Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

AntiStress Secret

AntiStress Secret

Antistress Secret
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Listen To WhatThree Of My Clients Have To Say...
Rick Lewis
It works, and there is no pressure. This has been a life changing event in my life. I have control for the first time in my life, and I choose to eat what is good and great for my health. Randylee is very good at what he does. He explains what the cause is, and how he is going to help you change it. I can’t believe the strength I have regained, and exercise is wonderful again. Thank you Randylee fir all you have done for me.

Ken Haevernick MD
As a physician I knew all the principles in maintaining good body health. In my waning years of practice, I developed the habit of solving my stress by eating. By the time I retired, the weight gain was 53 pounds and along with it my health went downhill.
Being a Christian, I did not want to get involved in some out of mind experience. Making an appointment with Randylee Marcus, I got my answers to my concerns. After seven sessions, I had lost nearly 20 pounds and was feeling great both mentally and physically.

Betsy Bowman
It works, no pills, no special foods, I'm not tired anymore and I don't need caffeine to keep me going! Thank you.

If you're looking for relief from stress and anxiety,...
You're in the right place!

In fact, I know from experience what it's like...
to feel overwhelmed with fearful thoughts.
to feel bad about yourself,... lonely, confused, and depressed.
to feel your heart pounding so hard you think it will explode.
to avoid others,... feeling deeply self-conscious, and alone.
to be angry, frustrated, moody,... feeling trapped in your own life.
to hear the emergency-room doctor say, "It's just anxiety!"

...and I know the secret that can put YOU... back in control!!
Thanks for stopping by my page.I know you're looking for help, and some serious answers. My name is Randylee Marcus. I'm a retired hypnotherapist and I have a great deal of experience with stress, anxiety, and the sleeplessness that goes along with it.
I created this page to share with you what I have learned and what I have found to work for me and the clients I've worked with over the years. I am not a doctor. I do not diagnose or treat illness of any kind. I am a master hypnotist.
I hope this information helps you, as it has me and my clients. Read it. Consider what I have to say, and by all means, share it with any licensed professional you may be working with.
My Personal Story.
"How can I get rid of this unreasonable fear, worry, and dread that I feel?"
"How can I stop the thoughts that keep churning over and over in my mind when I should be sleeping?"
Even these questions would go around and around in my mind, with no apparent solution. My emotions controlled my life, and I felt like I was constantly wrong, in trouble, or worthless in the eyes of others. I struggled everyday with stress and anxiety, trying to hide how I really felt. I couldn't sleep at night, and I made-up excuses for my strange behavior. I refused to admit that I was always afraid, and when tears came to my eyes, I claimed it was "just my allergies."
I was living a big fat lie, and I was desperate to find a way to get my life back. When I finally worked up the courage to tell my best friend how I felt, he said, "get over it! Everybody has to deal with stress, and you're just making a big deal out of nothing!" Maybe he never felt the torture I was going through, or maybe he was just better at hiding it than I was. I don't know.
My dad had always been there for me, so one sunny day when I should have been feeling great, and wasn't, I went to see him. It was tough because I was afraid to admit to my dad that I just couldn't handle life. I felt like my friend was really right. What I actually wanted was for someone to fix me.
My dad turned out to be very helpful. He told me that stress was common, but the secret was in having a way to cope with it. He said that it would be even better if I had a way to turn stress into success.
A Surprise Gift Every Day.
Dad told me about a man he knew, who used hypnosis to open his mind to the benefits in every situation. He told my dad that the best stress reliever in the world, was to get a wonderful gift given to you. And if you see a benefit in every situation, it's like getting a surprise gift every day.
Dad said that we all experience good and bad in our lives, but which one we focus our attention on determines whether we feel stress, or happiness.
It turns out that the man my dad was talking about was a hypnotist, and he used hypnosis to rid himself of the stress, and anxiety in his life. But dad said it did a lot more for the man than just get rid of the stress and anxiety. It also helped him to be very successful in anything that he chose to do... I was inspired!
So I studied hypnosis, and all the information that I could find about how human beings experience life and create success. I studied, and I practiced, and In a few months I created my own relief and began creating success just like my dad's friend did.
I used hypnosis to change how I react to the experiences in my life, and those changes eliminated the stress, the anxiety, and the sleeplessness that had been destroying my life. In those few months, I went from fearful and stressed to happy and confident. I went on to become a certified hypnotherapist and open my own clinic so that I could provide others with those same wonderful benefits.
Eventually, I began to realize that only a small percentage of people that need this help, would ever be able to come to my clinic. I would need hundreds of clinics to help them all. And I would also have to have each clinic staffed with trained professionals who had the same experience, compassion, and education that I did... or...
Maybe I could just create a cyber-clinic using the Internet. Then, with state-of-the-art technology, and state-of-the-art hypnosis techniques, I could bring all that I learned in the "brick and mortar" clinic, to everyone that needs my help, through the Internet.

