Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

Web 2.0 Joint Ventures

Web 2.0 Joint Ventures

Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets Exposed System
: Learn how to create
strategic alliances and joint ventures
that bring business to your door automatically. Brand new marketing strategies allows you to now create
's and even
money-making deals
... and then
repeat the process all over again on autopilot!
Download INSTANTLY...
Get ready to discover...
How to leverage an
and make it
your personal ATM
How to "be there first" and
WIPE-OUT your competition
How to create
with extremely low startup-costs.
How to
JV with the "Big Guns"
even if you're a
newbie with ZERO experience
How to be
treated like an EXPERT
in your field.
How to be a
... then laugh while the gurus eat your dust.
And much,
MUCH more!
hether you're an
advanced marketer
or a
total newbie
... this
step-by-step breakthrough marketing method can make you
serious money.
Why is this time-sensitive information? It's simple. Not too long ago word starting getting around about Web 2.0 and social marketing. Well, you may or may not know about the staggering marketing opportunities found in social networking web properties. If you are aware of them,
you still may not know exactly how to effectively and profitably harness that power
But first... imagine it's 1995 and you foresee the dot com revolution creating millionaires and a few billionaires all over the globe for the next 5 years. Would you take advantage of it?
Of course you would!
With that kind of information, you'd become a multi-millionaire in a VERY short amount of time.
And now...? Fast-forward to 2010... and it's happening again! You're at the brink of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Amazing as it sounds, the vast majority are STILL unaware of its full power. You can stop imagining because it IS happening right now. And the name of this phenomenon is
Web 2.0
social media marketing
But there's a catch... knowing about it and knowing how to profit from it are two
different things. If you're NOT exploiting Web 2.0 for what it's worth, you are literally throwing money out the window.
This is where my
Web 2.0 Joint Venture System
comes in. My system is
the ONLY method ANYWHERE
specifically designed to
EXPLOIT the NEW rules for Joint Venture marketing that Web 2.0 has created
And I can teach literally anyone
(newbies included)
how to do this. Not only that... but you'll start seeing results almost immediately as soon as you take action. I call this a no-fail marketing system. Yes, you read that right.
, because if you follow the step-by-step instructions in my course
you simply CANNOT fail to close a JV deal and make MORE money
As a matter of fact,
my JV system includes a "magic", almost automatic blueprint that virtually makes people say "YES!" to your proposal 100% of the time
Sound too good to be true? It's not. Keep reading to see why for yourself...
From: Val Popescu
Wednesday, 10:28 A.M.
Dear Joint Venture Seeker,
If you're like me, you've tried EVERYTHING in your marketing efforts:
from pay-per-click advertising, article writing, press releases, and classified ads to the latest SEO strategies and email marketing... on and on.
Am I right? Does that sound like you?
Perhaps you're already successful. But you're ready to step-up your game and turn a $10,000 or $100,000 business into a $1,000,000 business. Sound appealing?
Either way... if acted upon, the information on this page can change your life - I promise you that.
But first... just so we're on the same page,
let me define what a Joint Venture is
joint venture
is an
arrangement between two or more parties
bringing one or more of the following: their existing product(s), services, customers, leads, subscribers, insider knowledge, and resources to create explosive results for everyone involved.
This is
Joint Venturing
at its core (
applies both online and offline
), and it's the closest thing to having a license to print money you'll ever find -- IF you know what you're doing.
The combination of a
distribution channel
makes this marketing method hard to beat! It's ALL about creating a breakthrough
WIN because you take a part of the profits whether you sell a product of your own or not;
Your joint venture
('s) WIN because he also gets his share from the selling process;
WIN because they usually get a better offer.
Once you create a WIN-WIN-WIN situation, implementing it is the easiest step. Your main job is to
create a joint venture deal nobody can refuse!
A JV deal will take your business and wealth to a whole new level:
No need to risk your own assets.
You can do it with minimal investments of time, effort, and expense.
JV's can be done no matter how well your business is doing right now.
It does not matter what industry you are in.
Even if you don't have a business
, you can use my Joint Venture system to succeed beyond your wildest dreams.

