Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Red Green Or Somewhere In Between

Red Green Or Somewhere In Between

How to Attract
How to Attract a Long Term Loving Relationship
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Are You Red or Green?
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Somewhere in Between...
Have you ever thought that you would never find Mr or Mrs Right?
That the pain was too much last time, and that you didn’t want to risk it all, and put yourself out there again?
Or perhaps you decided you were comfortable with things, and that the risks associated with change meant you would not bother?
Well just over four years ago I felt exactly the same way, that my life was not worth living such was the extent of my broken heart. I was devastated that the girl I thought I was going to marry, had actually gone overseas with her ex, just six months after spending an amazing round the world trip with me.
Yet as I write this today, just six weeks after my wedding with the REAL true love of my life, I want to tell you that it has all been worth it. That the person you seek really does exist, if you are prepared to open your mind and realize the truth.
You see the good news is that everything you have ever wanted in life, in personal relationships does exist, and it’s within you right now. In fact it’s been there waiting inside you all along.
And it is my sincere, and utter hope, that real long term unconditional love finally finds you. And I really believe it can, as long as you are prepared to answer one question.
And it’s a question so important, it goes to the entire purpose of your life. And the question is…
"Who am I, and what made me think the way I do?"
Hello old friend, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mark Murphy, and I want to share a very important secret with you. You see for nearly 25 years I was in a mostly unhappy long term relationship. And when I finally found the courage to make a change, I made the biggest mistake of all.
What did I do?
I did what everyone always says you should not do. I went straight back into a new relationship and crashed through the floor when it ended 18 months later. Sound familiar?
The fact is, I did what millions did before me, and no doubt millions will again. I went straight back into a new relationship without knowing who I truly was. Sure I fell in love and it was great, yet it was doomed from the start once the
"honeymoon period"
in the relationship moved into the
"reality stage"
The fact was I had NOT done the work on myself. I didn’t know then that it was the ‘thoughts’ I was unknowingly dragging into these relationships that were causing my relationships to fail.
I certainly was not ‘self aware’ enough to know if these subliminal thoughts were in fact mine, or those inherited from other people in my life. I realized I had no ‘self check button’ and would blurt things out without really thinking. I would hurt the people I loved and when things didn’t work out, I would seek solace in alcohol to eliminate the pain.
And so I began to think very deeply and started to ask why the universe was throwing me all of this pain. The more I thought about it I realized it was me, and the way I thought that was the cause of the problem. And when I delved deeper, through some serious counseling over a few years, I came to realize I was thinking thoughts that were not really mine.
You see I was not living my truth, and because I had self esteem issues, I felt I had to please so many other people. And the way I did that was to largely conform to their thought patterns. I adopted someone else’s value systems, without really knowing those value systems were flawed. Not only that, they were not in tune with my pure internal source energy and feelings.
It was such a disconnect I became to I realize as I went through my epiphany. This gap, between my true self and my ego were the reason I was unhappy. And inadvertently I was dragging this unhappiness into every relationship.
Fortunately I knew enough about the Universal Laws of Attraction, where Like Attracts Like. And so from there, I simply put two and two together and realized from this unhappy state, I could only every attract unhappy people as well.
And so it was at this life changing time that I created the concept of Red, Green or Somewhere in between - and it changed my life!
What is
Somewhere in Between?
So after this deep seated time of inward thinking, I came to the conclusion that there were basically three types of people in life.
Firstly there were
people who were largely living a lie, a falsehood. They had invented a story about who they are, largely to protect their ego, for they are the arrogant ones, who are simply never wrong. With a scratch the surface anger, no self check button and self esteem issues
s in simple terms are TAKERS. And most importantly they have not TAKEN the time to reconcile their past.
had never taken the time to answer the only question we are sent here to truly answer. One question that should be every persons only goal in life. And the question is
"Who am I, and more importantly, who made me think the way I do?"
What is my true source energy, what are the things that make me feel good. Am I living my life so that I am connected to my inner core spirit, the things that make me feel great? Or am I tip toeing around people on egg shells because I am too scared I set off their scratch the surface anger?
Am I afraid to
"shift my thinking"
and create a new world for myself. Or to use a more dramatic example have you ever wondered why people blow up innocent bystanders based on a religious interpretation of something they really had no input into. Surely no one can feel good when they do these things. These people are brainwashed arrogant
people, and all of the pain in the world comes from these people who have not learned to think for themselves. And similarly, all of the pain in relationships comes from
people and the way they think.
So to get my idea across, using a river as an analogy, I decided that these
were destined to live in the painful, turbulent
rapids upstream. A place that is never peaceful, where the rough and tumble of their unreconciled thoughts throws them in every direction but where they want to go.
And further, based on the universal
Laws of Attraction
, where it has been proven countless times that
Like attracts Like
, then the only possible person they could attract to them must be
! People in the
billabongs of peace downstream would not have a bar of them!
And when I thought about why my relationships had failed, it was largely because I was a
attracting another
, and we never had a chance from the start.
My relationships were a falsehood, and as soon as
"honeymoon phase ended"
and the
"reality stage"
kicked in, my old faithful
habits were certain to passively and aggressively destroy them.
And so the more I thought deeply about this, I became convinced there must be another end to this stick, and of course there was, it was the land of the noble
The beautiful, loving, caring
souls who swam in peace, in the tranquil
billabongs at the other end of the river. Billabongs full of forgiveness, unconditional love, reconciled pasts and happiness. And if it was going to take me a lifetime I was going to make it to this place. For I knew deep in my heart, to attract my beautiful
soul mate, I indeed had no other choice but to become
person myself.
Common Mistakes People Make...
I now know that the reason the two critical relationships I was involved in had failed was because in both cases, I was out and out
. And the only other colour I could possibly attract, based on the universal Laws of Attraction where ‘Like attracts Like,’ was in fact
So in order to attract a
loving partner I had to become GREEN myself. I knew that by the same universal laws,
could only ever attract one other colour, and that of course is
! I now am proud to say I am a member of the
people who reside in the
billabongs of peace, rather than upstream where the turbulent
rapids of pain hurt people every day. It is my real hope that more and more people become
and join the millions of other happy people in relationships the world over.
So Are You
Somewhere In Between?
In my new book
“Red, Green or Somewhere in Between”
I have developed a 100 point test, so you can determine what colour you are right now. And I sincerely hope it may just be the catalyst, to help you assess where you want to go, or at least make you think before you jump headlong into another potentially doomed relationship.
The book you see, is a road map, that I believe can turn anyone from
, and end all of the pain in their life. To help people understand that so many of the thoughts they think are not actually theirs, that they have probably inherited them often from the
people closest to them.
Preconditioned, inherited value systems, often based on culture, religion, family traditions that are causing them, and others, a world of hurt. And all of this can go away if they followed the ideas I have put forward, BEFORE they enter their next new relationship. You see we were ALL born
, the question is who and what made you think the
thoughts you have inside you?
How to get started finding your long term loving relationship...
What price would you put on eternal bliss and happiness. I can tell you that in my search for it, I lost nearly everything I had. That is what it cost me, however if you buy my book I guarantee that it will cost you a whole lot less.
It is my sincere hope that you realize that life is simply too short to have it filled with pain, loneliness and fear. Everything you need to know to attract a warm, sensitive, kind, honest, loving and forgiving soul mate resides in the pages of
Red Green or Somewhere in Between.
And so for the small price of $24.95 I will send you the full unedited version. As a bonus I will include the Colour Test (Valued at $19.95) for free.
I truly believe my book can help you find that loving relationship I know you desire and deserve... And so my promise to you is this:
Take 60 days to read, learn and apply what you learn in
Red, Green or Somewhere in Between
and if you're not happy, or it doesn't live up to your expectations then the book (and the bonus colour test) is yours for free. Just let me know and I'll promptly refund your money. Is that fair?

