Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

Erection Blueprint To Release Erectile Dysfunction & 1-click Upsell!

Erection Blueprint To Release Erectile Dysfunction & 1-click Upsell!

ReleaseErectileDysfunction.com | Regain & Maintain A Natural Erection... Guaranteed!
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Erectile Dysfunction In Young Men
Seems New But It Actually
Reveals A Timeless Secret About ED ...
... No Matter What Your Age!
If you’ve been searching for an
erectile dysfunction treatment
to recapture the naturally hard erections you had as a teenager then this will be the most important message you will ever read.
Here’s why:
erectile dysfunction – alarmingly – starts earlier than you think
way more guys suffer erectile dysfunction than what ‘experts’ say
having erectile dysfunction now is an advantage to your long-term sexual health & erections
you can automatically reverse the spiral effect of erectile dysfunction just by understanding the exact process of how ED sparks, grows & develops
nobody has the balls to tell you the fundamental key to erectile dysfunction – probably because they don’t know it…
For Immediate
From the desk of
Mick Holmes
Creator of The Erection Blueprint
Dear Guy With ED,
Embarrassing, isn’t it?
Every time you’re ready to be intimate or get down and dirty with the woman you’re attracted to… your pecker won’t do what it’s supposed to… there just aren’t the natural sensations of blood filling your penis…
… and the more you try – the worse it gets.
She looks up at you with an air of expectation… she might be caring enough to say that it’s okay, but deep down all she wants is for you to get hard and stay that way so you can both have passionate sex. You know it, she knows it, and you can see it in her eyes.
So, yeah, it’s embarrassing… but, really, it’s way beyond that.
It’s humiliating. It makes you feel like less of a man, doesn’t it?
And it’s kind of worse in a long-term relationship. She feels trapped and thinks you’re just not attracted to her anymore. You feel pressure and, at the same time, wonder if just being with a different woman might arouse you enough to do the deed properly.
It can be terrible, can’t it? After a while…
… erectile dysfunction is more than a bedroom problem.
It’s a web that spreads into all areas of your life… Your confidence, your self-esteem, your mood, your relationship success and pretty much anything else that involves your happiness.
I’ve felt this shame and humiliation of not being able to get hard enough to have sex with the woman I was with… I just wanted my anxiety to end… and I was only 25!
Performance Anxiety Is A
How To Overcome Erectile Dysfunction
… In 95% Of Men
Yes, I was suffering from performance anxiety, which is not uncommon for young guys… along with the corresponding physical response (or lack of response) that hinders an erection.
Here’s the thing though…
it’s because young guys are still relatively virile that the resulting physical problem is ignored, once the anxiety is dealt with. However…
… there is still an unresolved physical problem.
After all, our sexual peak is at around age 17, give or take… and it stands to reason that by our mid-20′s, our sexual libido while still being high, is a little weaker than it
It’s still strong enough to have regular sex, naturally. However, there
a minor decline and…
… the fact it is so minor is
it’s ignored.
Am I saying that ‘performance anxiety’ is the root cause of erectile dysfunction? No, I am not saying that. It is a step in the process however.
See, old guys with erectile dysfunction – maybe like yourself – are obviously anxious about their situation too.
The vital point is never made, though, that the minor natural decline you, me and every young man experiences after passing a sexual peak in our late teens has had…
… more time to grow and develop into a major problem.
Do you really think that erectile dysfunction, for any man, just happens one day all of a sudden, at the flick of a switch?
Of course  it doesn’t… it’s a gradual process that is sparked even farther back than our mid-20′s because, it’s just a particular habit.
“Bullshit!” I was saying at the time.
So I did what most guys do which is the only thing they think is possible – I looked to ‘quick-fix’ my problem… I was still thinking short-term and didn’t want to face ED as a habit…
A Quick-Fix Erectile Dysfunction Solution Is
Tempting But Has No Long-Term Effect
Look, I’m not going to say I went out and bought
or any other heavy-duty pill. Friends had tried these and said they did make them somewhat temporarily hard, but effects also included…
Headaches the next day…
Building up tolerance so more and more was needed for the same effect…
A lingering feeling of being out of control…
It didn’t have the sensations of a natural erection…
However, I
desperate… desperate enough to waste money on
$600 worth of nasal spray
which claimed to help guys get their erections back. The process of going for a consultation and buying the stuff was awkward and just plain unpleasant.
The first ‘doctor’ for the ‘pre-interview’ was a middle-aged lady who packed on the make-up and had a general feeling of circus-freaky with plastic surgery. It was a…
… high-pressure sales-pitch preying on my fear and insecurity.
She sent me in to see the next doctor who was trying to get me to sign up to the longest plan possible – 18 months it was, at a cost of over $3,000! I could feel that something was not right but I wanted to get past my erectile dysfunction.
The ‘doctor’ could see I was somewhat resistant so he got me on the phone with the ‘head doctor’ who I wasn’t even sure was in the same country.
In the end, I paid for 3 months worth of product which I couldn’t really afford, but… I was desperate.
$600 Of ‘Magic’ Nasal Spray Later…
I spent a few weeks following the directions to use the spray – 3 times a day plus 20 minutes before sex, which was completely unnatural and it…
… stripped the spontaneity of great sex.
More importantly, the product wasn’t making any noticeable difference. I was lucky I only spent $600 because, in place of getting some ‘el cheapos’ from Mexico, I could have
spent so much more
… Pills
… Pumps
… Vacuums
… Injections
… Implants
… and anything else that was being peddled on the market.
I wasn’t certain at the time but I suspected that each one of them actually…
… makes erectile dysfunction worse!
It wasn’t until later I discovered why – all quick-fix solutions are ignoring the root problem of a slowly declining libido. At the time, my mindset was still hoping that someone or something else could ‘fix’ me. What shook me out of this mindset was what I saw as a disaster… at the time.
Now I know it was a blessing in disguise.
