Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

New! Top Dating Advice For Men / Seduction Product!

New! Top Dating Advice For Men / Seduction Product!

New! Top Dating Advice For Men / Seduction Product!

The Ultimate Dating System For Men. Teaches Men To Pick Up, Attract And Date Women. It's A Very High Converting Program In The Seduction And Get Your Ex Back Niche. Learn Confidence And How To Become And Alpha Male. Converts Like The Magic Of Making Up.


Dating Advice for Men
(All In Downloadable MP3 and PDF Format)
"In this Audio Program You'll Get Powerful Pickup Techniques, Effective Dating Strategies that will make you UNSTOPPABLE with Women!"
The Power Dating module of The Ultimate Dating System consists of
Over 3 Hours of Audio
(in instant MP3 Download Format!)
When I created this program, my goal was to make it
most effective
, complete,
and comprehensive system on the planet
People have paid
of dollars to attend weekend long seminars to get this information. Now you can get this program for fractions of the price and learn
you need to know in order to develop true mastery with women
I don't just want you to get pretty good with women. This system is designed to create an elite league of MASTERS - A small army of men who know the secrets and have the weaponry it takes to pick up, attract and date any woman!
Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned veteran,
your game will improve
Here's just a small taste of what you'll learn in the PowerDating System:
How to effectively approach a group of women and make them all like you (and specifically the girl you're targetting)
way to get a girl who "just wants to be friends" to start feeling sexually attracted to you
to give a girl when she asks you typical questions like "What do you do?", "Where are you from?", etc.
Specific techniques to instantly make you seem
100 times
more charasmatic
How to make a woman
jump through hoops
and qualify/prove herself to you
The 3 things that most guys do
that make women think they are creepy or weird
How to
develop a lifestyle
that will make women see you as
(and how to actually become exciting and interesting
very quickly
#1 mistake
that most guys make with women. This kills almost every guys' chance of getting EXCEPTIONALLY beautiful women. (so many guys do this and it's so easy to change)
How you can take your physical "flaws" and make women see them as the
most attractive
part of you
1 sentence
you can use
every time
to guarantee you won't end up in the dreaded Friend-Zone" with women
How to tell stories
that will keep women
(including exact stories you can use word for word!)
inner beliefs held by beautiful women that they
SECRETLY wish you knew
How to
get women to chase you
(instead of the other way around)
5 things you can do to get women to come up and
talk to you
(you won't believe how well these work!)
Psychological tactics to
make a girl feel like she's known you for years (even in the first 3 minutes of meeting)
How to project "High Status" (even if you're broke, short and ugly)
Learn the subconscious
psychological tests
women use to "size up" a man and how to pass them with flying colors (also learn to turn the tests around on the woman!)
you can use to pick-up ANY woman
Surefire ways to guarantee that a girl
out on you
How to turn the tables on women most guys consider "out of their league"
Learn a woman's psychology and find out EXACTLY what you can do to trigger her genetically programmed "weak points"
body language
and tonality you need to use to make a woman WILDLY attracted to you
2 internal mental excercises that you can use
on the spot
to instantly triple your confidence when around women
7 ways to get ANY woman to give you her phone number with no resistance (these are totally revolutionary and make getting numbers so easy)
How to use the "Push-Pull" concept to drive women insane!
How to act on dates
and keep a girl captivated the whole time
Learn to
easily pin-point
the things you do that turn women off
A radical mindset shift that will make the world's
most beautiful women notice you
How to work a room and
even in the hottest nightclubs in the world
A strategy used by top sales professionals to increase sales conversion ratios - You can use the same strategy to make any woman give you her phone number
How to
master your emotions
eliminate fear
from your life
A technique based on healing principles in ancient oriental medicine that will allow you to instantly clear your nervous system of past bad experiences with women. This technique will
reduce the "
approach anxiety
" you feel when you're about to talk to a beautiful woman
What guys who are true
do with women do that most "nice guys" don't
How to create a "new self" that women are attracted to, while still "being yourself"
Advanced body-language
secrets you can use to command a woman's respect and turn her on (they're not what you think)
So much more!
Guys spend thousand of dollars on status symbols like cars and throw away tons of money on flowers and dates but they are missing the point. This small investment is WAY more important than all of that and fractions of the cost!
In case you haven't already heard of me, my name is Spencer Michaels. I've been coaching guys around the world for many years on how to pick-up, attract and date beautiful women. We may not have met face to face yet, but I feel that I know you. I know you because I've shared all the same insecurities you have. I've experienced the same frustrating situations with women that you have.
Have any of these situations
ever happened to you? (and be honest with yourself):
You saw a woman on the street you really wanted to meet, but you
just didn’t know how to approach her
You were talking with a woman and it seemed like a job interview - it was a series of questions that led nowhere
You've had a girl tell you that she just wants to "
be friends
You got nervous around a hot girl and felt like you were fumbling and mumbling
You've stood around a bar or club and had no idea how to break through the barrier that
groups of women put up
You've felt a
lack of inner confidence
and thought that "you're just not that good" with
You started
talking to a girl but didn't know how to take the conversation to the next level and
create attraction
You asked for a girl's phone number only to hear her say, "I have a boyfriend"
Do you have a hard time knowing exactly what stage of the game you are in with a
woman and what you should do next?
Do you still get a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach when you get "
shot down
" or rejected by a woman?
Do you ever worry that a woman will "see through" what you are doing and
discover the "real" you and once she does she'll lose interest in you completely?
These are just a few of the issues we will deal with and conquer ONCE AND FOR ALL in the Power Dating System
Whether you're a shy and timid guy or an already confident guy who wants to take his confidence to the next level - this program is for you. Monster Confidence is the result of years of research. It utilizes only the most powerful tools to get you results fast.
It's 7 Day Program but you'll feel and see major results on DAY 1.
Any of this sound familiar?
(and be honest with yourself)

