Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Make Fat Cash Helping Big People Lose Weight With Thintuition

Make Fat Cash Helping Big People Lose Weight With Thintuition

thintuition - my life, my body, connecting.
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The Overfed Head

truth & consequences

Our Natural Birthright

hunger guide

The thintuition weight loss program
PURCHASE: The Thintuition Digital program for $69.95 plus $17.95 per month (first 30 days
) for the e-learning program
PURCHASE: The Thintuition Shipped Product Program + The Digital program for $89.95. Shipped program includes: paperback book, hunger guide bookmark, hunger wheel, pocket hunger guide, CD-rom with video and interactive features + the above digital program
PURCHASE: The Thintuition e-learning program for only $4.95 for 30 days. Then $17.95 for every 30 days.
Learn more about the e-learning program!
Rob Stevens has developed a unique, highly interactive and simple-to-follow
online weight loss program, which harmoniously blends weight loss with your
own personal preferences and desires. The thintuition members only e-learning
program offers a highly accountable support group with community chat rooms
and bulletin boardsall designed to provide team spirit and encourage members
to reach their weight loss goals. Weekly weight loss tracking and daily
coaching tips are provided for increased motivation. There is also a place
to journal your experiences and share them with others, if you wish to do
Because thintuition is a safe, smart and sensible approach to weight loss,
the success rate is high and participant satisfaction is outstanding. Participants
report experiencing new freedoms from the deprivation of dieting, as well
as new power and control over food and eating that leads to sustained weight
The thintuition program begins by providing you with an assessment of
both your personality and of your relationship with food. A questionnaire
summarizes the information necessary for you to design a plan that is sustainable
because it is in harmony with your basic nature.
Once you have completed all of the personal survey questions and input your vital statistics, a custom-designed program is automatically designed specifically for you and your own personal weight loss goals.
Once you arrive at your member homepage, the colorful and inviting world of the full thintuition program is at your fingertips.
This is where you have an opportunity to transform your relationship with
food and eating. Learn about the six practices of people who follow their
thintuition. Complete highly engaging interactive exercises to make the
six practices become part of your life. Soon youll be eating and living
like a person with thintuition, someone who no longer struggles with their
weight eating the foods you love.
With specific direction and design you have a greater success rate in
reaching your weight loss goal than with other standard programs. Getting
started is simple and quite refreshing to see that it is you who the program
is custom-designed for. It is you who the program wants to see succeed.
And it is you who learns to understand yourself, your mind and your body,
and how to work in unison with each area for a successful victory over
your battle with weight.
I highly recommend this unique and effective program to anyone who is
fed up with dieting and ready to finally do something that will produce
a lasting result.

Katherine Cosgrove, M.S.
Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Learn more about the e-learning program!

I was 4 months away from my 60th birthday and had chronic orthopedic problems.
Pool exercises and Pilates were helpful, but I knew that if I did not lose weight my mobility and future health was at risk.
I was just about to sign up for Weight Watchers for the 3rd or 4th time when my husband suggested that we check out thintuition at the health club.
I somewhat reluctantly agreed to attend the meeting and walked out, believing that I would lose weight and keep it off.
10 months later I have lost over 50 pounds and several borderline health problems are at normal levels (blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol).
I deeply appreciate that thintuition is unique to each participant.
I do not eat what, when or how much some expert says I should eat.
I eat in regard to my own nutritional needs, preferences and desires, and only when I get hungry enough to eat. Thintuition has been a journey of self discovery which has allowed me to make internal changes to find the naturally thin me.