A Different Kind Of
Erectile Dysfunction Horror Story
Ever wondered if (or how much!) your mates & guys in general don’t tell the whole truth about their sexual deeds and abilities? It’s natural for a guy to sugar-coat stories of his sexual escapades around friends, but…
… could you hack telling your buds you can’t get it up?
Well, after leaving a stash of “magic” nasal spray in my drawers, a couple of mates were over at my place and I had ducked out to pick up something. I was about 20 minutes away from the house by car when my phone rang.
My mates wanted some marijuana (a good friend of erectile dysfunction) I had left in my drawers right next to the nasal spray!
“Oh crap,” I thought, with
a sinking feeling of pure embarrassment and humiliation.
In some ways it was worse than with my partner – she was understanding and I didn’t feel any judgement from her… and it was between us. My thoughts were all over the place…
Would they give me shit?
Would they ask for details?
Would they treat me differently?
Would they tell every person they ran into?
All kinds of scenes were flashing before my eyes as…
… blood rushed to my head in the space of a second.
My only option was to be firm with them, “Don’t go in there – I’ll come back to the house.”
When I got back, they didn’t even ask – either they sensed my reasons were just private or they looked in my drawers, found the nasal spray and were too ‘weirded-out’ to bring it up.
To this day I still don’t know for sure, but the moment they were gone I went to my drawers, grabbed the “magic” nasal spray and threw it in the bin.  And it was right then, I made the
conscious decision to figure ED out
– naturally and for the long-term.
The 9 Conventional
‘Causes’ Of Erectile Dysfunction
The first thing I did was look for a possible cause of erectile dysfunction. I soon found out that there is as much conflicting information out there as there is amount of information.
I was able to condense all of it down into 9 broad groups:
‘Cause’ #1
– Aging…
many professionals dispute ‘chronic’ erectile dysfunction yet, at the same time, they can’t deny that a larger number of older men suffer ED than younger men.
Now does this mean it’s inevitable? Yes and no. The main reason more older guys suffer erectile dysfunction than younger guys is because the common negative habits that both adopt have had longer to intensify into a noticeable effect.
If you don’t address the habit, you will suffer erectile dysfunction.
‘Cause’ #
– Insufficient Blood Supply…
the main factor here is bad breathing habits, which can be dealt with using a largely unknown yet simple & effective method.
However, the poor circulation of blood is also due to blood-sugar levels, high blood pressure and high cholesterol level, which can be improved with diet and ridding the body of ‘stale’ oxygen (see below).
‘Cause’ #
– Medical Conditions…
diabetes and hypertension are the main two.
Anywhere between 35-50% of guys with diabetes suffer erectile dysfunction due to high blood-sugar levels and what can result is something called arteriosclerosis, which is the thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries.
Around 15% of men with high-blood pressure from hypertension suffer erectile dysfunction and some of the drugs used to treat it can make their ED worse.
‘Cause’ #
– Drugs…
these include pharmaceutical and recreational – also combining the two can make it worse like, for example, Viagra and Ecstasy.
Marijuana, while it’s natural and relaxes the body, will make your penis limp long-term. Just like heroine, cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, barbiturates and many others can feel good in the moment and seem like they increase libido, eventually they will take their toll.
‘Cause’ #
– Smoking and Alcohol
… cigarettes harm and hamper circulation and blood supply and contributes to hardening of the arteries, including those in the penis. Aside from the obvious lung cancer, they also increase disorders of the blood vessels, listed above.
Like other recreational drugs, alcohol can temporary relax you which may seem to help your erections but, long-term, it depresses your central nervous system and impairs your sexual function… “drinkers’ droop” has real long-term effect.
‘Cause’ #
– Hormonal Imbalances…
while testosterone doesn’t directly dictate libido levels (think of young boys who get erections yet have close to zero testosterone) it does affect dopamine levels which trigger the erection chain-of-command (see below).
After age 40-50, testosterone levels begin to decline until 70 years old where it’s about 30% of what it was. However, only about 5% of men who seek medical treatment for erectile dysfunction are testosterone deficient.
‘Cause’ #
– Prostate Cancer and Treatments…
up to 90% of men who undergo total removal of the prostate and about 75% of those who have had radiation treatment for prostate cancer experience erectile dysfunction afterward.
The problem is that advanced stages of prostate cancer often damage nerves needed for erectile function. Luckily, you can access a free solution to surgery and drug treatments below.
‘Cause’ #
– Physical Injuries…
damage to the spinal cord and/or pelvic area trauma, such as a pelvic fracture, can cause sufficient nerve damage that can result in impotence.
It’s not just an old wives tale that men with bad backs make bad lovers.
The mistake when you have any injury is to stop activity completely which just immobilizes the area and keeps it inactive, which eliminates any chance of recovery. Get out and do something – even if it’s just walking 2 miles a day.
‘Cause’ #
– Psychological…
stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, low self-esteem, fear of sexual failure represents 10-20% cases of impotence.
Are you in a high-stress job? Unemployed? Facing a crucial deadline? Putting in too many hours at work? Going through a major change in your life? All of these things can have a profound affect on sexual desire and performance.
With performance anxiety, your brain releases chemicals that constrict the smooth muscle of the penis and its arteries. This decreases blood-flow into the penis and, also, increases blood-flow out of the penis… this equals no erection.
Often if there is an existing physical problem, mental tension in whatever form will make it worse. And this
brings up the crux of the conflicting information on erectile dysfunction…
See, there is much debate about whether ED is due to physical or psychological causes or both.
But you don’t have lack of control of your penis and sexual libido because of some other problem… you have some other problem (or two) because you’ve gradually lost control of your penis and libido. After all…
… sexual energy is the most powerful and potent force available to man.