Sam Roseboro
Your program gave me the desire to take action and to keep on taking action. Now I’ve reached my goal weight, I feel better about myself, my feet don’t hurt any more, I enjoy reading, and I have more energy. I am very pleased with the program. It’s not just a good idea. It’s a program that really makes it happen.

Mary E Zapata
I believe that your program has put me on track for a more healthy love of myself. This is allowing me to encourage my children to seek healthy eating and resolve stressful issues. I feel I will be there for my grand children as they grow and mature.
Thank you for the new life I am experiencing and confidence to succeed in all my endeavors.

Bob Edwards
Wow, it’s already been a month or more since my last session with you and I’m still amazed.
Randylee, I want to thank you for the changes you’ve made in my life. I’m now more positive, focused, calm and in control. I’ve told many of my friends about you. I strongly recommend your program to anyone that wishes to obtain long-term control.
Like A Dog Chasing Its Tail.
In working with clients on a daily basis, I was not only able to help them improve their lives, but I was also able to understand their process of change, and the quickest way to elicit that change.
Over the years, I identified and focused upon the key changes that were required to free the mind of stress and focus it on success. This process became the backbone of every hypnotherapy session that I did, no matter what outcome we were seeking. Stop smoking, weight loss, nail biting, it didn't matter what the problem was, they all got the same six-step foundation therapy. After that we would focus upon the changes necessary to correct the specific problem.
Any problem you have will create stress, and many of those problems are the result of stress. Like a dog chasing its tail, you just go around and around unless you stop the stress and anxiety first.
When clients came to me, specifically for stress relief, anxiety, or sleeplessness, I would use the same six-step process in an enhanced form. One step each day for six days was the best-performing program. Each session would build upon the previous one and create a deeper and more permanent change.
The program uses a special form of hypnosis in which you simply read a text that contains the embedded hypnotic language. This embedded language is often times more powerful than any other hypnotic method known. It's very effective, simple, easy and fun. What more could you ask for?...
But before we get into all of that, let's take a closer look at the problem of stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness. Let's see what's really going on.

Array Robinson
I didn’t really know how this hypnosis thing was going to help but I was desperate and my friend said it really worked. but when I did it, it gave me new confidence and opened my eyes and my mind to a better way of looking at my life. And it was so easy!

Norman McQuaid, Jr.
Given a chance to prolong my life I must thank GOD and I must thank Randylee Marcus. In one session I went from three packs of cigarettes a day to none.
Anyone wishing to speak to me regarding my experience contact Randylee and give him your number and I will be in touch.

Dennis Donald
I would very highly recommend this program to anyone that would like to feel better physically and mentally!