"Have You
The Art Of Joint Venturing?"
Like many other marketing strategies, a Joint Venture has its own 'insider secrets'. It's a system where you have to perform the right steps. Being successful with a joint venture requires quite a bit of knowledge, and in most cases - experience.
One important aspect is to
define the purpose
of your joint venture efforts
. Everybody thinks that a JV deal is a simple process where one business with a product is endorsed by another business with a mailing list, and making money in a snap.
That's true, this can be done... in a TRADITIONAL JV deal. But why should you stick with just this method when there is so much more money practically begging to be made? That's why I'm going to show you
50 other ways to set up a profitable joint venture deal!
This is something you won't find with any other joint venture system on the market.
Another important hurdle to get past when working a joint venture is
JV partners and super affiliates
. This can be a royal pain in the butt - and there is
no one perfect way
of finding them. There is a lot of searching involved in finding them, and most of the time they are hiding in plain sight.
The reason they act this way is because
they market themselves heavily
. These people develop high profile websites and they rank high in the search engine results. Their sites generate plenty of leads and have tons of newsletter/blog readers.
They are involved and active in related forums. They are all around us - all you need to know is
HOW to find the ones who'll be right for your product and who'll want to do business with you
You might have a great product or service that could sell very well, but if you're
a potential JV partner the wrong way
it won't turn into a deal.
This is an important part of the system where people get easily
. This usually happens because your potential JV partners simply DON'T UNDERSTAND why you're approaching them, or WHAT you're proposing.
In fact, most people are CLUELESS about JV partnerships in general, and they're instantly skeptical by default. This is the single BIGGEST challenge you'll face as a JV marketer -
gaining the
of your potential JV partners
I've lost track of how many times I've told people that they need FIRST to master the science of joint venturing before starting. Failing to do this is a sure path to
! Once you get rejected your confidence in your marketing skills will go down.
"It Doesn't Have To Be So HARD..."
This is where
my system differs from the competition
, because
everything is done for you!
With my NEW joint venture system:
You'll gain direct access to my
step-by-step system
which will show
you how to
set up joint venture deals efficiently
never have to worry about being
... and you will find
it exponentially easier and faster to
recruit joint venture partners and super affiliates
in your industry.
new joint venture will be
more profitable!
In paint-by-numbers style
, I'll walk you through every single aspect of a "Herculean" joint venture deal. Your level of experience does
matter - as long as you can read and understand the words on this page, and follow simple directions, you can succeed with my system.
"... shows you EXACTLY what you need to make your future joint venture partners
respect you and your product
Wow... just wow!
I won't lie - I bought this book thinking to myself... '
I'm about to read another 40-page ebook, and if I'm really lucky, it'll have some stuff in it that I'll actually use
No such luck!
"Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets EXPOSED"
took me a few HOURS to read, and I'm going to have to go back and read it again to get the details straight.
I'm just about to launch my first product, and
this JV system literally made me stop everything
that I thought I was doing and start over.
Val doesn't kid around - if you're not ready to be professional, organized, and prepared,
his system is not something you're ready for
But he shows you EXACTLY what you need to
make your future joint venture partners respect you and your product
- and he shows you
how to present yourself in the best possible light
, to the most possible JV partners.
Social Marketing, Social Bookmarking, even creating your own social site just to amp up your JV efforts -
it's all covered in amazing depth
Joint venture videos, joint venture outsourcing... you don't even know how much there is to JV until you've read
"Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets EXPOSED"
I want to personally and deeply thank Val for making this massive (300+ pages!) volume available. I honestly believe that,
if you've got a product to promote, you can profit from this joint venture grimoire
I know I will!

Michael Danielson
"...the ultimate, definitive guide for the a
bsolute best way
to create Joint Ventures."
This has got to be the ultimate, definitive guide for the absolute best way to create Joint Ventures, bar none.
It goes way
beyond anything that I have yet to see available
... and I just love the way that you
leverage the power of social marketing
, to
create Joint Ventures with maximum impact
This is truly
a must-have resource
for anyone who is looking to successfully compete in the world of online marketing.
Val, with your guide, people will definitely
have a serious unfair advantage!
Ken Germann

"... I learned very interesting strategies that got me very valuable partners, promoting all my products."
"Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets EXPOSED"
is a great book with
vital information for any Internet marketer that is exploring new ways to promote products
It's a massive 300+ page handbook that
reveals all the secrets of how to utilize Web 2.0 and build relationships
and expand your Joint Venture Network.
It's written in a very clear way and shows the importance of using social marketing, social bookmarking sites and video in your promotion. I learned very interesting strategies from Val that
got me very valuable partners, promoting all my products
Congratz Val, on a great product...
I totally recommend "Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets EXPOSED"!

Menno Spijkstra
Listen Up... This Is Important!
What if I told you that I have found a
literally unknown
to attract
or even
of successful
Joint Venture partners and super affiliates?
And what if I told you that you can achieve this virtually
This is now possible because of the Internet PHENOMENON known
as Web 2.0, and the fact that
has discovered
to exploit it the way I have
- YET!
It's time to...

