Kamis, 18 Juli 2013

Flow Yoga Video Course

Flow Yoga Video Course

Who says yoga has to be boring? | Prasara Yoga Primer

Who Says Yoga Has To Be Boring?
Forget Everything You Think You Know About Yoga – Prasara Is A
Method Of Practice That Will Help You Move Better And Feel Better While Learning Fun And Interesting Ways To Move Your Body.
OK, let’s be honest here – you’ve heard of yoga before, so it’s not as if you’re coming to this page expecting to have your mind blown. You’ve probably seen some pictures of dudes in purple leotards and noticed those $12 DVDs at Wal-Mart. You’re not reading this page without some pre-existing idea of what yoga is.
Please don’t judge this based on what you’ve seen in the past.
Prasara Is Different. Really.
It’s a well-established fact that practicing Yoga will help you increase flexibility and learn to relax, and various studies have shown it to correlate to just about any marker of good health you can think of. You know all this already, so I’m not going to go on about why you should practice yoga. However, I
want to tell you about what makes Prasara unique and what it can do for you.
The short story is that Prasara was created to develop Flow
. We’ll talk more about this later, but the gist is that Flow is a quality of movement in which you can transition smoothly form one thing to another.
Flow is also a mental state sometimes referred to by athletes as “being
in the zone
Actually, Flow is a lot of things, and that can make it difficult to describe – and even harder to learn. But it isn’t impossible, and we’ve been teaching it for years to our private clients, in live seminars and workshops, and though this course, the Prasara Primer.
The unique element of Prasara practice as opposed to most other styles of yoga is simply that traditional yoga is fixated on sitting in poses while
Prasara shifts the emphasis to the transitions between poses
. You’ll still use the same postures and positions, but we’ll also work on your ability to “flow” from one to the next so you can develop real agility, grace, power, and yes, Flow in everything you do.
Within your first month using the Prasara Primer, you’ll:
Restore your self-confidence
as you mas­ter increas­ingly chal­leng­ing movements.
Chal­lenge your ner­vous sys­tem for
increased move­ment effi­ciency
power and mobil­ity
Play bet­ter
at any sport with
increased bal­ance
and spa­tial awareness.
Neu­tral­ize pain
from tight mus­cles and stiff joints.
Min­i­mize sidelin­ing injuries
cor­rect the imbal­ances
that cause them.
true func­tional mus­cle
with­out excess bulk.
Tap into the
unlim­ited cre­ativ­ity and spon­tane­ity
inside you.
any­time, any­where
– with
no equip­ment
and min­i­mal space.
After you’ve used Prasara for two months, you’ll wonder at how much better you feel in your body and your overall physical prowess and agility.
I have practiced yoga for the last 18 years and seen a variety of different teaching styles. Some styles of yoga exist in an almost mystical shroud: exclusive cliques practicing a difficult series of movements. Other styles prescribe a rigid, unchangeable series of postures. The wonderful thing about Prasara yoga is the intuitive, open manner in which it can be practiced.
The Prasara Primer is an excellent starting point. The material is
user-friendly, and the clear, open tone of the Primer will enable anybody at any fitness level to get started immediately on a lifelong Prasara practice.
JB – Nashville, TN
Is Prasara Really The Best Style Of Yoga?
There’s no such thing as a “best” way to move your body
. There are wrong ways – injurious ways, like those awful stretches your high school gym coach used to make you do – but the beauty of yoga is that most of the poses are very difficult to do in a way that could cause you to hurt yourself.
While many styles of yoga insist on following a set sequence of however many poses for however many minutes, the ultimate goal of practicing Prasara is to teach you to flow without thinking of what comes next.
Yes, in the beginning, you’ll be practicing routines (this course includes
of them – more about those later), but through practicing the routines, you’ll actually be giving your body the vocabulary of movement you need in order to improvise your own movements.
That last bit is the real magic of Prasara and what makes it such a natural fit for athletes.
Going with the Flow – On the Field and Off
If you’re an athlete in any sport, you already know what
is. Your focus tightens, and the outside world fades away. You breathe deeper. Time slows down. You get tunnel vision, and the path between you and your goal opens up. You don’t have to think about what to do – you just act, spontaneously, in the moment.
Even if you’re not an athlete, you’ve probably experienced flow while driving on the highway, playing a musical instrument, or doing something else that requires a relaxed concentration.
Flow feels good, and when you’re in it, you don’t want it to end.
Even if you’re not the “sporty” type, you know that
one of the least useful things an athlete can do is to stand perfectly still
during a match. In fact, that might just be the fastest way to
in most sports.
No, athletes have to move. So it’s important that a yoga style designed to develop athletic movement not spend too much time sitting still.
Prasara Is Like Injury Insurance For Athletes
You’ve probably seen videos of athletes getting injured. These videos are painful to watch – not only because we can see an injury occurring, but because we can see it coming before they do.