Why You Feel The Way You Do?
In order to understand why you feel the way you do, and to be able to change that to something better, we need to know the basics. So, first of all, I want you to begin to realize that the way you feel is not so much because of what's happening around you, as it is what's happening within you. Let me give you a quick example...
Let's pretend for a moment that you're watching the lottery on TV, and your numbers are drawn. You suddenly realize that you have won, and the prize is $153,000.00! Your brain responds to this thought by releasing something called endorphins into your blood stream. This is a natural occurrence, and what it does is to create a euphoric state in your physical body. It makes you feel good! This is how our feelings are created by our thoughts. Our thoughts cause our brains to pump natural drugs into our blood stream. I know this sounds crazy, but it's true. So, to understand this better let's return to our story.
You're feeling great! You think to yourself, "I'll pay off all my bills, replace my old junker car, and use the rest of the $153,000.00 to pay down my home mortgage! You imagine yourself cruising down the road in your new car, as you continue to watch the TV show. Then the announcer says, "We checked the computer and found that there are twelve winners,... this is amazing! Each winner will receive $8,287.50, after taxes."
Not even enough to pay off your bills, or to buy that new car. Your brain first pumps adrenaline to make your body feel the shock and surprise. Then it pumps depressants into your blood to make your body feel sad and disappointed. You feel a little sick at your stomach from the adrenalin and sapped of energy by the depressants. You're not really feeling bad because of what happened. You are feeling bad because of how your brain responded to what happened. Your thoughts drive your feelings.
This is why many doctors prescribe anti-depressants for people who complain of excess stress and anxiety. The anti-depressants will counteract the natural depressants produced by the brain, so you will feel better. It works, but it's hard on your body, and you feel kind of numb to everything in life.
So the problem is NOT you, or the situation you're in. The problem is that your brain has been programmed to over react to what is happening around you!
Stress, Anxiety, And Sleeplessness.
When we experience something that brings on a feeling of fear, it's our view of the situation that creates the fear. The situation itself may be harmless, but if we see it as harmful or dangerous,... we become fearful.
We're supposed to be afraid when we see danger. That's just normal, natural, and healthy. But when we find ourselves feeling frightened all the time, then we need to find a way to correct our brain's overreaction because it's making our bodies feel fear all the time.
A Good Tool For You To Use.
I want you to do a quick exercise with me, so that you can better understand how this works. It will also give you a new tool to use to combat anxiety and stress. So let's get started...
What I want you to do first, is to picture, imagine, or just think about someone that you know, or have met, that made you angry, frustrated, or feel bad.
As you picture, imagine, or think of this person, I want you to notice that in your mind, they are very close to you... and notice also that it feels uncomfortable.
Now simply picture, imagine, or think of them moving back further away from you... move them far enough away from you that you begin to feel more comfortable.
Now make their ears get big and floppy, and their nose big and red, their speech slurred, squeaky, and cartoon like.... Take your time and enjoy making them look and act ridicules... Go ahead and take a few minutes to do this exercise now...
Welcome back... At this point you should feel less angry, frustrated, or bad when you think of this person. If you don't feel a lower stress level about this person, then, please take the time to do this exercise over, and this time make it all very vivid in your mind. Take your time and enjoy pushing this person away. It will improve how you feel, and improve your life.
This skill is well worth the time it takes to practice, so use it on everything that bothers you. People that suffer from stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness experience their problems very close in front of their face, as they think about them. However, happy, successful people experience their successes close to them, and their problems far away. It's a skill you can learn.
If you are stressed, and anxious, it's only because you were never trained in the constructive use of imagination. You see, we all imagine our future and our past. We imagine everything before it happens and re-imagine things as we remember the past. The way we create stress is by imagining the worst and remembering all of our failures.
When we keep fears and failures in the front of our minds, we not only feel stress, but these negative ideas block out our opportunities for successes.
Now You See It, But Maybe You Don't!
Let's do another quick exercise to demonstrate what I mean. Just take a moment to look around the room that you're in. As you look around, I want you to pay special attention to everything that is the color of red... go ahead and do this now...
OK, now that you have completed your room survey, close your eyes, and then answer the following question.
"How many things did you see that were blue??"
Even if you are a trained observer, you probably can't answer that question accurately. Our eyes see everything, but our minds filter that information according to importance. The color red was important and blue was not,... so the blue was ignored!
Are you getting this?... "THE BLUE WAS IGNORED BY YOUR BRAIN!!"
Just like all the good things in your life,... the blue was ignored. Red is your imagined fears, and blue is your opportunities to enjoy and improve your life! Red is what you imagine could go wrong, and blue is everything that could go right!
If all you see are the things that make you angry and frustrated,... you are going to feel stressed and anxious! If your mind is full of fearful thoughts, you are going to feel overwhelmed!
You can't quite a mind that is blocking out everything good, and continuing to make you feel lonely, confused, and depressed. If your mind is filtering out everything but problems,... then it's impossible for you to see the solutions!
So What's The Question?
Now that we understand why the world looks so hopeless,... how can we fix it? Is there a way to change our thinking patterns so that we begin to see opportunities, successes, and happiness?
The answer is... YES!... YES!...
I did it for myself and helped countless others do the same, so you can rest assured that it can happen for you as well. The best part is that even though the process I went through took over six months, you can do the same thing now, in just six days!
Remember the six-step process I spoke about earlier? One step each day for six days. Each session builds upon the previous one and creates a deeper and more permanent change. This program uses a unique form of hypnosis in which you simply read a special text that contains the embedded hypnotic language. It's simple, easy, fun, and inexpensive.
My clients in the clinic paid $185.00 per session for six sessions. That's $1,110.00 and they tell me it's worth every penny. But the reason this course is on the Internet is because I want it to be affordable for anyone who needs the help.
So you don't need to pay the
Could you afford one-quarter of that amount if I offered you the same program in a "do it at home" version?
I'll do better than that!
I know that it's hard to make decisions and take action when you're stressed, anxious, and tired. I've been there too. So let me make it really easy for you...
You can get the entire six-day program in eBook format, today, along with a "no questions asked" 60-day money-back guaranty!... for just $47.00 today!!
That's less than one-tenth of the original cost!