Manager, Psychiatry
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
The philosophy of thintuition was introduced to me after I finally surrendered.
I hit a frustration threshold. No matter how much I dieted or exercised, for 4 years my body weight remained at my biggest. From strict vegetarian to Atkins to South beach, even fasting, I remained fat. In the past, I even ran 5 marathons -- only to get bigger.
Thintuition taps into our bodys innate wisdom. By following the philosophy of thintuition, I lost 30 lbs in 5 months!! I ate all the foods I love and felt no deprivation. I even lost weight during typical female cycle excuses. The only deprivation was no more pig outs.
During month 6/7, I stopped using the tools (i.e. the hunger guide) regularly, as I thought thintution was now natural for me. I discovered that my old habits have been in place longer and 5 lbs crept back on. By refocusing on the principles, 3 of those lbs are back off and I am confident I will achieve my ultimate weight loss goal.
Along with the weight loss, I regained my confidence and respect for myself. I trusted my inner wisdom rather than outer experts and fell in love with me! I am grateful for the effect thintuition has had on every aspect of my life. Thank you Rob Stevens!

Karen DDS
I have tried so many different diets to help me loose weight, that I can't believe it took this long to figure out what really works.
From the "all protein" meals , low carb diets, diet shakes ,and diet chains.
I have lost hundreds of pounds and gained it all back.
Your simple plan works and I love it.
You don't count calories, carbs, fat grams or anything else.
There are no menus to choose from.
You teach your clients how to take control of their eating habits, naturally.
I have lost over 50 lbs using thintuition.
I enjoy eating what I want to eat without guilt.
There are no special drinks, supplements or gimmicks.
Rob, you told me when we first met that I needed to lose 100 lbs.
Think about it.
100 lbs.!!
No one
has ever told me that before and you were dead on.
I'm on my way to losing that 100 lbs and will do it in less than a year from starting thintuition.
Thank you thintuition and Rob Stevens.

President, Midwest Commercial Fitness
I started the thintuition program 2 years ago, it was a godsend, I felt like I was at the end of my rope. I have pretty much dieted all my life. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, NutiSystems, South Beach, you name it I did it. I was depressed and way overweight again, I was back up over 235 lbs! Close to the heaviest I had ever been. It seemed like every time I gained the weight back from all my dieting it got harder and harder to lose it again.
Finally, with thintuition I found a program I can trust. Now 35 lbs thinner and holding, I feel like this is the only way to go.
For me, it was all about knowing I had to do this for myself. once and for all. Thintuition gave me the structure and the tools to assist me to my newfound freedom.
I have to tell you, its still not always easy, life comes into play, stress, jobs, vacations, family. But I know I have thintuition in my back pocket. The weight doesnt come back on like it always did before with other diets.
I feel great now and I still look forward to losing the rest of weight I want to lose and to be the the naturally thin person I am meant to be.
Thanks for the love and support,

Linda Bracilano
Certified Life Coach
I read Rob Stevens book "The Overfed
Head" almost 3 years ago. It wasnt until my birthday on July 18th, 2006 that I decided it was time to get really serious.
Then I weighed in at a new peak of 260 pounds.
I immediately put into practice the axioms I had learned from Robs book, though until this moment in time had not practiced in a serious, dedicated fashion.
Eat only when you feel hungry.
I had to learn and seriously think about when I was hungry and what it felt like to be truly hungry.
I am a lot better at recognizing when I am hungry now, today, than I was able to do 6 months ago.
I often ate out of habit, because its a mealtime or we are with others who are eating (and they arent really hungry either).
I came from a family where we always "cleaned up our meal plates." That took a while to get over.
Now I dont make or eat more food than I need.
Stop eating when you are not hungry anymore.
In my opinion, the epiphany of Robs way of life is summed up in step two.
I did not realize how little food I needed to eat, to no longer feel hungry.
It is a pittance.
After 6 months using Robs methods I have found that I only need to eat two or three mouthfuls of food to no longer feel hungry.
After two or three bites / mouthfuls of food (whatever it is) I am no longer hungry at all.
Fundamentally, using only these two steps Ive lost 45 pounds in the past 6 months.
Today, I weighed in at 215 pounds.
In December, I had a fasting blood test (for among other things, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar).
My family doctor called me a few days later and said my blood work was the best he had ever seen with me in the last 10 years.
Everything was great!
He told me that if I maintained, or continued to lose weight, there was a great likelihood that he could take me completely off blood pressure medicine & cholesterol medication...something I have taken for more than 10 years!
I used to wear a size 46 waist in a pant. Now Im down to a 38 inch waist.
Where did those eight inches of fat go?
I have no idea. I guess they burned off.
I run into people Ive not seen in a year or more and they dont recognize me at all. Theyre like, "who are you?"
I couldnt be more delighted.
If I can do it, anyone can. You just have to want to bad enough.
John Keith King
Financial Advisor
Thintuition is it for me.
It makes perfect sense and it works. I've lost 57 pounds. When I began the program in mid-January I was very unhappy with how I looked, my low energy level, and restricted flexibility. I had worked with a personal trainer for a year, 2-3 times per week trying, unsuccessfully, to shift the weight with exercise.
I was not, and am not a person to be told what or when to eat ...by ANYONE.
Food is pleasure, food is life.
I won't be deprived.
Using thintuition, I can have my cake and be thinner.