From a practical stand-point, it’s much more beneficial to simply understand how both psychological and physical
are connected within, and feed into, the same chain-of-command for erections…
There Are Only
4 Links
In The
Erection Chain-Of-Command
Yes, it’s true. Most men can trace their erectile dysfunction to one or more of these 4 phases…
(And don’t worry, you’ll see what to do about it in just a minute)
But anyway – here they are in their simplest form…
1. Brain -
the Limbic system, or the primitive brain, is what controls libido & orgasms and is all about survival… within what is called the Reward Circuit a chemical messenger called dopamine is released, which fires nerve impulses
2. Spinal Cord
– as nerve impulses are received from the brain, it fires its own down the spine
3. Spinal Nerves
– nerve impulses arrive and produce a chemical messenger, Nitric Oxide (NO), which activates another chemical called cGMP
4. Penis -
the release of cGMP causes blood vessels to dilate and the smooth muscle relaxes so your old boy can become engorged with blood and stand up!
And that’s it! It sounds a bit technical and maybe not all that practical, right?
The good news is you don’t need to fully understand all of it in minute detail. Heck, I don’t! Nor do you have to understand how all the conventional ’causes’ of erectile dysfunction fit into the chain-of-command, because there are conscious controls you can access that directly affect and…

these unconscious chemical processes
so you can maintain a natural erection.
I’m not just saying that either – you really will be able to see huge improvements in a short amount of time if you follow what you’re about to discover.
Mick That All Sounds Great,
But How Do I Fix It For
Well, listen up and I’ll explain everything…
Erectile Dysfunction is actually a very simple 3 step process.
Step 1 – Mental Framework…
believe it or not, there is a specific mental process of thoughts & intentions that have led you to approach a certain way of trying to get an erection. With a little guidance, you’ll learn how & why this has developed which will automatically set up a new path for stronger erections.
Step 2 – Blood-Oxygenation…
as I mentioned, understanding how you got to a point of erectile dysfunction will help you clear the way for a different approach. And once you understand it, you’ll know how to get rid of ‘stale’ reserves of oxygen to help
your penis with blood.
Step 3 – Physical Control…
lastly, there is one fundamental thing that will guarantee you sustain erectile dysfunction. If you know what it is, you can make the shift and reverse the mistake, and suddenly
erectile dysfunction is
under your control.
And a sequential combination of these 3 factors will help you
your erectile dysfunction to strengthen and prolong your erections.
Let me break down exactly how it plays out…
First, You Develop A Mental Framework…
Don’t worry, it’s
about learning pages and pages of scientific facts & data or memorizing anything.
There’s nothing mind-boggling about this at all. All you need to do is understand the subjective processes that have lead you – and which lead other men – to trigger erectile dysfunction. And once you do that, the future path becomes obvious.
“Those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.”
You see, whether you know it or not, most men are oblivious to their moment-to-moment sexual history. Even if you’re actively trying to ‘fix’ your erection problems, chances are you’re doing exactly the wrong thing.
Even worse, by doing things wrong, you’re actually speeding up the process of full-blown impotence. Imagine that – the whole time you’ve been trying to ‘fix’ things, you’ve actually been making things worse!
It’s important to understand that developing this framework isn’t at all difficult… it’s just that without it, your progress will completely halt…
… or worse yet, make you even less hard next time.
But don’t worry. I’ll reveal some powerful yet simple steps you’ll connect with in your own experience that will open up new sex triggers… and you’ll ‘get it’ automatically.
Next, Comes Blood-Oxygenation…
Every single day, all day, your body needs oxygen in the blood to keep itself going.
We are never getting enough – whether it’s for general well-being or for concentrating on a particular task. Most of the time though we don’t notice. But there is one measurable result of not getting enough blood that we do notice… and care about – erections.
And there are 2 factors which control blood-oxygenation for erections: Diet and breathing.
Don’t worry, I’m not going to suggest you go to the mountains, follow a raw-food diet and meditate like a yogi for 6 months.
However, did you know that…
Eating crappy foods gives your body a spike similar to and
in place of orgasms
Even if you practice deep-breathing exercises your body is
still not getting the oxygen it needs
Just in the same way that fatty foods clog up your arteries (including those in the penis) and restrict blood-flow, there are reserves of ‘stale’ oxygen restricting how much fresh oxygen you inhale with each breath.
I have never seen anybody teaching men with erectile dysfunction the perfectly safe, simple & easy way to rid the body of ‘stale’ oxygen –
even though it wakes up your libido and engorges your penis with blood.
Finally, It’s About Physical Control
The other 2 aspects for how to
erectile dysfunction can have great effects on their own, but the whole thing gets infinitely more powerful once you gain the physical control and direct awareness of how to connect everything to your
When it comes down to it,
all levels and degrees of erectile dysfunction are due to a lack of control.
It’s common to place blame on something else – like the conventional ’causes’ of erectile dysfunction above. But this is backward-thinking.
It’s worth repeating: You don’t have lack of control of your penis and sexual libido because of some other problem… you have some other problem because you’ve gradually lost control of your penis and libido. After all…
… sexual energy is the most powerful and potent force available to man (and woman).
What forces you to lose power and force of control is treating your penis as an island, separate from the rest of your body.
Don’t worry – this isn’t about some psycho-analytical development exercise. But there are certain things you can do that will seem to ‘connect’ your whole body with your groin. It’s almost…
… like a spider-web lighting up throughout your body.
See, right now your body is habituated into reacting a certain way when you masturbate, try to have sex or even when you just start
about a hot woman.
And the habit manifests primarily with your breath and muscles. Your brain and the rest of your body has become wired to adopt a posture, which fuels your erectile dysfunction.
But you can pretty easily re-wire it. You can refine it, and basically re-program yourself.
The most important thing is becoming aware of your current habit-pattern when you try to get hard. And this becomes easier once you approach physical control from the right angle.
