an adult than a child whether they are ready for it or not, and are going through enormous physical and psychological changes.  You just hope that nothing too traumatic happens to them and they can come through unscathed.  Most do, but if your teen is particularly low, depressed, troublesome, or you are seriously worried about them, then consult an expert.
I have found that giving them love and consistency is the best thing you can do, and these are within our own power to give, whatever our circumstances.  It helps me when I remember that my teenage children’s behavior is totally appropriate for their age group.  It also helps when I use the five tips that I have outlined below.  Of course, the list is not exhaustive by any means.  These are just the things that work best for me, that help me to cope.  Hopefully, they will do the same for you.
Managing Work Related Stress
Those of us who encounter stress in the workplace know that it is becoming very common, almost the norm, to deal with a massive workload, or strict deadlines, or a stressful commute.  Stress is not a terrible thing per se, but if you don’t deal with it, and feel excessively stressed, it can interfere with your productivity and impact your physical and emotional health.  It isn’t necessary to make huge changes to deal with stress in the workplace; some simple ones can relieve a lot of pressure and make a big difference.  And the better you are at managing your own stress, the more positively you will affect those around you, and the less other people’s stress will negatively affect you.
Learn how to cope
There are a number of things you can do to reduce your overall stress levels at work. These include:
Generally improving
your physical and emotional well-being.
Identifying habitual reactions and negative attitudes that add to your stress.
Find ways to improve your communications with your coworkers.
You can also follow these five top tips for reducing stress.
Practice Breath Awareness
If you are relatively healthy, you are probably not often aware of your breathing.  Maybe when you are out of breath through exercising, or if you have inhaled a lungful of some smelly or synthetic perfume, you will be aware of taking deep breaths.  But otherwise, you don’t notice.  This is because breathing is one of the body’s automatic, unconscious processes; you don’t need to consciously focus on it to do it.  Your body will ensure you keep breathing; in fact, it will override any conscious efforts to stop.  Have you ever watched a child try to frighten its parents by holding its breath?  The parents need not worry, the worst thing that will happen is that the child will faint and its breathing will be restored automatically.
It’s unfortunate that we don’t often notice our breathing, because it is actually one of the most effective ways to calm down, and can help you to deal with many of life’s stressful or anxious moments.  Firstly, it gives you a focus other than the problem that is bothering you.  Secondly, it makes you think about
, if you concentrate on the internal mechanics of breathing.  And thirdly, it can help you to relax the muscles that you are most likely holding tightly, storing up tension that doesn’t go away on its own.  I regularly use breathing exercises for anxiety to calm me down.
Recent Posts
Dr Robert Anthony’s Secret of Deliberate Creation
Have Your Say….
Sleep Well
Five Top Tips for Dealing with Teens
Managing Work Related Stress
Coping with Work
Parenting Tips
Sleep Advice
Stress Management
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Result of Feel Better Books

DESCRIPTION "Feeling better," says Dr. Ellis, "is crucial to successful therapy. Getting better is even more important." The most well-known and highly respected ,Feel Better Book Quote by Mary Smiley. You need to smile about books.,Depression is the common cold of mental disorders. This book briefly describes some of the historical background to the treatment of depression and its causes. It ,How to Live Longer and Feel Better draws on two-time Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling's vast scientific knowledge--and plenty of common sense.,Feeling Better is Maya's journal during a year that starts out sad, angry, and confused, and endswith the help of therapywith the return of her confident grin.,According to the results of a survey from the Pepsi Optimism Project, Americans are optimisticmore optimistic, in fact, than they were back in November 2008 ,A couple of weeks ago, Sabrina over at About Happy Books posted on her top "make me feel better" books. I am intimately familiar with the concept, as I'm sure most of ,Whenever I'm feeling a bit sad or sick there are some books that will lighten my mood and make me feel better. My favourite "make me feel better" books are by Nora ,Hello, and welcome to my website My name is Monica Gilchrist and I started this website for people like myself who are looking for an escape from the stresses of ,Feeling Better, Getting Better, Staying Better : Profound Self-Help Therapy For Your Emotions [Albert Ellis] on Amazon.com. *FREE* super saver shipping on qualifying

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