PURCHASE: The Thintuition Digital program for $69.95 plus $17.95 per month (first 30 days
) for the e-learning program
PURCHASE: The Thintuition Shipped Product Program + The Digital program for $89.95. Shipped program includes: paperback book, hunger guide bookmark, hunger wheel, pocket hunger guide, CD-rom with video and interactive features + the above digital program
PURCHASE: The Thintuition e-learning program for only $4.95 for 30 days. Then $17.95 for every 30 days.
Learn more about the e-learning program!
A month before my 60th birthday, my older brother had a massive heart, attack followed by a quintuple bypass.
As I sat at his bedside, I realized this was where I was heading, as I was decidedly overweight.
Of course, I decided it was time to diet again!
I gave up my favorite foods (ice cream, potato chips and chocolate) and was very careful to eat only diet foods. By the end of 5 weeks, I had lost 10 pounds. BUT, I was ready to mug anyone I saw with an ice cream cone! I knew I needed something different from a diet.
The next day, a co-worker told me about thintuition, so I decided to try it.
My goal was simply to lose an additional 22 pounds, so my BMI would no longer be in the obese range.
Five months later I had lost 32 pounds!
I have now lost a total of 42 pounds, and am wearing a size 6. Yes!!!
I am more active than I ever dreamed I would be I have climbed 82 flights of stairs (the Aon Center) and 103 flights at the Sears Tower.
I have also participated in a 5k run, another impossible thing.
I will never again diet, because I have found dieting is the sure way to set myself up for weight gain! I eat what I enjoy, when I am hungry, and I am maintaining my weight loss.
Thintuition is the only program which has allowed me to be myself and to lose weight!
In learning to trust myself in food issues, I have learned to trust myself in other areas, too.
I can truly say that I am now a more confident person and a happier one because I have learned to trust myself.

I got so tired of going from diet to diet, and felt overwhelmed by the stress of counting points, calories, carbs, proteins, etc.
I realized that I was constantly thinking about food and constantly being down on myself for failing to succeed with weight loss.
I was looking for a way to get rid of the stress and anxiety surrounding weight loss, and to actually lose weight for good, and not feel locked into any diet program for the rest of my life.
I read something about thintuition and did a little research.
The idea of eating whatever I liked, but only when I was truly hungry was not all that new to me.
I had brief success before with that, but of course was lured to another quick fix diet, and the cycle continued.
Funny thing was, that I mostly ate healthy foods, yet I was still so overweight!
I finally started using the thintuition principles. I stopped obsessing about food all day, and actually started to lose weight.
Amazingly, it takes work to not obsess about food and weighing yourself every day.
Ive lost 51 lbs so far, but Ive really lost the obsessive-compulsiveness surrounding diets and weight loss.
Im thrilled about the weight loss and also thrilled that my mind is free from thinking about food all the time. Now I can enjoy other things in life.