"Join the
Web 2.0
Revolution Before The Boom Is
Over... And Hang On For The Ride Of Your Life!"
In the past two years, there has been a
massive shift
in how people interact and do business online - it's all part of the Web 2.0 development.
So what is Web 2.0? Simply put, Web 2.0 is the transition of the web to web applications. Web 2.0 is the next generation of technology solutions where interactive content is the essence. There is no agreement on exactly what Web 2.0 means, depending on who you are speaking with, you may receive different explanations.
At it's heart, Web 2.0 is about the maturity of the Web and businesses that are thriving online. While many refer to Web 2.0 as companies that employ powerful web technologies, the key components of the new web are said to include:
the web as a platform, collaboration, and syndication
Here are some data taken from a survey conducted by Michael
A. Stelzner (SocialMediaExaminer.com), and the results regarding the
benefits of social media marketing
81% of all marketers indicated that their social media efforts have
generated exposure for their businesses
Improving traffic and growing lists
was the second major benefit,
followed by building NEW partnerships (56%)
Now imagine being
able to do a JV deal
with even just a
fraction of these people
These are people with different interests; they
have money to spend
, and enough know-how to
make the right business decisions
. They also
like to consume products or services
and have found a new way to search what they're looking for. They navigate the Internet using various social media websites, as they find them
a trusted alternative to the traditional search engines
Web 2.0 social websites and their applications are essentially doing what market research companies have been working on for decades:
finding what people BUY and segmenting (dividing) the marketplace to make selling a snap
Market segmentation is an essential part of consolidating demographic information, and has often been compiled through surveys, focus groups, and other market research strategies.
Sounds boring, right?
That's why it's so great that
Web 2.0 social websites allow marketers to completely skip these steps
. As people are voluntarily sharing information about their tastes, preferences, and other ideas through these social media sites,
profiting from them becomes a snap - IF you know what you're doing
This is the
essence of Web 2.0
at it's best:
mass profiting
from people who share the same interests! It's more like a
"tribal marketing" feast
, where people join together to share, give, or consume their ideas. And since
these websites will send you targeted traffic for FREE or almost FREE
, as a business owner you need to ask yourself:
What would happen if I got my JV offer in front of
these people? How can I get their business, RIGHT NOW?
The answer is very simple:
Web 2.0 Joint Venture System!
"It All Started Back In 1999..."
My story
: when I started on the Web, back in late 1999,
I was a REAL newbie
. I was intimidated, to say the least, and had serious doubts about the selling power of the Internet. And I rapidly got overwhelmed by the avalanche of get-rich-quick schemes which where available.
I barely knew how to use a computer and my own experience was restricted to basic applications like
MS Word
A friend of mine asked me to come by his house and he gave me my first taste of the World Wide Web. He showed me how using a browser like
anybody could surf on this ocean of information. He showed me a place called
and told me that sites like it were called
Search Engines
(Years have passed and these days I routinely rank in the 1-3 position on the first page of the Top 10 search engines - no matter how fierce the competition is. I really LOVE search engines...
and their FREE traffic!!!
I remember one day I landed on a web page and
discovered a letter written by the legendary Corey Rudl
. Since English is not my first language, and since I was a beginner, it took me three long days to read all the stuff.
It would be a GREAT lie if I told you that I understood what he was talking about...
But I was fascinated by his personality.
Somehow I knew it was possible to make BIG money online
. After all, it isn't rocket science. All I had to do was to
learn the best internet marketing strategies
and then
sell stuff made by other people
. Even though I was on a very tight budget, I made a commitment to try harder and succeed.
I'm fortunate to be able to say that I've grown my profits each and every month
since the early beginnings - using only
proven joint venture strategies
Up until now...
I've shown you
proof of the profit potential
from my very own accounts.
I've taken painstaking efforts to show you exactly
why social marketing is
SO powerful
But you STILL may be wondering...
"Why Should You Listen To Me?"
1) Because I Have Been Trained By The Best.
2) Because I Put My Money Where My Mouth Is.
Let's talk about
number 1
first... unless you've been sleeping under an online rock the past 10 years, I'm sure you've heard of
Jay Abraham
. In case you haven't, Jay has personally engineered nearly two billion dollars worth of
JV deals and strategic alliances for himself, his clients and students he mentored --
myself included
He has been extremely successful at what he does for others, and is behind thousands of business success stories. In the past 25 years, Jay Abraham has consulted with over 10,000 clients in more than 400 industries, and he has dealt with every type of business you can imagine.
I am fortunate enough to have received the
best joint venture training anywhere
, as the great
Jay Abraham
mentored me. Jay certified me as a
Joint Venture Dealer
and as an
Elite Member
of his exclusive
Deal Maker Society
Number 2
: like I said, I do put my money where my mouth is. My Joint Venture system is offered at
risk to you -- but I'll explain that in a few minutes!
this System,
It and
Pushed It
to Its Limits!"
A few months ago I decided to write down everything I know about joint venturing and
how to use Web 2.0 marketing strategies to attract more partners and super affiliates
to do business with you.
Today, I'm revealing a system for you that goes way beyond just "leveling the playing field" -
it teaches you how to OWN the playing field
. A system that
will take you from scratch to a fully automated joint venture business
which runs itself like clockwork and
pulls money from the Internet like a vacuum on steroids
I will take you by the hand and show you
how to set up your very own profitable
Web 2.0
Joint Venture System
I've made this so simple that
even a newbie can
do it
. If you are a
, my system will help you by streamlining the process of setting up a much more powerful JV business, allowing you to do it quicker, easier and more profitable than you can even imagine.
I have spent hundreds of hours on all the major social media websites testing different strategies just to be
sure that everything works right, so
you don't have to
My methods are simple, but immensely powerful.
"I realized that this book would help me with more than just traditional joint venture topics; it could also help me with
It sounds cliche to say this, but
I wish I had this book six months ago
I'm an extensive user and creator of Web 2.0 products, and your advice is no-nonsense and spot on. What's incredibly valuable is
how you are able to fuse your personal experience and insights with joint ventures into the Web 2.0 environment
As I was reading,
I realized that this book would help me with more than just traditional joint venture topics; it could also help me with ANY project
where I wanted to leverage the expertise and networks of others.
For me, that's a major paradigm shift that I'm sure
will help me connect with more people, strike more cooperative deals, and of course, earn more money
You have packed a lot of value into these 300+ pages, and you ended it with a bang with that bonus chapter --
that chapter itself could be turned into an entire book and I'd open my wallet to purchase it!

Shaun Taylor
"A marvelous resource for
interested in joint ventures and social media today!"
Absolutely fabulous!
That's the only way I can describe Val's latest, "
Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets Exposed
At 330+ pages, this book is stuffed full of information, all of it extremely useful.
Val covers it all - from the basics of
how social media now impacts joint ventures
to using
social bookmarking
video sharing sites
drive your deals to success
Examples abound, as do recommendations for other resources and mini-reviews of the same. All in all,
a marvelous resource for anyone interested in joint ventures and social media today!
Joe Nassise

Right now, you might be thinking:
"If your JV system is so profitable, why NOT just keep it to yourself?"
The answer is really simple: it's just a matter of time before someone else figures out these secrets (
after all, my system is very profitable, but very simple!
). This is just the nature of marketing -
people always catch on
, and when it happens,
the profit margins get spread wide and thin really fast
. Besides, if I don't teach these methods, someone else will!
One of the most satisfying points for me is that
this system works!
My system is exclusively designed for
achieving staggering success with joint ventures - nothing else
. If you are willing to apply my system strategies you will be able to see your income grow steadily month after month -
almost automatically!
And NO... it's NOT a new "hype" guide on general internet marketing or something random like that
. I am not going to teach you different types of online businesses, or what affiliates do in general, or what marketing methods are out there.
A lot of other info products are doing a good job explaining all that, so if you're tired of watching other people get rich, and
if you're ready to grab your own big piece of the Joint Venturing and Web 2.0 pie
, here's something that's going to change your life...