When athletes get surprised, they get hurt.
The ball travels in an unexpected direction. Another player attacks from an unexpected angle. They step on a slippery patch. They get faked out.
Things happen that we can’t predict or control.
Prasara yoga is like injury insurance for athletes
because it trains you to always be ready to adapt to changes. If you can’t move the way you had planned, you simply transition to a different position. Flow to the next movement and keep going. Sidestep the other player. Jump to make the catch. Learning to adapt can help you stay in the moment – in Flow – so you don’t get caught off-guard.
And it’s the same thing off the court too.
Be More Confident With Everyday Movements
And don’t think this just applies to athletes – we all use our bodies for a variety of tasks every day, and it’s not uncommon to hear about people twisting an ankle stepping off a curb or pulling a back muscle while bending over to tie a show or pick up a dropped wallet.
What would it be like to know that your body was prepared to adapt to anything that comes up?
Flow isn’t just for sports – it means
more confidence in every step
. More power and assurance when you open a door and enter a room. More agility to navigate the unexpected challenges life throws at you every single day. And all of this translates to more effective and efficient movements that leave you with
less stress, more energy, and a greater feeling of mastery
in your environment.
Yoga For Your Lifestyle
And that’s the most impor­tant thing, after all: apply­ing Prasara to
Whether you want to improve your ath­letic per­for­mance or just enjoy play­ing with your kids (or grand­kids),
Prasara prac­tice will teach you to move with more con­trol and ease
. You’ll find greater mobil­ity and con­fi­dence in every­thing you do with your body. And you’ll have fun.
Of course, if you can’t make Prasara prac­tice fit your lifestyle, it won’t help you.
You won’t have to devote a cer­tain amount of time every day to prac­tice. Though you’ll see faster results with more work,
just a few min­utes at a time is enough to get started
, and you can lit­er­ally do this
, with no equip­ment or spe­cial clothing.
Dear Ryan,
I am dropping you a quick line about how pleased I have been with your Prasara Primer. I have used other yoga programs in the past, but frankly I have found them to often be unworkable for me. I picked up yoga to compensate for the stress my body undergoes when practicing martial arts. The problem is that most programs become very time consuming until they actually take time away from my primary focus. The routines in the Prasara Primer are very efficient, focused and brief. The flexibility of the program has made it something I can actually use long-term.
Six Prasara Primer Flows For Full Body Training At Any Level
Prasara Primer
unique Prasara Yoga flows, each designed to tar­get a spe­cific aspect of ath­letic move­ment. By prac­tic­ing them together in the sequence out­lined, you’ll be build­ing your body sys­tem­at­i­cally to improve every facet of your abil­i­ties. You’ll also have a lot of fun dis­cov­er­ing new ways to move your body – the kind of fun you haven’t had since you were a kid.
Five Prasara Yoga Flows for Specific Movement Abilities
–The Cricket flow is ideal for devel­op­ing hip mobil­ity. In addi­tion to greater flex­i­bil­ity, you’ll notice improve­ments in all activ­i­ties that require squat­ting and bend­ing at the knees – every­thing from surfing to pick­ing up your kids.
– Like a vine, you’ll root deeply into the ground to increase bal­ance and single-leg sta­bil­ity. Vine is per­fect for kick­ers in mar­tial arts or ball sports as well as run­ners or any­one who spends a lot of time on one leg.
– The Wind flow will improve your abil­ity to breathe while twist­ing and turning your body. Useful for sports like surf­ing and snow­board­ing, but also ten­nis, base­ball, and golf. It’s vir­tu­ally impos­si­ble to per­form this flow with­out expe­ri­enc­ing some degree of flow in your breathing.
– Grap­plers will espe­cially appre­ci­ate the Ocean flow’s empha­sis on seam­less tran­si­tions on the ground. Ocean is also a lot of fun for those of us who enjoy rolling around on the floor.
– See­Saw is all about the core – front and back and all around. This flow proves that yoga is any­thing but pas­sive, as con­sis­tent prac­tice will yield stronger arms and trunk through press­ing move­ments and bal­ance holds.
As of ver­sion 2.1, we’ve added a brand new flow sequence to the mix:
— Cre­ated espe­cially for begin­ners or peo­ple who are return­ing to train­ing after an injury or time off. Root lays the foun­da­tion for pro­duc­tive Prasara prac­tice with pos­tures any­one can do, build­ing the bal­ance and mobil­ity you’ll need to mas­ter the five orig­i­nal flows in the most direct and effi­cient way possible.
Each of the five orig­i­nal flows has three lev­els of dif­fi­culty and sophis­ti­ca­tion.