Remember the 4 basic elements of the erection chain-of-command above? And remember the last phase when the chemical
cGMP causes blood vessels to dilate and the smooth muscle in the penis to
Difference between the ‘smooth muscle’ in a flaccid and rigid penis
Surely with this fact of what is
actually required
– a relaxed muscle – inside any man to gain a natural erection, you can draw a clue as to the kind of physical control needed to get and stay hard…
Bottom line, if you go about blindly exercising areas of your body you
will help to ‘strengthen’ your sexual prowess, there’s a better than good chance your enhanced muscle system will just make your erectile dysfunction
And That’s Why Most Erectile Dysfunction Treatments
After all is said and done, regardless of new insights and discoveries into the human body and how it works, down to the minutest detail, the only physical control most guys are left with – and what is usually offered as an erectile dysfunction treatment or solution by ‘experts’ is…
… tension mistaken for ‘strength’.
What are seen as ’causes’ of erectile dysfunction are actually
that stem from this lack of control extended over a prolonged period. And these ’causes’ operate within and manifest along the 4 basic elements in the erection chain-of-command which is…
… exemplified in the case of erectile dysfunction in young men.
See, the challenge young men with erectile dysfunction usually have is performance anxiety, stress, porn-addiction or some other relatively easy-to-overcome and short-term issue. And their physical situation hasn’t deteriorated to the point of full-blown impotence yet so…
… it’s easy for them to latch on to the quick-fix mentality.
However, in the long-term, this only makes their situation worse. But don’t just take my word for it…
‘The Erectile Dysfunction In Young Men Factor’
For Yourself
Watch this video to get a glimpse of how your erectile dysfunction has grown & developed with the example of
an erectile-dysfunction-accelerator
, commonly referred to as Kegel exercises…
^^^ FREE DEMO ^^^
Now, whether or not you practice Kegel exercises or have in the past, their effect of
tension mistaken for strength
is an extreme example of
what you and every guy experience as sexual energy being cut off…
and you lose your ability to maintain a natural erection.
Rock Hard Erection — The 7-Question Blueprint To
Erectile Dysfunction

Discover the root cause of where, when & how the spark of erectile dysfunction starts
Reverse the spiral-effect of erectile dysfunction getting worse & worse
Regain & maintain a naturally rock hard erection whenever you want
Whether Erectile Dysfunction is new to you, or you’ve been suffering for years & already arrived at full-blown impotence, this could be the very thing you need.
And yes, you can reverse the spiral-effect of erectile dysfunction.
By being lead through 7 simple questions that roll seamlessly on from one another your view of your erectile dysfunction will
make the necessary fundamental shift
for you to start having natural and sustained erections again.
Rest assured, The Blueprint is the real deal. It’s simple, it works, and yes, it can give you your life back.
Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll discover in The Blueprint:
How to affect real, long-term change with your erectile dysfunction by piercing through visualization (page 13)
Why & how your current erectile dysfunction is actually an advantage for your long-term sexual health and vitality (page 15)
How to allow blood-flow to rush back into your penis, like the seal of a dam being broken, with these two vital factors (page 20)
Avoid the ‘impotence fate’ by actually experiencing the root cause of erectile dysfunction – instead of just intellectually ‘understanding’ it (page 25)
How Marvine Gaye secretly sung about the downward spiral of erectile dysfunction (page 28)
The 1 fundamental factor that has made erectile dysfunction more widespread – and how most guys fatally ignore it (page 35)
Your in-built survival mechanism that, when ignored, actually fuels erectile dysfunction (page 36)
The fork in the ED-road that will either spiral you into depths of impotence or help you regain a natural erection (page 37)
How unknowingly disrupting the natural process of orgasm has lead to your erectile dysfunction (page 45-47)
Your ‘tipping-point’ of erectile dysfunction that spells the start of impotence (page 51)
How to pull yourself out of the ‘leading two lives’ reality of guys who suffer erectile dysfunction (page 54)
The precise reason why Kegel exercises are making your erectile dysfunction worse at an increasingly, explosive rate — and what else you can do (page 59)
How being a fighter reveals the secret for how to be a long-term lover (page 60)
The B.S. about “Use it or lose it” and what it really means for you and erectile dysfunction (page 61)
The #1 obstacle to overcoming erectile dysfunction (page 64)
How women can instantly spot a guy who suffers erectile dysfunction — and how to remedy yourself (page 66)
How to increase blood-circulation to your penis with the missing link to deep breathing that prevents most guys from getting enough oxygen to engorge the penis (page 71)
How to sustain the necessary ‘momentum’ once your sexual impulses start to fire again (page 78)
Your alternative to using will-power as a way to ‘fix’ erectile dysfunction (page 79)
How to increase your libido with your belly-button (page 87)
How to counter the ‘tensing legs’ effect of climax which adds to your erectile dysfunction (page 91)
How to light up the sexual energy in your body like a spider-web and bring hardness back to your penis (page 96)
How to make yourself harder by activating the spinal nerves that carry sexual impulses leading to your pecker (page 101)
How to ‘push down’ sexual feeling into your groin (page 106)
How to get your balls producing more semen instantly (page 110)
How to encourage your dick and balls to work together for a stronger erection (page 113)
What to do for your erectile dysfunction when you wake up of a morning (page 114)
How to stop your old boy retreating into a shell forever, like the recoil of a turtle’s head (page 116)
The link between premature ejaculation and impotence (page 125)
What do after you ejaculate to make sure your penis will be just as hard next time (page 128)
How to escape the ‘dating with erectile dysfunction’ trap (page 133)
What women really think when their guy has erection problems (page 135)
How to maintain the hardness you feel giving oral while you have sex (page 136)
The #1 pivotal word that keeps you trapped in your prison of erectile dysfunction (page 137)
How Hugh Hefner – the Playboy boss – can help you with your erectile dysfunction solutions (page 141)
How to instantly use the #1 obstacle of overcoming erectile dysfunction against itself to ‘pump’ blood into your groin and penis! (page 143)
…Plus much, much MORE!