"Introducing The
System Dedicated To the
Joint Venture Marketing Rules..."
Web 2.0
Joint Venture
Secrets EXPOSED!
"The Evolution is Here. Catch the Wave... or Get Left Behind!"

et me be straight with you. The
"How To Start a Profitable JV Business"
courses being taught and used today just do
work anymore. Most of them are
incomplete and use strategies that are outdated
. The problem is that the Web 2.0 field is so new that there simply aren't
many reputable quality "how to JV" products available
What's so different about
Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets EXPOSED
is that more than eight months of work is jam-packed into
PROVEN methods to operate a truly successful JV business
, in this one-of-a-kind system. And I'm talking about eight months ago - not eight months of work which was done 2-3 years ago... MAJOR difference
The best news is that the
Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets EXPOSED
system is packed with strategies which are deceptively
simple to put into action. You could easily have it set up and pulling in partners in a matter of minutes or hours.
You're here reading this letter because you're searching for a way to
create a successful online business
. I know that
my Web 2.0 joint venture system can change everything for you - and your wallet
. I want you to use my experience to create massive wealth and financial freedom for yourself and the people you care about.
There's nothing else like this online today
and it's going to help you turn the corner and produce outstanding results on the Internet fast.
Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets EXPOSED
is a system of building HUMAN TRUST and influencing people to happily "give you money". While your competition is trying to pressure people into buying, my system lets you influence people in a more subtle way. That's because you're perceived to be more of a friend than a businessperson.
Regardless of whether or not you have an online business,
Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets EXPOSED
is the fastest, easiest, and most effective way to
communicate your message through multiple mediums, as it exponentially increases your profits
The Internet is completely different than it was 10... 5... 2 years ago, and it will NEVER be the same again. We are now part of a new internet marketing era. The marketing medium and technology is finally maturing to the point that it can be utilized for maximum advantage.
That's why I'm going to make everything stupendously easy for you. If you start NOW, you'll be up and running within minutes if you desire - no joke.
"First, I'll help you to understand the 'insider
secrets' of a successful joint venture deal...
... Then, I'll show
how to find and close a deal
using Web 2.0 social marketing strategies!"
I'm talking about strategies you can put to work right now to get started in a business you'll love... working from the comfort of your own home... with all the freedom you crave... that'll take your profits to the moon! You'll get
hundreds of practical, nitty-gritty tips, tricks and techniques
You'll discover things like:
How to start your joint venture business right now
Why joint ventures are all the rage in the marketing world
The biggest and most profitable JV opportunities
How to write an email proposal that gets read and responded to
How to write a highly effective profile
How social media works and help you
Where and when to use a social bookmarking strategy
Dominating ANY market using promotional videos
Expanding your business using mobile marketing
How to combine different marketing channels
How to market your JV deal using offline methods
How to start a community website within minutes with only $100
Tips on how and where to host you community website
Why outsourcing could be your most profitable strategy
Advanced tips on how to find local JV partners
How to spend less than 20 minutes a day running your business
Sources of FREE or dirt-cheap advertising and website traffic
... and that's just the tip of the iceberg!
Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets EXPOSED!
" eBook
includes 8 chapters packed with...
Over 300+ pages of step-by-step lessons, tips,
ideas, resource lists, tools suggestions and more!
If you're ready to
claim YOUR joint venture system
click here...
Here's a look at the topics covered in my SYSTEM...

Chapter #1
"Discover the outrageous power
of a
Joint Venture Deal
...OR how to add more revenue streams to your
NEW or EXISTING business at
You know, when it comes to joint venturing, many people get stuck. This can happen even to YOU, whether you are a newbie or an experienced marketer. I know how you feel... I know, because I once was in your shoes.
In most cases, people are trying to find answers to simple JV questions like:
Where can I find the best joint venture partners and super affiliates? How can I contact and make them accept my offer?
Is there a "secret" recipe to attracting partners without having to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars in advertising?
have a website or my own product or service to sell, but I would like to
put more money in my pocket
- what should I do?
...and how exactly can I become a joint venture master
I'm new to Internet Marketing?
Well... the beauty of joint venturing is that it's
EASY to locate new online partners
when you know WHERE and WHAT to look for - and how to make your offers IRRESISTABLE!
My system not only gives you step-by-step instructions on
finding joint venture partners and super affiliates in 10 minutes (or less)
... it also shows you:
The Unfair Advantage:
rarely seen
strategies for profiting from JV marketing
techniques. Use these to the hilt before your competitors catch on!
The single joint venture skill
absolutely critical
to your success... online or offline (If you don't perfect this, making money will be like running uphill).
Never Revealed Before
: My
"8-Step Joint Venture System Formula"
to make CASH so FAST you'll giggle like a school kid. (
Not using this formula can cost you dearly!
My amazing "Offer Twist": How to make your JV offer... or
ANY offer
... simply
(This one can send your sales through the roof - yet it won't cost you a cent!)
Exclusive: The
"Anatomy of a Joint Venture Email"
revealed! Step-by-step instructions to
create your first JV email message and follow-up sequence
(This is where serious money gets made!)
You'll also get sample emails, formatting tips, and more.
How to
spice up the "sex appeal" of your proposal!
(Depending on who reads the copy, different *arrangements* on your letter will determine the final outcome.)
Avoid this COSTLY mistake
: One "dumb" (but common) JV mistake when closing a deal that you never... EVER... want to make! (
You'll crack up when you'll hear this.
9 killer strategies
you can use right
and put yourself in the JV winners' circle. (It also works when you make a BIG mistake!)
99% of marketers "FORGET" to do this
closing a new joint venture deal
Do it... and generate a tantalizing pitch for a NEW, can't-do-without offer that can pile on more cash!
Do NOT get fooled
How to know if a business owner or super affiliate is
trying to trick you
- or if they're
the right partner for you
. (
know this information... even if you think you know the answer!
... and the above is just a sample of the strategies waiting for you on the inside!
Using my joint venture system you'll know exactly what to do and where to go in order to
discover and choose the best j
oint venture partners
super affiliates
to build your
- not just once, but
over and over again
And you can
get started with the perfect business right away - the kind of business that will make you CASH NOW
- a business you can start with ZERO COSTS and a few spare hours of work per week -
right from where you are, with what you've got