When I read "The Overfed Head," I felt like a weight was lifted off my chest. I finally had the answers to solve my weight problem that I have struggled with for years!
I read the book in the end of February, joined the thintuition.com e-learning program and since March 1, I have lost 33 pounds and counting! This is the first weight loss program that I have done where I feel it is only a matter of time until I reach my goal weight. All of the other weight loss programs that I have tried in the past were too difficult and did not produce results.
The beauty of thintuition is that it is not a "diet", but a program that teaches you how to get back in touch with your natural eating habits. All of the rules come from your body. I am at the point where it feels a lot more natural and it is simply how I live my life.
Before I found thintuition, I was desperate.
I needed to do something, but I had become so disassociated with my own body that I didn't even know where to begin. Thintuition provided me with the tools to do what I thought was impossible - lose 50 pounds.
I did it without making "meal plans," counting points, eating "diet" or prepackaged foods, or exercising on a regular basis.
Most importantly, I did it without depriving myself of the foods I love.
I know myself well enough to know that I cannot sustain for the long-run, any type of diet that requires those things.
I knew a lot about dieting. But what I didn't know was how to lose weight and keep it off.
When I first read "The Overfed Head," all the light bulbs went on in my head.
It was one big "ah-hah" moment.
I started practicing the principles immediately, and began to enjoy food MORE than I had in a long time.
It really was that simple.
There are some challenges, as with any change, but the challenges were so temporary. They were so overshadowed by the ease of the weight loss.
The biggest challenges are staying attuned to my own body and tuning out what anyone else is doing or saying, with respect to eating and food.
I don't count calories, look at nutritional labels, or exercise to lose weight.
I honestly believe that exercise is healthy but that it is not a means to weight loss.
In fact, early in my thintuition journey, I suffered an injury that made it impossible to exercise for several months.
However, it had no effect on my weight loss.
Thintuition is totally separate from exercise.
It's all about eating what you love, but only in the amounts your body needs.
With thintuition, I have the tools to manage my weight for life.
It's all there for the taking if you're interested.
I have your book and the CD's.
The results I am having are so wonderful, I just want to let everyone know.
Get off DIET"S!!!!
I have stopped dieting and have my life back (and a smaller pant size) without dieting and with eating donuts, coffee with real cream, etc.
This is amazing.
I just wanted to let you know how helpful thinuition is.
Wow! This is really the most revolutionary tool that I've come across. I think deep down we all know it's common sense. It's the implementation that seemed to be so tough. This book gives us the tools to actually do what we need to do. I'm so glad I found it. I've only used it for about a week, but I already notice a change in my body- and my attitude! Best few dollars I've ever spent in my whole life!!!
Fort Worth
I weighed 400 lbs. After reading Rob's book, "The Overfed Head," I realized that DIETING is what has gotten me so FAT! After all of the 100's of diets I've been on, you'd think Id be a toothpick! Along my dieting trials, I've tried other non-diet approaches, with little success. Recently, I went on a "lifestyle" change, which I found out about from another website. This program actually hit the mark very closely, and then lost it. What do I mean? For the first 2 weeks, I was encouraged to eat whatever I wanted and to savor my food. In savoring my food, I had a complete awakening and I began to 'follow' my hunger well, and found that I ate so much less. After those 2 groundbreaking weeks, I binged for 4 weeks. The diet 'guru' I had been calling weekly, now told me I was binging because I took 'savoring' to the extreme. After examining what I did, I actually realized I didn't take 'savoring' far enough! I was still trying to eat diet foods while 'savoring.' No wonder I went 'off' of the program. I needed to eat some pleasurable foods as well! Instead of encouraging me back to savoring, listening to my body, and eating more of the foods I loved, I was encouraged to now start eating more fruits and vegetables and drink tons of water. It sounded good, but the focus turned more and more away from savoring. I was encouraged to call the 'diet guru' weekly, which started to get a little expensive, especially since I seemed to only be getting worse (after those 2 weeks of initial quasi success). 