I’ll Be Blunt: I Want You To Gain
Access To This Unique Information…
But Only Under Certain Conditions
Despite the fact that any guy who is exposed to the root cause of erectile dysfunction will be able to
it and regain & maintain a natural erection, The Blueprint is not for everyone.
It’s absolutely
Men who want someone else to ‘fix’ them
Men who want a pill, pump, cream or some other device to ‘fix’ them
Men who want to put a temporary band-aid on their erectile dysfunction
Men who want to cling to the same habits that got them to a point of erectile dysfunction in the first place
Men who aren’t prepared to let a fundamental shift take place in their sexual experience
Men who won’t take control of their sexual lives once and for all
But, here’s something else you should know…
For any outcome you want, there is a certain way of thinking and
acting that will get it for you. You just have to find that way of
thinking and acting, and then be willing to adopt it.
The Rock Hard Erection Blueprint
In More Detail…
Let’s be clear on the meaning of
, particularly in terms of overcoming your erectile dysfunction:
a detailed plan or program of action
So you can regain & maintain a naturally rock hard erection as quickly as possible, here is the contents’ page with each of the chapter headings including
the 7 questions that seamlessly guide you into the mental framework to
erectile dysfunction
, allowing you to
oxygenate your blood-levels properly
gain the necessary physical control.
Chapter 1 – Natural Process For Erectile Dysfunction
Believe it or not, you will start to open to the idea that
your erectile dysfunction is an advantage
that will actually improve your erections and sexual health, in the long-term.
Question 1: What Is Erectile Dysfunction?
It might seem like this has an obvious answer like,
“I know what ED bloody well is – I suffer it every day.”
However, a usable definition stems from understanding both ends of the ED spectrum – impotence and premature ejaculation – and how they stem from the same root, even though they seem like polar opposites.
With the wise statement,
awareness, in and of itself, is transformative
, the artificial line between mental & physical impulses that contribute to erectile dysfunction will begin to grey in your own mind so you can start making practical changes.
Chapter 2 – The Cause Of Erectile Dysfunction
The entire spectrum of known experience for males and their sexuality, including the 4 broad groups, sets you off to
see how erectile dysfunction stems from the same feeling
as does, say, multiple orgasm.
The only difference is how you have reacted and habituated a certain response to that feeling.
Question 2: Where, When & How Does Erectile Dysfunction Start?
I offer a hypothetical story that any man can relate to in the midst of their sexual peak,
revealing the
you couldn’t satisfy
. Along with this, the difference between moving
and moving
a particular feeling becomes clear.
You will be lead to easily and automatically recollect the precise moment your erectile dysfunction was sparked.
Chapter 3 – Signs Of Erectile Dysfunction
In the life of a man, here is where most start to feel some negative changes with their erections and libido — erectile dysfunction has peeped its head out from where it was sparked and since been growing gradually.
Question 3: How Does Erectile Dysfunction Develop Further?
The average guy would now either see a doctor or do some of his own research trying to connect with a conventional
’cause’ of erectile dysfunction
, usually opting for a quick-fix solution like Viagra, not knowing his approach to remedy ED is backward.
Starting with the age-old phrase of
men think about sex every 7 seconds,
you’ll discover the difference between guys who don’t seem to ever have problems with their dick and those who start to go limp.
With this, you bridge the gap between your current situation of erectile dysfunction – to whatever degree – and the past when you had ‘no problems’ with your erections and sex life.
Chapter 4 – Erectile Dysfunction In Young Men
By expanding on the demonstration video above and  by going into much more detail, you see the real effect of believing your penis is an island, separate from the rest of your body.
You will understand that
if you truly knew this already
at a bodily-experiential level, instead of a theory or just an idea, you wouldn’t now be faced with your erectile dysfunction.
Question 4: What Is The Effect Of This Sustained Impulse?
From a sustained impulse to move away from the feeling you had when your erectile dysfunction was sparked, you will see how your perception of orgasm has become distorted.
Most men become oblivious to the difference between orgasm, climax and ejaculation which
confuses and contorts their bodies
. Even guys who can have multiple orgasms are leading themselves into erectile dysfunction.
you will know the specific reason
why the harder you try, the worse your erectile dysfunction gets.
Chapter 5 – The Natural Erectile Dysfunction Cure
When someone speaks of a ‘cure’ for erectile dysfunction, what usually comes to mind is a ‘magic’ pill – either real or metaphorical.
The mistake is looking for an answer outside of yourself.
All it takes, once you understand the processes going on inside of yourself, is a little tweaking. You become conscious of what you were unconsciously doing and you can start to change automatically.
Question 5:  What To Do For Erectile Dysfunction Now?
Here we get into specific details about what to focus your attention on – in the moment – and
what you should actually be doing physically
. Your blood-oxygenation levels will reset as your body learns to soak up fresh, new oxygen to dilate the arteries – including those in the penis.
There are 3 angles of attack, on top of which also includes dealing with the resistance of a lingering feeling that will try to stop you as you consciously
your erectile dysfunction.
Chapter 6 – Erectile Dysfunction Treatments 2.0
With the groundwork set to regain physical control and the chance for a complete reversal of the erectile dysfunction spiral, you must
build the necessary momentum
to continue the
of your erectile dysfunction.
Question 6: What Can Encourage This New Discovery Further?
Here, you have a 10-15 minute session to perform daily (no, it’s not a masturbation technique) that will re-balance your sexual energy and
compel your dick to get hard
This is an all-inclusive regime to fully ‘wake up’ what has gone to sleep in your whole body, rather than just pounding away at your penis hoping it will rise up.
Your attention moves deeper within to
aid in the
of that lingering feeling of the root cause of erectile dysfunction, bringing together blood-oxygenation levels and physical control.
Chapter 7 – Beyond Erectile Dysfunction Therapy
With your perception of erectile dysfunction at a whole new level, you’ll understand the difference between using willpower to ‘beat it’ and having the willingness to be open to
it naturally.
Question 7: What Lies Beyond Erectile Dysfunction?