Do you
feel fear or anxiety
when you're
about to approach a girl?

Do you get nervous during conversations
with women or just
completely “
blank out

Do you sometimes feel in a confident state but
other times you just don't
for some reason that you can't explain?

Have you ever gotten stuck in that
uncomfortable silence
a woman?

Have you felt that
other guys have more
to offer
a beautiful girl than you do?

Do you feel
uneasy around powerful

Do you get insecure or
uncomfortable in
social situations

Have you settled for less attractive
women because it's just too hard for you
get the ones you really
Never again experience any of the above!!
Monster Confidence
Combines The Power Of:
• Deep Hypnotic Suggestion
• Nuero Linguistic Programming (NLP)
• Subliminal Subconscious Messaging
• Direct Power Affirmations/Incantations
• EFT/Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)
• Powerful Daily Life-Changing Live Action Plan
• and other Powerful Strategies and Mind
The mind
is much like a computer that awaits programming from us.
Unfortunately most people allow the mind to run on autopilot and
become filled with limiting beliefs. Their reality is being
manipulated by the media, society and what others want them to think
and believe. Monster Confidence uses a series of powerful techniques to help you
reestablish control over your brain and change yourself from the inside out
There is no law of
limitation except that which is self imposed. People are only limited
because they are exposed to and repeat to themselves messages of
self-doubt, fear and anxiety over and over again each day.
Experts estimate that only about 10% of the brains ability is every
tapped by most people. This program helps you tap into that other
90% that most people never access. The mind is an extremely powerful
tool and we have the ability to manipulate it in astounding ways. MonsterConfidence will literally access your subconscious mind and change that little voice inside. It'll create a new, more powerful version of yourself.
Each day of the program you'll go through a hypnotic session. This part of the program is a
closed-eye process done in a relaxed state. Hypnosis is an extremely
effective way to change patterns of behavior, bad habits and much
more by bypassing the logical, conscious mind. Our logical mind is
full of excuses and blockages that stop us from reaching peak levels
of performance.
the age of 5 you were able to learn much faster because your logical
mind wasn't fully developed yet. As adults our logical mind has built
up a strong wall that stops information from reaching the
subconscious mind. In a hypnotic state, you're able to make major
changes in negative self beliefs, physical behaviors and limiting
thoughts. Hypnosis allows empowering subliminal messages to penetrate
the subconscious mind. You'' literally be able to feel the results after just 1 session. Guys who have done this program before have described it as immediately feeling "
totally different
" and "
like a new man
Another tool used in this program is subliminal
messaging. The messages are accompanied by foreground music designed
to help brainwaves relax and open your mind to receive the desired
Monster Confidence uses a
series of subliminal techniques to ensure the
desired messages and affirmations bypass your logical mind and reach
your subconscious mind. One technique involves playing the subliminal
messages at different frequencies and decibel levels than the
foreground music making them virtually undetectable to your logical
mind but completely detectable to your subconscious. Your ears won't
pick up these messages but your subconscious mind definitely will.
WAVES - 14Hz to 20Hz. Beta waves are associated with normal
consciousness. They are present during every day activies.
ALPHA WAVES - 8Hz to 13Hz. Alpha waves are