Chapter #2
"Open the flood gates and unleash the
power of
Social Marketing Websites
...And DRAMATICALLY increase the
number of Partners and Super Affiliates
who will *work* for you!"
If you find the idea of using the power of social marketing websites exciting, then you're going to love reading this.
I've spent the last 8 months creating profiles and marketing my business on the MAJOR social sites. I'm talking about websites like
FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Squidoo
What I found blew me away...
In my system, I'm revealing
the good
the bad
from my latest
social marketing experiment
When it comes to finding JV partners and super affiliates,
social marketing websites
have become the
the kind which do not cost you anything but your spare time
I've designed a system that literally
removes the BIGGEST barriers
preventing you from profiting hugely from social media. I'm talking about websites that are ready to
give you access to dozens
- or even
hundreds of potential business partners within
, not hours or days.
Yes, that's right... within minutes...
advertising costs!
Plus, I reveal all of my most 'profitable' marketing websites, their
, so
you'll be able to set up JV deals like nobody's business
. I'll take you deep inside these networks and
reveal secrets NO ONE has ever told you
Once you're on the inside you will learn...
Why social marketing websites are so popular nowadays
- and how this information will multiply your joint venture deals for a piece of the action.
Can't-miss elements you have to include in your JV marketing profile if you want to avoid a high click rejection. (And the secret way to
"combo" yourself into an attractor magnet
that must not be ignored.)
to include in your social profile and how to avoid getting trapped by unscrupulous people who want to
take control of your website, profits... and life!
10 EZ steps
to find joint venture partners and super affiliates using ONLY major social marketing sites.
Are you stuck trying to pick up a site to go after? Discover
today's hottest social marketing sites
: who they are, what they are, where to find them, and how to USE them...
has the HIGHEST concentration of
VP's, CTO's,
Fortune 500 companies
- and how to transform them from a "maybe" to top JV partners that bring in tons of sales!
debate - who sholds the crown of the
Best Social Networking Website
and WHY!
All the details behind my
no-brainer simple method
to approach the "top dogs" and
close more deals using Twitter
. Even established marketers fail in initiating these lucrative partnerships!
How to attract
joint venture partners and super affiliates to your
"____+" like a thirsty man to an oasis! This will make your name spread automatically online, and people will flock to you website first!
How to correctly use "____ ______" for JV deals.
(Hint: WHAT questions to ask and WHY you should ask them.)
YES! Let Me Download Web 2.0 Joint
Venture Secrets Exposed Now!

Chapter #3
"Learn how to use
Social Bookmarking
the right way...
...Then apply these strategies to capture FREE
or dirt-cheap swarms of
targeted traffic
In this chapter, you'll learn exactly what social bookmarking services are, how they work and what you must do to start getting traffic from websites like
Technorati, Delicious, StumbleUpon
, and many others.
My system will show you how to automate this process, or at least a part of it. As you know, online marketing includes many different tactics...
so where does
social bookmarking
fit into the mix
The truth is, the more you use social bookmarking, the more traffic you'll receive. As long as you're
targeting the right niche market and use the right technique
, you'll get more and more visitors to
come to your JV page and become partners!
And everything will be explained in this section, in simple - but elaborate - steps. There are dozens of other things that are
critical to make your social bookmarking a smashing success
, including:
The quickest, easiest ways to get
maximum exposure and traffic
from social network websites.
How to avoid the social bookmarking
"kiss of death"
that will get you banned - do you bookmark other websites besides of your own?
How your partners might help you to
bookmark your site
- and
this step is so important to your whole bookmarking strategy.
WHY some businesses are skipping the "classic" website model, and
running their entire JV business from a simple blog
How to capitalize on the greatest opportunity ever -
blogging software solutions
that are
hitting gold on the Internet
right now!
How to use "___________" to generate a consistent, self-generating
stream of traffic to your website and JV offer
... while your competitors struggle to understand why you are years ahead!
your niche, get
tons of traffic
, and
explode your JV deals
using my secret
weapon: "____ _____". Yes, I've got a secret weapon... but anybody can copy it!
... and much more!
The success and likely massive future growth of
social bookmarking
services isn't just a matter of content being "bookmarked".
It's an alternative means of information organization
If you are willing to examine the bookmarking phenomenon more deeply you will understand its awesome power. You will be
reaping the rewards of using social bookmarking to its fullest marketing potential
Let's face another harsh reality: if you have a website, or you're thinking about starting one,
social bookmarking is the
that assure your future Web 2.0 Joint Venture success!

Chapter #4
Video Sharing Websites
are HOT on the Internet...
...And how these *explosive opportunities*
will become the KEY to your
NEW business partnership fortune!"
What do you believe is the
hottest strategy in online marketing today?
That's right -
it's VIDEO!
Most people want to actually SEE and HEAR the information that's being released.
Imagine creating a compelling video presentation to attract joint venture partners and super affiliates. After that, submit the presentation to
dozens of video sharing websites
it won't cost you a dime
. Do this and you can
generate thousands of visitors to your video every day
In this exciting section, I'll walk you through the process of
starting and growing your own video marketing strategy
Some of the things I'll reveal...
The number one critical element
of any video presentation that virtually
people to watch your material from start to the end!
Five video *golden rules* to dominate your competition
. If you don't implement these rules, people will head over to your competition.
3 video resources I highly recommend
- they're low cost, simple to use and will make life MUCH easier for you!
Step-by-step guideline to
add a video marketing strategy
to your website.
Don't be fooled by the simplicity of this process
. Skip this step and you'll get smoked by your competition.
How to
get in the top 10
in Google, Yahoo, and Bing (MSN) with your video. What you MUST do and what you MUST avoid. Doing this WILL boost the number or your
JV deals, sales and... profits!
covert tactics
to hunt down JV partners and super affiliates: How to wine and dine them (
in a virtual way
) to have them join to your online or offline business!
How to create an online "video buzz" among your partners
that'll get them revved up.
Learn what to do now!
Don't re-invent the wheel
. Here's how to use video sharing sites like
Google Video
to attract more JV partners.
How to use "_____ ______" to recruit an ARMY of
eager business partners
you don't pay unless they make a sale!
Offline marketing:
fool-proof elements you need in your videos
. Skip one or two and your profits will fall off a cliff.
With a good video marketing strategy
you will close more JV deals and make more money
. Quality videos will sell you and your business, building trust and fostering relationships with other businesses and customers.
YES! Let Me Download Web 2.0 Joint
Venture Secrets Exposed Now!