Here, the option to expand and maximize your sexual experience will be natural, including getting past the dreaded
dating with erectile dysfunction
and/or talking with your partner about ED.
Preconceptions, expectations and resistance to changing your situation will cease to have control over you once you stop ignoring the truth about erectile dysfunction, like most men do – including doctors and the like.
You’ll also have a clearer view of the type of guys who have or will have erectile dysfunction later in life, including
they will and what they do that is so obvious to cover up their problem.
I’ll admit: At this stage you might be feeling overwhelmed or shocked at how much your view of erectile dysfunction changes. I don’t hold anything back which you may or may not like when you first hear it.
However, you need to hear this and you will be
thankful once you start feeling the changes.
Think About This…
If this is starting to sound like the exact thing you want…  that’s because it probably is…
Imagine downloading The Blueprint right now
and totally transforming yourself where you don’t need anymore erectile dysfunction therapy!
Imagine totally understanding your current situation…
your erectile dysfunction was sparked… knowing how it grew and developed into the problem you experience today… and knowing exactly what to do to reverse the erectile dysfunction spiral!
Imagine being able to please your partner girlfriend or wife – and yourself – with passionate sex that brings you closer together…
Imagine looking into her eyes knowing that she’s looking back at you with a genuine smile…
Imagine being able to face every woman you come across without shame, embarrassment or humiliation…
… even if you don’t want to sleep with every woman you meet, imagine having the confidence to look her in the eye without flinching…
… and
without having that nagging voice in the back of your head
chipping away at your self-esteem.
You see, the real beauty of this Blueprint is that it creates a fundamental shift.
…because it doesn’t rely on anything outside of yourself for a temporary quick-fix.
The Blueprint will totally change how you see what you have experienced and what you now see happening in your sex life.
Let me tell you, with knowledge like this,
you’re days of struggling to maintain an erection are over
But that’s only half the problem, in most cases. You know, just as I did, that erectile dysfunction causes a lot of difficulty in other areas of your life too, doesn’t it?
When I was stuck in the spiral of erectile dysfunction, I was nervous, anxious and filled with fear — my general confidence was shot. I was so self-conscious about what I couldn’t do in the bedroom that it spilled over into all my interactions with every person I met.
Once I learned how to
what was fueling my erectile dysfunction I just became a more relaxed guy.
You know the signs of erectile dysfunction… but don’t worry – those days are coming to an end because I’m revealing everything in The Blueprint.
You will become totally relaxed with whoever you’re with
, moment to moment, as you
erectile dysfunction.
Let me tell you a little story that I think you’ll relate to…
Become An Erectile Dysfunction ‘Assassin’
Do you know the origin of the term ‘assassin’?
would take young men and feed them this mixture of hashish and cannabis. They put the young men in a garden and, at first, the guys would be kind of zonked.
Eventually, the young men would fall asleep and when they woke they’d still be kind of zonked. However, in reality…
… there would now be all these beautiful girls and great food around them.
After a while, they would fall asleep again. At this point, the bosses who had supplied all the girls and food would yank them out of the garden. When the young men would wake up, they would say to them, “Okay – you want to get back in that garden? We need you to do a few things for us!”
Now, whether this is true or not – maybe it’s a myth… but that’s what erectile dysfunction feels like… as if you’ve been ripped out of a garden where you could stay hard and be able to perform for sex whenever you want…
… then it’s as if you’re in a completely different world
where things downstairs just don’t happen.
I’m not sure whether most guys would kill to get their libido and erections back. And I’m not suggesting you do!
However, this story shows the power of losing a certain sexual experience, whether that’s sex with beautiful naked women in a garden-of-Eden style setting or just being able to stay hard whenever you want with your partner.
And it shows that men will doing anything to recapture that feeling.
What I am suggesting is you become an ‘assassin’ of your erectile dysfunction…
The way you ‘kill’ your erectile dysfunction is by building the mental framework to understand how you got where you are, oxygenating your blood levels back to natural levels and regaining the physical control of

Mick, I Need This In My Life…
But How Much Is It Going To Cost Me?
If you’re suffering from any degree of erectile dysfunction at all, you’ve probably realized how much The Blueprint can help you.
So do me a favor and think about that for a second…
Instead of worrying about how much it costs…
…which, by the way, is nothing like you are thinking, I promise
…think about how much something like this could
your life.
Really picture it.
Imagine your life without the shame, humiliation… and fear.
All embarrassment is gone. You’re no longer avoiding getting intimate with people. You’re no longer lashing out in anger at people you love because of your inadequacies.
In fact, you welcome intimacy and it spreads to the rest of your life by boosting your confidence.
After all, sex is natural and ingrained in all of us – it’s not something you should feel guilty about or dread.
And that’s how things will be – natural, once you digest this approach of
Now, there’s a price to pay to make these changes. I’m not talking about a monetary price here (although there is a small one…)
I’m talking about the price of making the choice to change. You might look at this and feel discouraged, which of course would be focusing on the aspect of what you don’t want.
Remember you’re already paying a price for not changing …
…and only you can evaluate these two prices and decide which one you want to pay.
Personally, I’d choose paying the price of change because it’s smaller than the price of staying the same. And it only takes a limited time to pay it. Whereas, you’ll be paying the price of staying the same for the rest of your life.
Or, you’ll keep paying for quick solutions which don’t work
will take you into the thousands of dollars…
When I made the decision to figure ED out, for the long-term, I would have jumped at the chance to know what I know now. I would have saved so much time and money…
… not to mention heartache and depression.
Still, even though I had to figure it all out the hard way, which was well worth my effort and attention, to have someone spell out what my problem was – exactly… and what to do about it… including all possible angles of attack to fully
erectile dysfunction… I would have given my left nut!
Actually, if someone had come along with a guaranteed erectile dysfunction solution, I would have paid up to a thousand bucks and possibly more.
But I’m not going to ask you for a thousand dollars here… not even half that.