Begin with Root Flow to pre­pare your body and get used to how Prasara works (it’s a lit­tle dif­fer­ent from other yoga styles you’ve seen), then move on when you’re ready. As you cycle through the five movement-focused flows at each level, you’ll sys­tem­at­i­cally build your entire body – increasing strength, mobil­ity, and smooth, effort­less Flow.
The Prasara Primer Course Components
The original Prasara Primer was released back in 2006, and over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of teaching hundreds and hundreds of students and taking that experience back and updating the Primer. I’m now on
Version 2.1
, which includes some major improvements not only in terms of content, but also in the way I present the materials to make is as easy as possible to practice Prasara.
Each component of the package listed below forms an integral part of the total Prasara curriculum. By utilizing each of these resources, you’ll cut the learning curve and start experiencing better movement and greater flow even sooner.
Here’s what’s included:
The Prasara Primer has been proven time and time again to help peo­ple of all fit­ness lev­els and back­grounds feel and move bet­ter. When you order the Prasara Primer, you’ll get imme­di­ate access to the following:
Prasara Primer Program Manual
This “master text” shows you how
unlock your Flow and blast your old lim­its
while providing all the necessary background on Prasara yoga’s theory along with tips for getting the most our of your practice.
Every­thing is explained in sim­ple, clear lan­guage, and I’ve included loads of advice on effective training and a sec­tion on yogic breath­ing exer­cises your can per­form anywhere. This is truly the
most user-friendly yoga text
you’ve ever seen, because I specifically designed it to be. I’ve read all the classics and filtered out all the mysticism and vague language to leave nothing but actionable advice you can make use of NOW.
Loads of Video Instruction
Our tutorial component includes
67 Videos
that leave no stone unturned in learning to perform all of the necessary movements. You’ll get:
19 Demon­stra­tion Videos
show­cas­ing the liq­uid power and artis­tic grace you’ll develop with Prasara prac­tice. You’ll never be left guess­ing when you can sim­ply watch and fol­low along with me as I perform every routine.
48 Detailed Break­down Videos
walk you through each move­ment with clear, easy-to-understand instruc­tions. These videos feature slow motion sequenc­ing and voice overs so you can learn the flows in man­age­able chunks. It’s like hav­ing a Yoga teacher in the room with you, but with less spandex.
The best thing about these videos is that you can load them onto your smartphone or other mobile device and take them to the park or in another room and practice wherever you like. No more having to clear out a space in front of the TV or computer – it’s yoga
Training Implementation Guide
Most yoga programs show you a routine and then leave you to figure everything out for yourself, but the Prasara Primer doesn’t leave you hanging.
The Training Implementation Guide includes
5 com­plete pro­grams
for inte­grat­ing Prasara into your cur­rent rou­tine. Where those cheap DVDs give you
guid­ance on how to get the results they promise, the Primer includes
a detailed guide for using yoga to achieve a vari­ety of goals
(mus­cle build­ing, fat loss, endurance, etc.) – on your own schedule.
This is your secret weapon for making Prasara a convenient part of your lifestyle – which is the ONLY way to ensure results.
Specific Breakdown Guides for Each Routine
Each of the six Primer flow routines uses different movements to train different skills and muscle groups.
Your download includes
6 Flow Break­down Man­u­als
that include
full writ­ten instruc­tions
for the flows and
instruc­tions for learn­ing each flow. We’ve also added pic­tures and detailed notes on each pos­ture and move­ment in each flow.
This is
an invaluable resource for interpreting the fine details that are so difficult to catch when trying to learn from watching videos
, and that’s why I’ve gone to the trouble to create these guides to accelerate your progress.
Listen-Along Audio Guides
You may not always have access to a video player, but what happens if you want to practice and still haven’t memorized the entire sequence?
Easy – just let me talk you through it.
Included are
15 .mp3 Follow-Along Tracks
so you can lis­ten on your iPod and take your prac­tice on the road.
A lifetime of yoga instruction all for less than the price of a month’s worth of classes.
But that’s not all. The Prasara Primer isn’t just a one-time thing you’re going to download and then let “collect dust” on your hard drive. Here’s how I take care of you after the sale:
Our Total Sup­port Commitment
I don’t believe in just handing you some­thing and send­ing you on your way. Prasara, like any­thing, works best when it’s prac­ticed con­sis­tently over time. I want you to suc­ceed, so I work hard to ensure you have every­thing you need to get the most out of your Prasara prac­tice. The Prasara Primer also includes the following:
Free Updates for Life
The first version of the Primer came out in 2006. Not surprisingly, I’ve learned a few things since then, and it’s important to me that I continually give you the very best I have to offer. That’s why
I’ll never charge you to get access the latest release version
of the Primer.
In fact, when I released version 2.0 (which was a HUGE update over the original version), I gave away hun­dreds of copies to peo­ple who had bought the pre­vi­ous two ver­sions. I’m not jok­ing around when I say that I believe in tak­ing care of my peo­ple. When you get the Primer, I’ve got your back.