Chapter #5
" When
Times Are Changing Fast
Got To Do Some Pretty Drastic Things...
...Uncover The Deapest, Darknest Secrets Of
And How To Overcome Them!"
One of the most effective, cutting-edge marketing methods being used today is
mobile marketing
. Thanks to the overwhelmingly popularity of cell and smart phones,
businesses can no longer ignore the importance of a mobile-friendly presence
if they really want to reach their target audiences.
Mobile marketing encompasses different types of techniques and strategies that help businesses increase profits and ROI.
The most popular today are:
mobile-friendly websites
SMS text message marketing
, and
(Quick Response)
Here are a few hints about what you need to learn in order to start mobilizing your web presence:
Get the absolute
most powerful form of marketing
you've ever discovered. This is the top-of-line strategy that will lead you to success!
Why you need to
mobilize your business today
- the simplest formula anyone can jump start right away.
4 things you should do before people will visit your website. You probably
haven't even thought of some of these!
A complete, no holds barred,
step-by-step guide
at putting together _ _ _ marketing in the least amount of time.
What to write on a cheap little 160 characters that will
make people follow you instantly
! It is really easy when an Expert assist you...
The ____ ____ strategy THAT ALWAYS prove to be the missing piece of the puzzle. All you need is the
proven blueprint
right guidance
Revolutionary new A_____ R______ technology that you can use to
easily attract local JV partners in your sleep
, and where you can get it!
"near to science-fiction" technology
works for
local businesses
. Do you want to reap ALL the benefits ahead of your competitors?
Please don't take these strategies lightly and let it slip through your fingers. You see, businesses all over the world are
making an absolute FORTUNE using this system... isn't it time you did, too?

Chapter #6
"Little Known Ways to Fetch
Dozens of NEW
JV Partners This Weekend
, Starting Right NOW!
Say YES - And Tomorrow You'll Bank All the
Money and Become A
Local Hero
If you are an entrepreneur, you are viewed as a
leader in your area of expertise and in your community
. What better way is there to give back to your community than by partnering with a local business?
partnership with a local business
provides an opportunity to build a positive impression of your business, but also allows you to do something that will
make positive impact on the community at large
local JV planning
taking action
are vital to your success, and eveything is laid down into this chapter:
Leverage the power of
local search
channel local businesses right to your door
. It'll be like funneling water into your farmland without ever spending a cent!
The amazingly simple steps-by-step system you must take now to avoid
wasting local JV partners
thousands of dollars in profits
How to
avoid the really dumb mistakes
nearly all people make with their business profiles - and how to turn effective _________ ___________ into blockbuster moneymakers!
Turn G_____ P______ into your
number one source of raving JV partners
. This crazy method is so simple that any ten-year-old kid can do it!
What you DON'T know about
local citations can cost you a big fortune
! Here's the straight scoop on
how to use
from them.
A breath of fresh air!
Right now you can benefit from C_______R_____ in as little as 2 minutes. You probably
haven't even thought
of some of these!
Use these amazing __________ strategies with ANY
potential JV partner
. Small, medium or local business -
it doesn't matter!
Unlocking the power of
local joint venturing
will allow you to benefit in an incredible inexpensive, fast and easy way. And if you take action right now,
I guarantee you'll be the next Local Hero
everybody is talking about!
YES! Let Me Download Web 2.0 Joint
Venture Secrets Exposed Now!

Chapter #7
"How to build YOUR own
Community Site
for less than $100...
...Then get rid yourself of the unbearable
anxiety and pressure caused by
your online *MASTER* reputation
Maybe you DON'T know, but the
members of your community website
can HELP you to improve the
product you sell
, the
service you provide
, the
design of your website
, the
creation of your advertising
... even coming up with the
next thing
you should be selling online or offline!
Here's a small taste of what you'll get from this chapter:
What is a
Content Management System
(CMS), how is it classified and what skills do you need in order to maintain a strong and pro-active partnership community!
How to easily handle the "ugly stuff" like
creating a community website for your JV partners and super affiliates from scratch
, using a CMS. It's actually brain-dead simple!
How to create a
MORE dynamic and flexible
community website using dozens or even hundreds of CMS extensions available. (
Priceless advice for mom and pop and corporate businesses alike.
Maximize your profits
by training your JV partners and super affiliates using community websites!
How an
"affiliate" community site
can persuade a potential partner to do MORE business with you.
How to integrate YOUR personality
into a community website so your partners and super affiliates will want more, and more... and more! (Powerful stuff you can easily implement.)
9 out of 10
online marketers fail to take full advantage of the Internet... and they
lose big bucks because of it
. (
Almost no one will tell you about this... but it's the plain truth.
Discover the
7 commandments
of building a
powerful and responsive community website
Web 2.0 in full force - are
ideal places to group people
who share the same common interest or bonds?
The key to endless targeted traffic
: Folksonomy... What it is and how to use it with very little effort.