In fact, I’m not even going to ask for hundreds…
60-Day No-Risk Unconditional 100% Money-Back Guarantee:
I am utterly convinced that The Blueprint will work for you…
So I’m willing to take all the risk here and make sure this is a complete no-brainer purchase for you.
If you go ahead and order this right now, you get 60 days to try it out – risk free…
So you can download it, and find out for yourself that what I’m saying is true
Discover the process of how erectile dysfunction comes about, learn & apply the information, and make the necessary changes in your life. Watch it work for yourself. Experience the satisfaction of knowing you can regain & maintain a naturally rock hard erection.
And at any point during that time you’re not happy with what I’m revealing to you, you get every last cent back, no questions asked.
So if it doesn’t work for you…
If you don’t feel the results you want…
Or if you just don’t like it, for whatever reason…
You still get your money back.
And don’t worry, this isn’t one of those guarantees where I grill you over why you want a refund or where I ask you to prove you actually tried what I suggest.
No way.
Mate, I don’t care if you don’t even try it.
This guarantee is for real, and there’s no questions asked. So if you want your money back, you got it.
I’ll give you a thumbs up, a friendly virtual smile, and send you on your way.
You see, I know for a fact that this will totally reverse the doom & gloom mindset of your erectile dysfunction, completely changing the way you feel about your sex life…
So I have no problem
spoon-feeding you a rock-solid guarantee like this.
Take advantage of me right now, and try out the Rock Hard Erection Blueprint for yourself.
Mick Holmes
This Is What You Get…
The 7-Question Blueprint To
Erectile Dysfunction is the main program. Everything you need to fully understand the spark of where, when & how erectile dysfunction starts in all men is covered here.
You’ll learn about the process of
how ED develops slowly and unconsciously…
and by becoming aware of this, you’ll discover how to reverse or
that ongoing process.
You’ll also learn specific techniques, with photos included (no kinky stuff), to encourage the continued and permanent
of erectile dysfunction to prevent it creeping back into your life down the track.
After reading The Blueprint, you’ll know how to end erectile dysfunction
once and for all
It’s very easy to comprehend and use the information laid out here. It’s designed to work for any man with whatever degree of erectile dysfunction he suffers. It will work for the older guy bordering on full-blown impotence and it will work for the young man coming out of his teens who can feel that he is losing control.
Don’t worry, I won’t bore you with endless statistics or scientific data filling over 300 pages. The Blueprint is relatively short and shouldn’t take any more than an hour or two to finish.
: “Hypnotically Release Erectile Dysfunction”
Audio Session
Who would have thought that it would be enjoyable to
erectile dysfunction?
Discover for yourself exactly what it feels like to
unleash the unconscious controls in your body & mind
which are currently being held captive by your fear, stress & anxiety.
An invaluable tool to reduce stress-levels and
erectile dysfunction, this is a
27-minute custom-recording created by Dr. X
who has
successfully worked with sufferers of ED for over 25 years.
You will be amazed at
your stress-levels lowering within a few days
to weeks just by lying back and chilling out.
The beauty of this recording is it has been designed to work seamlessly together with the
principles outlined in the Rock Hard Erection Blueprint. So in a short time, the
blood-cells in your penis will begin to expand and fill with blood naturally
Whenever you’re being intimate with a woman, simply letting yourself ease into the state produced by this audio will initiate the
needed to
gain & maintain a rock hard erection
: “Foods That Starve Erectile Dysfunction”
Give nothing for your erectile dysfunction to feed off.
How? Easy – by eating certain foods and not eating others you can literally…
… starve your erectile dysfunction to death!
You can eliminate the foods that act as a substitute for orgasms and, by doing so, encourage natural erections.
Yes, you read that right!…
There are foods that you are eating which act as a substitute for the orgasms you should naturally be having – but aren’t…
… even if you’re not FAT.
The moment this became apparent to me was shortly after I discovered the fool-proof secret to know when a woman is faking an orgasm and when she is actually getting off.
Once you discover this for yourself,
your desire to improve your diet – to improve your erections – will acquire a laser-focus…
because you will know it directly makes a difference.
With only 5 basic rules to follow and with a simple selection of foods to mix and match, changing your diet for the better will be effortless…
In the eBook, you’ll discover:
Exactly which foods you personally are eating that feed your erectile dysfunction
What you can eat that will have the biggest impact on releasing your erectile dysfunction
How to lose weight like nothing else to increase blood-circulation throughout your whole body, including your penis!
How you can actually eat whatever you want and however much of what you want at intervals and still starve your erectile dysfunction!
The one food that makes your cum sweeter for her!
The 1 vegetable that will help you regain & maintain a natural erection!
You’ll also discover the three reasons why most people can’t seem to make meaningful changes to their diet. Yes, including how…

most men don’t believe it actually makes a difference – it does!
Most importantly, you and your partner (or your partner/s to be) will start connecting like never before, where you both enjoy satisfying each other in bed.
: Priority 1- on -1 Email Support —
The program is very easy to follow and like the vast majority of people, you probably won’t need any help. But if you do, you get
unlimited access to the Feedback section where I answer emails personally
you receive priority attention
to any questions you may have.
Your success is my personal responsibility.
No crappy ‘support tickets’ or waiting times, just direct, 1-on-1 access to me with a
response in less than 48 hours
Take advantage of this offer while it’s available – when I feel numbers are getting too high I will cease offering personal support…
: Private Members’ Content
Sex Triggers

Where Happiness Is A Warm Gun!
It’s about
personal power
and taking responsibility
rather than being a victim
by giving up your opportunity to be in charge of what you create in life and concluding that someone or something outside of you is the cause of how you feel, your present state.
Regardless of the
triggers that fire your Erectile Dysfunction
– whether it’s people, situations or events –
create the response. And this gives you power to change because
have control.