4 weeks of binging turned into 2 months of binging, while calling my 'guru' faithfully. It was only when I came across this website did I realize that I had found the answer (already) (almost) and then was encouraged to lose it!!! 'Guru's' need you to be dependent on THEM and they don't encourage self-awareness and self-accountability. When I saw the support this website offers, in terms of self monitoring and a continual encouragement -- to look and seek within, I knew I found the COMPLETE answer. Years of dieting have created a morbidly obese binge eater, who is completely disconnected from her body and her hunger. When I binge, Im looking for intense pleasure. Now I just have to wait until Im good and hungry, and the intense pleasure of the foods I love is multiplied -- and I will lose weight. I've just started the program, just received the hunger dial in the mail, but I already feel more in control, more able to turn away from things I routinely grabbed at compulsively. I'm starting to eat smaller quantities and am not feeling compelled to eat more. I already feel lighter and more hopeful for the future. The answer really IS within! If diets and diet gurus would tell you that, you wouldn't need them and they wouldn't make any more money off of you. Thank you, thintuition!
I think "The Overfed Head" is the best book I have ever read. It was so short, it only took me a few hours to read. And yet, it changed my entire outlook on eating and losing weight. It just all clicked into place. It was like all my jumbled thoughts and frustration melted away. I am eating whatever I damn well please, and I weigh less now than I have in years. And I have no worries of gaining back the weight I've lost. All of my friends dont say anything, but I know they dont think giving up dieting forever is the way. They are still trapped in the mindset of calorie counting and all that jazz. But we will see in the long run, wont we? (Laugh)
Dear Rob,
Im writing to thank you for helping me find my thintuition!!
I have been using your online program and have learned, and now understand, the reasons for my previous mindless eating, learned to identify when Im truly hungry and of most importance, I've learned to stop eating when I no longer feel hunger.
I have lost 25 lbs following this program, and am probably close to being at my ideal weight
(Im 5 10 and now weigh 162 lbs).
For me, this program is about understanding and changing ones eating habits.
I have learned that to
a habit, one must understand the nature of the existing habit -- to identify what the desired outcome is and how to implement a change. Your book, "The Overfed Head" and your on-line program provided me all the information I needed to understand why I was overeating.
And the tools provided in the on-line program were very useful in helping me change my eating habits. Has it been easy? Absolutely not! But I was extremely curious as to whether or not I could identify when I was truly hungry and when I was no longer hungry (versus being full).
I read the book, "The Overfed Head," many, many times and used the on-line tutorials daily for about a month the minimum time behavior experts say it takes to train your mind to make a change.
I still review the on-line information on a regular basis, just to reinforce what I need to be aware of.
Once I identified the reasons that caused me to overeat, I used the tools in the on-line program to track when and why I ate.
I faithfully did this for about a month, and eventually became aware of what hunger felt like, and when to stop eating before I became full.
Im now to the point where I habitually examine my hunger level before I put food into my mouth (well at least the majority of the time!) and am definitely thinking about when to stop eating every time I put food into my mouth.
So I think I have reached the goal of this program finding ones thintuition!
Again, thank you for your support and for the program.
Best regards,
Andy P.
Overland Park, KS
Dear Rob,
thintuition is an amazing course! Dieting has been a way of life for me for the past 20 years. After taking your course and learning to use my thintuition I am free from the torture I have felt on diet after diet. I am now aware of the many reasons for why I ate, that led me to be overweight. Living as a person who follows my thintuition gives me the power I never knew I had to lose weight (25 pounds) and keep it off. The possibility of being thin has never been a goal I felt I could reach. I always accepted that I could weigh less but would always be a little overweight. thintuition has shown me the way and I am sure I can reach that goal.
As a physician I have many patients ask my advice about ways to lose weight. I have never felt comfortable recommending specific diets because I have seen so many of them fail. I would tell them to eat less and exercise. I now realize that eat less is just one more form of dieting. Its no surprise that it did not seem to work for them. I would recommend thintuition to any of my patients.