Gold Medal Help Desk
My company’s “famous”
Gold Medal
client sup­port. At least it
be famous. Just ask any­one who’s trained with my courses before, and they’ll tell you that
we go out of our way
to sup­port your prac­tice with ridicu­lously fast turn-around time for emails.
Once again, I’ve got your back.
Click below
to order the Priner now and
get instant access
to everything listed above.
After check out, you’ll be directed to reg­is­ter to a Pri­vate Mem­bers’ Area, where you’ll have con­tin­ued access to your down­load files. The Course Man­ual, Flow Man­u­als, and Train­ing Guide are deliv­ered as Adobe PDF ebooks, view­able on all mod­ern com­puter plat­forms. The videos are opti­mized for iTunes, but can also be played on other media play­ers. The Audio tracks are MP3 record­ings that can be played on most com­put­ers, iPods, and sim­i­lar devices.
If I could kiss you I would!!!
Thank you so much…, You’ve been so helpful, and the yoga has really worked. Not just with the back pain but with my movement as a whole. If this is the result from just doing the beginner stage of Cricket, I can’t wait to see what happens when I learn the rest and do the other flows!
Thank you so much!
The Sim­plest Guar­an­tee Ever
I want you to expe­ri­ence the joy of mov­ing your body with effort­less free­dom, and I’m will­ing to work with you to ensure that you get there. If you ever have ques­tions regard­ing the flows or trou­ble per­form­ing the move­ments, I’m just an email away.
That said, I rec­og­nize that this course might not be all things to all peo­ple.
I’m totally cool with that
Here’s the not-so-fine print:
If you aren’t happy, I don’t want your money.
Try the Prasara Primer for 60 days
. Fol­low the included pro­gres­sion. And if you’re not satisfied that Prasara has made a huge difference in your movement capabilities after working on the flows, just ask within 60 days for a refund. Even better, get in touch sooner, and
I’ll help you make adjustments to get more out of your practice
, so there’s really no way you can
make progress.
There simply isn’t a Yoga product on the market that can match this one.
The Prasara Primer gets 10/10 from me. If it can take a terrible Yoga practitioner like me who couldn’t stand the idea of Yoga practice and turn me into a willing daily practitioner, imagine what it can do for someone else with more ability and patience.
To Ryan Hurst for restoring my faith in Yoga, and opening up endless possibilities I never thought possible as an athlete, father and human being, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
B. Dennet
You Owe It to Your­self – Max­i­mize Your Flow
Prasara Primer
has already helped hun­dreds of ath­letes per­form bet­ter. I’ve also helped desk jock­eys, soc­cer moms, and other reg­u­lar peo­ple find more joy and free­dom in moving their bod­ies.
Ver­sion 2.1
takes things to the next level, giv­ing you clearer expla­na­tion, new videos, and an easy-to-follow pro­gres­sion you can use to tackle the flows.
You owe it to your­self to put Prasara Yoga to work in your life, whether you’re try­ing to improve your ath­letic per­for­mance, start work­ing out again, or just bring a lit­tle bit of fun back into your routine.
Prasara Primer Deluxe Edition
Order Now for Just
Click Here to Order Now.
Ryan C. Hurst

There is sim­ply no bet­ter pro­gram
for learn­ing Prasara Yoga and putting it into prac­tice in your life. There are tons of yoga DVDs on the mar­ket that will teach you a few poses, but they won’t give you a pro­gram with
day-by-day direc­tions for get­ting the most our of your prac­tice
. Most impor­tantly, they won’t give you
If you just want another yoga program col­lect­ing dust, go to Wal-Mart. If you want clear, log­i­cal expla­na­tions and plans for
reduc­ing pain
improv­ing mobil­ity
, and
increas­ing per­for­mance
Prasara Primer is for you
. Get it
— Don’t for­get that
you’ll have 60 days to try to Prasara Primer, risk free
. There are
no sub­scrip­tions
noth­ing else to buy
before you can begin to expe­ri­ence Flow with the Prasara Primer.
Can’t sing enough praises about the Prasara Primer. It’s what I’ve been looking for in a yoga instructional. It leaves the guesswork out of the practice so the practitioner can focus every ounce of energy on getting into flow. All other concerns are left at the door.
The Primer will challenge many people’s notions of just what yoga is – there is no fluff here. There’s something for all levels of practitioner and all styles of learning. The only thing they could add to beef up the package is to have Ryan show up at your door and personally kick your butt into high gear – which might be too scary for some, so maybe it’s a wise move to hold off on that bonus.
There’s literally something for everyone – My mother’s even giving Prasara a shot (finally!). If it’s accessible to her, it’s accessible to anyone.
J. Belkewitch – Union, NJ
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