What happens in your life, inside and out, comes from you, either consciously or from running on auto-pilot. Your
Erectile Dysfunction is a result of running on auto-pilot
Your job is to learn how to respond to the triggers –
the most important one being the sensations and feelings you experience within your body
– to create your life, consciously and intentionally.
“R.E.D. Sex Triggers Silver Membership”
will help you
create the conscious awareness you need
to do this.
You get
exclusive access
to any updates to all of these keys to unlock and
erectile dysfunction. All you have to do is login to the members’ area with your unique username and password!
You’ll receive
more than two months worth of Support Follow-up letters
with advanced tips, exclusive reports and other great bonuses NOT available anywhere else.
Here Is The
How Much Is Sexual Freedom
orth To
Okay, I promised a great price for this, and I wasn’t kidding.
This is truly a life-changing product, so you may be thinking that you’re looking at a life-changing price, but you’re really not.
If you go ahead and invest in this right now, this moment, you can get it for just $49.
$49 to solve your erectile dysfunction problems starting right now for the long-term is really a no-brainer… go for it before the price increases…
Getting your copy of the breakthrough Rock Hard Erection Blueprint is a fast and easy process. You can get it any time of the day or week, and nothing on your bank statement will show as ‘Rock Hard Erection’ or other identifiable terms with erectile dysfunction. For your
, the charge on your statement will show only as ‘Clickbank’. Clickbank is our product vendor and a trusted leader in selling digital products
“Rock Hard Erection: The 7-Question Blueprint To
Erectile Dysfunction”
“Foods That Starve Erectile Dysfunction”
“Hypnotically Release Erectile Dysfunction”
Audio Session
Priority 1-on-1 Email Support
Lifetime “R.E.D. Sex Triggers Silver Membership”
including FREE Support Follow-up Letters and Updates
Today Only $49!
Look, let’s be straight with each other here…
$49 for this is nothing. After all, what else would you do with a small amount of cash like that?
What else
you do with it?
Buy a new shirt?
Go out on half a date?
Drink some beers with your mates and pretend that there’s nothing eating away at you?
Yeah, you could do any of these things and more, but you know what? Once you’re done you’ll be in the same situation you are now – with the horrible and embarrassing case of Erectile Dysfunction. You’ll still feel like you’ll never be a real man again.
But if you go ahead and order right now all that will end… forever.
So, what would you rather?
Waste fifty bucks on a passing moment, or invest it on something that’ s going to make you feel better for the rest of your life.
This really is a unique deal… after all, once you’ve digested the Blueprint, next time you meet a woman you’re attracted to there won’t be that shadow in your eye that you’re wasting your time – instead, you’ll look into her eyes with no anxiety.
The whole thing will be a blast… just like it should be.
So order now and start to
erectile dysfunction tonight:
“Rock Hard Erection: The 7-Question Blueprint To
Erectile Dysfunction”
“Foods That Starve Erectile Dysfunction”
“Hypnotically Release Erectile Dysfunction”
Audio Session
Priority 1-on-1 Email Support
Lifetime “R.E.D. Sex Triggers Silver Membership”
including FREE Support Follow-up Letters and Updates
Today Only $49!
If You Read Nothing Else,
Read This

If you don’t become crystal clear about
root cause of your erectile dysfunction
was sparked you will
forever be playing catchup with your failed erection.
If you don’t learn from your history, you are doomed to repeat it… at an ever-increasing rate.
If you don’t understand what it is exactly that has lead you to your current situation, you will never be free of it.
Recently, I was asked:
“Mick, what makes your program unique?”
And it’s simple – I reveal to you the
root cause of your erectile dysfunction
. I’m talking about
a specific moment
that is the same for every man… the effect of it just gets noticed at different times for different guys with varying degrees.
But the start point is always the same.
The effect of knowing this will
compel you to alter
how you respond
to sexual impulses and sensations in your body.
How much longer are you willing to wait before you discover this for yourself?
How much longer are you willing to try harder and harder as your erections get softer and softer?
How will you feel if you never sort your erectile dysfunction out?
On the other hand…
how will you feel when you reverse the spiral-effect of your erectile dysfunction and start having naturally rock hard erections again?
There is
only one way to find out
– invest in your future now:
“Rock Hard Erection: The 7-Question Blueprint To
Erectile Dysfunction”
“Foods That Starve Erectile Dysfunction”
“Hypnotically Release Erectile Dysfunction”
Audio Session
Priority 1-on-1 Email Support
Lifetime “R.E.D. Sex Triggers Silver Membership”
including FREE Support Follow-up Letters and Updates
Today Only $49!
What If You
Buy It?
You’ve probably already experienced what it’s like for your ‘dysfunction’ to destroy a relationship.
Do you want this to be bugging you for the rest of your life?
Because without this Blueprint and the
it brings, it’s unlikely to disappear. So your partners are always going to be disappointed thinking, “He’s great, but if only…” which will leave you in despair.
But as time passes the spiral you’re currently in will go deeper and deeper, and your situation will get worse and worse… until you have zero confidence and you struggle to find anyone, not being able to even open up to possibly meeting someone because they might laugh or make fun of you.
It will probably get to a point where it’s so bad, you can’t even look people in the eye without fear of them ‘knowing’.
Unless you want to end up like that, hit the order button right now.
I’m waiting for you, and I’m going to show you how to
erectile dysfunction, for good.
To your sexual
Mick Holmes
P.S. The definition of insanity
is doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting different results.
Remember, regardless of the
triggers that fire your Erectile Dysfunction
– the biggest one being the sensations and feelings within your body –
create the response. And this gives you power to change because
have control.
 You really are standing at a fork in the road – the path you choose and where it leads is completely up to you. But think about this…
you’ve struggled long and hard
(well, actually it’s been
with your Erectile Dysfunction, and right now you’re just moments from reversing the nightmarish spiral…
Yes! I Want Instant Access To
The Rock Hard Erection Blueprint!
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Copyright 2011 ReleaseErectileDysfunction.comRead more detail

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