Red, Green or Somewhere in Between
is delivered to you in *.pdf format so you can start reading it immediately on your computer, tablet or mobile device. You'll need 2Mb of available space.
Click the button below to order through our secure server at Clickbank. You will receive my book immediately upon completion of purchase. Just $24.95 and it includes the colour test (valued at 19.95) free.
"If you are in the business of changing your life then you must read it."
“In a crowded marketplace of self development and learning books Red Green sets itself apart as a
simple, realistic and
clear path to emotional freedom
It takes courage to change course in life.
This book can set you on a pathway to emotional freedom where you are free to love unconditionally
, leave judgment at the front gate and more importantly open up on whole new world and a new and real way to love, communicate and interact with everyone in your life. If you are in the business of changing your life then you must read it.”
- Floyd Nangreave - Melbourne, Australia
"A very powerful life enriching tool..."
The book is relevant to us all as I believe we all have at least a bit of “redness” in us that needs to be eradicated. Everybody has issues and it is amazing the number of people out there that think they do not need fixing - I guess it’s a matter of degrees. The method you espouse in the book leads to creating possibilities that can be achieved through following the road map which is a very powerful life enriching tool to gain access to."
- Glen Rodgers
Melbourne, Australia
"Form meaningful relationships..."
"Congratulations Mark on not only penning such a deeply personal journey, but one that can inspire others to challenge their own perceptions of what it takes to truly relate to those around us and form meaningful relationships.
Whether we be red, green or somewhere in between may we all be fortunate enough to find happiness, such as you have. A great read and a good on you for having the confidence to put it out there!"
- Annette Maloney
Yes I am doing this to sell books, make some money and send my kids through school and I make no apology for that. But far more importantly I want to turn the world
for my children, and children the world over. To quote a bit of John Lennon,
"I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will live as one"
If the world started without a plan, with a pain lineage that goes back to the dark ages, it is my sincere hope that you can help me turn the planet
. And in the process find everything you want as you surround yourself with the most beautiful, kind and compassionate people on the planet.
Your friend,
P.S. I know I can help you, but you must be willing to do the work on yourself to get the relationship you truly desire. My book shows you the path you've been missing, and the steps you've been stumbling over so you CAN find that relationship you so badly want. Remember the 100 point colour test is included free for the first 100 people to claim their copy.
Content copyright
. REDGREENORSOMEWHEREINBETWEEN.COM. All rights reserved.Read more detail

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