likened to a light meditation. They are prevalent when you daydream.
- 4Hz to 7Hz. Theta waves occur during heightened states of
creativity and are found with a deep meditative state.
Another technique is stereo confusion which involves playing
different affirmations and suggestions into each ear at the same time which confuses
the conscious mind while the subconscious mind can easily make the
distinction and get the message. Monster Confidence uses these techniques and more to make
a super-powerful audio program that delivers
THOUSANDS of subliminal
messages direct to your subconscious mind
Monster Confidence literally bombards the brain with so much positive programming that it
has no choice but to respond! It hits the brain on so many
levels that it's impossible for you not to see drastic, powerful
change in Confidence Levels. Your brain will be branded with the thoughts that naturally confident men already have.
You'll have a massive unfair advantage over men who've never experienced a program like this!
The 7 Day Monster Confidence program also make use of very powerful Neuro Linguistic Programming
(NLP) techniques. It utilizes
The NLP techniques
used in this program are an extraordinarily effective
and rapid form of psychological therapy. NLP
helps you overcome learned limitations almost instantly. You'll
become a confident, girl-getting machine almost instantly
is designed to be a set of instructions for using the mind more
efficiently. As human beings, we can never know reality. We only know
our perceptions of reality. We experience and respond to the world
basically through our sensory representational systems. Our
Neuro-lunguistic Maps of reality determine most of what we do. It is
typically our “map” of reality that determines our behavoir and
not reality itself. In essence,
the NLP techniques used in this program help you
create a better map for the reality around you
. You'll begin to see a world where girls are attracted to you withing which you can confidently pick up, attract and date them!
Another amazing tool utilized in Monster Confidence is Emotional Freedom Technique
(EFT). EFT (sometimes
referred to as tapping) is a powerful new
discovery that combines two well established sciences so
you can benefit from both at the same time.
EFT combines Mind
Body Medicine and Acupuncture (without needles)
. EFT involves
stimulating certain meridian points in the body by tapping them with
your fingertips.
EFT reduces the therapeutic process from years down
to hours or even minutes. In this program we'll use EFT to
completely destroy approach anxiety and make you fearless around women!
You'll be amazed at how different you'll feel after going through the first day's EFT session. This is such a powerful technique that will literally drive fear out of your body!

While much of the program works on building you up internally, each day you'll also be given an action plan of drills and exercises to enforce what we're working on internally. Working on yourself internal is very powerful but you can't ignore practical, real life, in-field work.
In other words if you do all of
the internal programming and then sit on the couch and do nothing, it's not going to be as effective.
You have to get out there and take action for synergistic and complete
This module of The Ultimate Dating System concentrates on meeting girls online. Online Dating is one the easiest and best ways to meet tons of hot women... IF you know what you're doing. I've spent over 7 years perfecting a method that
gets girls to respond
at a very high percentage rate. The
Copy and Paste Dating
Method is the result of countless hours of research, testing and tweaking and ONLY uses
Almost every guy writes the exact same lame things to girls
online. Girls are bored and disgusted by it. If you want to “pick up&rdq

Read more detail

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