Chapter #8
"The 3 BIG obstacles to overcome to succeed
with your Web 2.0 Joint Venture success:
Business Mindset!
Here's the simple truth:
most entrepreneurs
tapping into the true wealth of their business pool. They're leaving a lot of money on the table.
The problem is, in order for your business to grow, you must
bring in self motivated partners and super affiliates
who are eager to
promote any new product or service launch you can come up with
and then, you NEED to work to...
keep them motivated!
That's a LOT of hard work for you
. The solution to this problem is quite simple and you'll find the answers in this chapter:
Why you should NEVER try to run your online business by yourself - and
what to do for the growth potential of your business
Break down the core requirements of a truly powerful online business
- "_____________", "_________" and "_____________", and how they all have an important role in your business.
Get the best ROI... save time, and save money: How to design a
smart outsourcing budget!
Tips for '
' someone to
manage your daily boring tasks
(when you're ready), and how to avoid getting TRAPPED by 'fake' webmasters. (
It's happened before and it could happen to you!)
6 questions
you need to ask yourself
joining a mentoring program. (Especially useful if you want to save your money!)
The only program that will
motivate you
to skyrocket sales to new heights.
(It's actually much easier than you think to create a business that runs itself, and that's exactly what you're going to discover!)
10 action-steps
that could determine your
failure in business
. (With little or no additional work...)
This is powerful stuff - I hope you realize that. Once you get started using what I'm about to reveal,
your JV deals and dollars will start pouring in
YES! Let Me Download Web 2.0 Joint
Venture Secrets Exposed Now!
"The product was amazingly well-written and educational, providing a
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I didn't know you Val before
I got a Tweet from you regarding a potential joint venture
I get several joint venture offers each day but
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I'll refer to it every time I look for new Joint Venture opportunities!
Another one I particularly liked was '
28 Practical Social Marketing Tips for Joint Ventures
' and we all know how popular social marketing sites are now. It's also important to know that the book covers both online and offline Joint Ventures... and concludes with, '
211 Online, Offline and Unconventional Joint Ventures and Marketing Tips
Is "
Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets EXPOSED
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I wish I had been able to get this when I started marketing on the Internet... I would have saved 1,000's of dollars and lots of time. More importantly,
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325 pages
of the most complete
Web 2.0 joint venture marketing information system
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8 chapters
with step-by-step instructions on every
Web 2.0 strategy you'll ever need to know
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100+ links
to FREE or low-cost resources. I have spent hundreds of hours finding these resources. After constant testing, using and implementing, you're getting the heart and soul of the Web 2.0 industry, all in one single package.
One full-color business mindmap
to help you visualize the process of Joint Venturing. Follow my system and you will succeed - guaranteed!
An inside must-read report
, designed to improve your lifestyle and business. This one is special...
... and that's just for starters!
If you DON'T have an online business yet, I'll show how you can
get started in as little as 24 hours
, and motivate partners to help your business grow. (No, it's not just sales!)
If you already have a website (that's GREAT!), I'll show you how to start finding
100's of NEW partners and super affiliates
that are ready to *work* for you - only using the magic of
Web 2.0!
-> And you'll get a mountain of *goodies* and reference to resources
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If you're absolutely thrilled about the 300+ pages of killer new information you'll receive in the
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That being said,
I want to be sure
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Here's what you get:
"Joint Venture X-Files"
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Everything you're about to read is tried and tested material. This will apply to your business not just once, but for many years to come. It's an investment not just for today, but far into the future.
I'll show you how to
look beyond immediate profit to maximize the potential of your business
, to grow rich quickly and stay rich far into the future, where others are falling at the first hurdle.
Inside of these
68 pages
you'll find...
5 correct methods to use when approaching your joint venture prospects
, to maximize your chances of being accepted and getting your hands on what could be hundreds of thousands of potential customers.
Joint venture approaches done correctly. I'll take you through several examples to reveal the
factors that will make a deal fail every single time
someone attempts them.
I'll also be showing you
the opposite of this
, and how much difference just a few words can make in your business. That difference can
turn zero customers into literally hundreds of thousands
, upon the launch of your product.
A demonstration of why
bartering and a counter proposals might break your deal
. If your proposal is too wide, it's likely your JV prospect won't bother with your offer or barter with you.
How you can
predict your prospect's actions
to know what they want from you before you even approach them.
I'm going to give you the
-information you need to be successful, and I'm confident it works. The results will speak for themselves.
(Valued at $27.00 - Yours Free!)
YES! Let Me Download My Bonuses NOW!
"Social Bookmarking Made
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This 2+ hour video course will show you the path to
profits using social bookmarking.
Now, the money doesn't just appear. You have to follow the step-by-step process and treat it as a regular, consistent part of your income generating activities. If you do these things and apply the information contained here,
you will make money
For example, you'll discover...
How to
find the right networks and communities
to join
Do's and dont's of creating content
for submission
How to
improve page rank
with the top social bookmarking networks
How you can
ensure your bookmarks stick and are accepted
biggest mistake many people make
when adding social bookmarking buttons
social bookmarking tools
and determine which one will help your business
Increasing your blog's popularity
with social bookmarking
These videos are packed with vital information, yet so easy to follow and use that you'll have trouble believing it's really all in one place, ready to start making you money.
Once you start listening, you'll be so excited to get started that it will be hard to sit still and finish the course.
It's not difficult, it's not complicated, and it's not out of reach for people just like you
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"How To Create Videos Like A Pro Using Camtasia Studio"
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I know you are thinking to yourself -
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You will
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You'll receive video instructions which take you step-by-step through the process of using Camtasia Studio software to create professional quality videos.
This video guide contains:
Video #1:
An Introduction to Camtasia
(Running Time - 6:55)
Video #2:
Recording Your Video
(Running Time - 7:27)
Video #3:
Editing Options
(Running Time - 6:32)
Video #4:
Advanced Editing Tips
(Running Time - 7:19)
Video #5:
Producing your Video
(Running Time - 18:57)
Video #6:
Creating Camtasia Theaters
(Running Time - 7:34)
Once you finish watching these videos, you will have all of the knowledge you need to
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is one of the largest social networking and Web 2.0 sites out there right now, and it just keeps growing. It's a great place from where you can start to build an online businesses.
But, there's an art to using Facebook in this way. If you don't embrace Web 2.0 and the way social networking is, your efforts to build a business using Facebook will be in vain.
And that's what this audio book is about. It's your
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You will learn:
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Social marketing on Facebook is entirely different than anything else you've ever encountered, so
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Limited Distribution
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Focus here:
big businesses were built around setting up successful joint venture deals
. Now, personally, I do not believe in everything big businesses do (
do you?
) but I DO believe you can use these Web 2.0 joint venture strategies
to start and make your business extremely profitable!
Most people don't show you exactly how to do this correctly because they don't know how to do it. I go into details of how to do it, and
required to attain the most from your efforts.
Once you get your hands on this information and implement these profitable JV strategies, your sales will reach record highs, because
you're going to use proven methods to generate more joint venture deals
Of course, you can pass and do nothing. The results?
Nothing will happen
- tomorrow will be just another day, just like any other day of your life.
take furious action right now!
Add my
Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets EXPOSED
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Yes, I think your choice is clear...