Leslie M. M.D.
Chicago, IL
I have been looking for the answer to weight loss and control for the past forty years.
Since the age of seven I have been on probably every diet known to man.
I have spent more time and money than I would like to admit in my quest for the answer.
My weight issues started when I was a young child and have been with me ever since.
Dieting and exercise did help me shed those unwanted pounds and on the outside I looked like a success.
I even became a certified fitness trainer.
I appeared relatively lean but the truth is I was totally obsessed with my weight and could never relax or thought I could maintain my weight.
I was either losing or gaining and never felt free.
My days were spent obsessing over every morsel of food I put into my mouth.
Should I count grams, carbs or fat?
Guilt and denial were all part of my daily routine.
Living in my world was not easy.
I had to exercise most days, not to be healthy, but in order to lose weight or make up for eating too much.
Dealing with me was no picnic either.
God help you if you were the poor waiter at the restaurant I was dining.
My interrogation of the menu could send a calm waiter into a frenzy.
For the most part I was miserable and could not find a way out of my self-imposed prison.
That was not until I stumbled onto the book "The Overfed Head," by Rob Steven's.
This little 144 page book changed my life forever, and by following Rob's advice to listen to your body's "thintuition" I have been able to be set free.
I cannot begin to express the gratitude I feel to Rob for giving me the power to live a healthy, happy life and the freedom to eat the foods I enjoy, and not struggle with my weight.
I have never met this man who has changed my life and given me what I always searched for, but I can tell you that I will forever be grateful to him.
After a forty-year struggle and a lifetime of imprisonment, I highly recommend reading "The Overfed Head."
Just by listening to my own body, I no longer struggle to maintain my weight or have to spend countless hours measuring and preparing special foods. I have reached my goal weight and maintain it easily.
This has been a life changing experience for me and I know it could be the answer for many others who share my story.
Yours truly,
New Jersey
Dear Rob,
As an average-build guy (5'10", 190 pounds), I took your course to fine-tune my eating habits and to add to my knowledge about healthy eating.
Low and behold, I was stunned to find out that all my knowledge about carbs, proteins and calories are irrelevant.
I felt a sense of freedom at the grocery store as I purchased foods I loved and craved, that I had previously labeled as "off limits" or for special occasions only.
I learned that I can eat whatever I want whenever I am hungry, and I lost 12 pounds during the first 6 weeks.
I still have a little fine-tuning to do with my weight, and I have even found the inspiration to be more active and go to the gym more often.
The best part is that other people are noticing me losing weight and are dumbfounded to learn that I am not on any sort of diet.
I'm truly eating all the foods I love and crave, while losing weight!
I can't believe how simple it is!
THANK YOU for teaching me this!!!
Jim E.
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
Chicago, IL
Thintuition is providing overweight clients with exactly what
they wanta healthy, commonsense approach to losing weight that fits seamlessly
into their lifestyles.
These testimonials are intended to illustrate some
people's experiences with my program. Their success is not a guarantee of your success. Your own success is up to you ... by tapping into your thintuition.
PURCHASE: The Thintuition Digital program for $69.95 plus $17.95 per month (first 30 days
) for the e-learning program
PURCHASE: The Thintuition Shipped Product Program + The Digital program for $89.95. Shipped program includes: paperback book, hunger guide bookmark, hunger wheel, pocket hunger guide, CD-rom with video and interactive features + the above digital program
PURCHASE: The Thintuition e-learning program for only $4.95 for 30 days. Then $17.95 for every 30 days.
Learn more about the e-learning program!
Always consult a physician before starting any weight loss program. The thintuition e-learning program is for people over the age of 18. People between the age of 13 and 18 must have parental consent. Internet laws prohibit children under the age of 13 from joining membership based sites.
Register for the thintuition e-course.
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