Patty Glenn
My quality of life has seen a significant change for the better. Thank you Randylee for helping me make this possible.

The program takes only six days, and you can repeat it as many times as you like, any time that you feel the need. If you're not happy with it for any reason, just let me know in the first 60 days, and I will give you a full refund!

Sara Cox
It is the best thing I've done for myself.

You have nothing to lose! But if you wake up tomorrow and haven't started the course, then you've needlessly prolonged your own suffering by one day!
I truly want you to get the amazing results from this course that you deserve. In fact... One of the big reasons so many people buy this course is that they are ready to make a change in their lives like I did. But if for any reason, you are not happy with this course over the next 60 days, I will give you a 100% - no questions asked refund.
About The Course
The course is titled:
"Scriptnosis™ For Relief of Stress, Anxiety, and Sleeplessness."
It is designed to give you everything necessary to rapidly begin relieving the stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness that you feel. For just one payment of $47.00, you get the entire 10 module course in a single downloadable eBook!!
About Stress, and Anxiety
Introduction to Scriptnosis™
Course Instructions
Day-1 Relief Session
Day-2 Relief Session
Day-3 Relief Session
Day-4 Relief Session
Day-5 Relief Session
Day-6 Relief Session
The Next Step
When you click the "Get StartedNow!" button, you will be taken to ClickBank® to enter your credit card information. Next you will be taken to the download page so that you can easily download your Course and
get started today!
(All you need is a credit card, no special Internet accounts or anything like that. And it's 100% safe & secure. Your credit card data is passed directly to ClickBank and no one, but ClickBank has access to your sensitive information.)
PS: Remember, your payment is secure,... you have a 60 day unconditional guaranty,... it's a six day program,... and it could change your life forever!!
"OK Randylee,... I'll give it a try for 60 days because I'm really tired of suffering!"
(Click Get Started Now )
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have been harming yourself or feeling suicidal, see a licensed mental health professional. They are skilled in helping people create a healthier, happier life. This program is for the average person who wants to reduce stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness to perform better and enjoy life more.
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Result of AntiStress Secret

Antistress secret. click here for more images antistress secret is this video talks about the secret anti-stress mineral that ,Antistress secret. click here for more images antistress secret is this video talks about the secret anti-stress mineral that ,To connect with Antistress Secrets with Randylee, sign up for Facebook today.,Antistress secret. click here for more images antistress secret is this video talks about the secret anti-stress mineral that ,Antistress secret. click here for more images antistress secret is this video talks about the secret anti-stress mineral that ,Antistress secret. click here for more images antistress secret is this video talks about the secret anti-stress mineral that ,Antistress secret. click here for more images antistress secret is this video talks about the secret anti-stress mineral that ,Antistress secret. click here for more images antistress secret is this video talks about the secret anti-stress mineral that ,Help for Stress, anxiety, and Sleeplessness.,to feel overwhelmed with fearful thoughts. to feel bad about yourself, lonely, confused, and depressed.

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