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Now listen up, this is important: IF you're not absolutely, entirely and utterly thrilled about the
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You have a full 56 days
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Web 2.0 Joint Venture System
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Author of "
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"OK Val... So Do I Have To Sell
My Brand New
Car To Buy This?"
... Absolutely NOT!
That's not what this is about
. I don't want you to invest into my JV system
you're not going to do anything with it. This is a system ONLY for serious marketers - serious online or offline business minded people who know a great deal when they see it.
If you want to skyrocket your business
using the
combined power of joint venturing and Web 2.0
, then this is the total system you've been waiting for.
Imagine the feelings of confidence and peace of mind knowing you possess such an asset. Being able to create an irresistible deal that compels people to respond is the highest paid skill I know of. It certainly
removes all barriers from your earning power
It doesn't matter what your business is -
the strategy that will be of greatest value to you is joint venturing
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Just imagine
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and work extremely well!
your business will reach new heights
because you've decided to partner with hundreds of people who are eager to work with and for you...
... and
how your life will change because of the fattening of your bank account!

When you fit all those pieces together, it gives you a great feeling.
Upon deciding a price for all this, I asked myself:
"What price will keep people fully engaged, but not exclude the folks who really need this?"
If you were to add up all the benefits you get as a customer here and pay for it individually - it would bring the
total real value to $529.00
But you won't invest anywhere near that for this amazing system, and
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Your Investment Is Only A Measly
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If you jump on the $49.00 deal,
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Why am I giving away such a powerful system
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Two simple reasons:
1) ALL the products are 100% digital and it costs me nothing to ship it to you -
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pass on this offer!
The bottom line is:
I can't keep the price this low for long
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If you reserve your copy today,
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Mystery Video BONUS
So take advantage of this rare opportunity now and start finding JV partners and super affiliates immediately. You can download this system within just a few short minutes! So do it now...
Click Here To Order and Start Finding JV Partners and Super Affiliates Within Minutes!
"Don't Let Your Competitors Get Their
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Before You Do
I have one more thing to tell you... I will be promoting this site very hard, so keep in mind that in a few hours
your competitors might be reading this exact page
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in the dust... and to top things off, they will be getting the JV partners (
a.k.a MORE profits into their bank accounts!
that YOU could have profited massively from!
The price will be going back up to $77.00
(very soon!), and when it does, don't blame me because you didn't take advantage of this offer.

So you see, I've given you every conceivable reason to make
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You are ready for success, aren't you?
Start using the new power of Web 2.0... it's the
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Now let's recap
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Truly the
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Joint Venture Marketing Rules!
What You Get
Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets Exposed eBook
Top-Notch Reports and Resources
Inside the JV System
Joint Venture X-Files
Social Bookmarking Made Easy Video Course
How To Create Videos Like A Pro
Using Camtasia
The Little- Known Secrets To Your
Facebook Success
"Mystery" Video
Remember, the price will go up very soon so
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No matter where you are in your online career,
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Take charge of your financial fortune now!

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I also know I'm fully protected and backed by a
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To Your Web 2.0 Joint Venture Success,
Val Popescu
Web 2.0 Joint Venture Consultant and Internet Marketer
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Val, my first reaction when I opened your book was "
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You've created a valuable training for people that I believe will help them make a fortune, shortly after they begin putting it to use. I'm going to go through it carefully, and take action on all the great stuff you're revealing here.
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EXPOSED is the real deal!"
Hi Val,
I must say that I was waiting until I completed the book before writing you this email; but I want to share with you my thoughts of the sections I've reading so far.
The book Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets is extremely informative. I believe that it has the ability to
help the advanced as well as the newbie marketer
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Val being the expert that he is
taught me many concepts I had never heard before
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Web 2.0 Joint Venture Secrets EXPOSED is the real deal!
It is impossible to buy this book and not get a ton of value from it.
Demond Jackson

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Oh My Gosh!
I have to admit Val, this is one of the most comprehensible and informative guide on the Internet about profitable joint ventures and Web 2.0 strategies!
The way you laid out this guide is
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Simply brilliant
... you've got a REAL winner here that will unquestionably revolutionize the way people will JV from now on!
Excellent job...

Alex Kaplo
"The amount of top-notch JV information
I discovered is just...
This product is AWESOME!
And the amount of top-notch JV information I discovered is just... Crazy!!!
300+ pages and everything I can possible think of joint venturing and social marketing is covered into this brand new system.
Although it might takes you days to finish reading it, I'm sure you gonna PROFIT from every word. It
teaches me everything I ought to know about Joint Venturing
, from head to toes.
My advice folks
: buy this book from Val because
he is on the cutting edge of what works out there!
Winson Yeung

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Today $49
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Result of Web 2.0 Joint Ventures

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