Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013

Metroflex Gyms Down-to-earth Guide To Your Ideal Body

Metroflex Gyms Down-to-earth Guide To Your Ideal Body

Metroflex Gym And Brian Dobson | Muscle Buidling Ebook |
Muscle Mass Workouts | Online Weightlifting Guide | Weight Lifting Book
| Build Up Muscle Fast
TheHardcore Weight Training Plans,
Muscle Mass
Workouts, And Diets Which Have Helped People All Around The World
Already Gain New Muscle In As Little As 4 Weeks!
Dear Friend,
day I get phone
e-mails, and unexpected visitorsto Metroflex Gym from all
the world. They all have different objectives. Some want to
one of the last hardcore gyms. Some want to lift weights in a
which actually encourages grunting (unlike the commercial gyms!).

And some want to get a chance to talk to Metroflex's members like
Ronnie Coleman, Branch Warren, and the dozens of bodybuilders, figure
competitors, and powerlifters who train here.
It's hard to
put into words what you have done for me. I just thank God for bringing
you into my life. You know this would not have been possible wit
your generosity. Thanks for being the kind person you are!
But they all have two things in common:
1) They all want to gain muscle mass on their own frames
2) They are all frustrated with the garbage information they
which hurts their chances of getting bigger and stronger.
either can't get quality information or are drowning in TOO MUCH
I gave them the same advice I give my personal training clients.
They usually come back or contact me within a few weeks
me for how much progress they have made in such a short period of time.
And now the same information I give to my personal training clients is
available to you. The information is in the format of a muscle
building ebook, which offers you what you need to become bigger and
Here is what Ironman Magazine had to say about my methods:
Where on earth are you most likely to
hear the following phrases uttered? “aint nuthin’
but a peanut”, Light weight, baby”,
“Yo-o- buddy”, “Everyone wants to be a
bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift heavy-ass weights.”
Well, if you’re a serious fan of pro bodybuilding, you know
the answer without hesitation: Metroflex Gym in Arlington, Texas, the
legendary stomping ground or eight-time Mr. Olympia and the very man.
More like an alien from the planet Frekazoid
– who made the above lines famous, Ronnie Coleman. Look up
the word hardcore in the dictionary, and you’ll find a
picture of Metroflex. It’s know throughout the bodybuilding
world as one of the most dungeonlike, sweaty, intense and pure gyms on
the planet. There’s nothing fancy, modern or pretty about the
place, and that’s exactly the way the members want it.
you walk through the doors of Metroflex, you
better be ready to “go hard, or go home.” You have
tow choices when training there: Pour out some serious sweat, or run
away with your tail between your legs. Just talking about Metroflex is
enough to get my testosterone skyrocketing, but what has me even more
pumped up is that we all now have the opportunity to learn from the
main man behind the Metroflex madness, owner and operator Brain Dobson.
think about how cool it would be to have the
same secrets in your back pocket as Brian has taught to Ronnie Coleman,
Branch Warren and dozens of other top-level pro body builders,
powerlifters, football players, fitness athletes and UFC fighters. What
are you waiting for? Check out the website and find out how you too can
benefit from the insights of a man who’s spent 30 years
creating champions in the iron sports. You have nothing to lose and
only slabs of new muscle to gain.
Magazine, June 2007
Here is what someone who trained briefly with me, and then went back
home out of town to continue his training:
I am proud
to say that within 6 months of returning
home from the time I spent with Brian I have gained 30 pounds of solid
muscle without raising my bodyfat percentage above 13% goining from 190
to 220. I have been able to do this while working toward my Masters in
Exercise Physiology which keeps me very busy, but with these numbers I
should come in above 20 lbs heavier in my next competition. I have
Brian to thank for all of this.
through his teaching me
I have helped many people with training and reaching there goals
asI am a trainer for IU and they have become very happy with
the new training methods I have come to use.
You see, I am frustrated with so much awful knowledge being pushed on
good people. You probably have bought a training system with
fancy name, lots of marketing packaging, and lots of well-built people
on the front cover.
Too bad most of the cover models never even remotely trained using that
system! Welcome to one of the dark secrets of the
world, where people stretch the truth in order to make a buck.
If you like watching bodybuilding training videos then you KNOW that I
train hardcore myself. You actually can witness this for
as I am training with Ronnie Coleman at Metroflex in his world-famous
You also will learn what REALLY works because I have trained everyone
from elderly clients to NFL athletes to Mr. Olympia competitors to high
school athletes training for football. The best part about my
information is that it is applicable to anyone who wants to gain muscle.
And you're even welcome to come visit Metroflex Gym when you're in
town. Come by and visit so that you know what I say is true.
name is Armando Romas, from
I started bodybuilding 2 years ago. I was very confused about the right
nutrition and training I should be following to reach my goals. I
wanted to be bigger and leaner. During one year and a half, I was doing
everything that I read or listened to in magazines, books, Internet or
some local, self-called "GURU". I made gains, yes, but a
of bodyfat too.
Until I saw the Ronnie Coleman video
Unbelievable." Then I knew the most FREAKY Bodybuilder in the world and
his angel, Brian Dobson. I sent an email to Brian asking for help. He
answered my email (very kind). He made me a right diet and workout and
I started to burn a LOT of ugly body fat and I start to look GOOD! At
this point I have plans to COMPETE in a local bodybuilding show!
I am very happy with my body
enhancement, in
my gym all the guys are so impressed with my look (more vascular and
leaner) and my STRENGTH - without Brian Dobson, all my efforts would be
a waste of time.
I'll keep listening to all his advise
Armando Manuel Ramos
del Real
You will get all of the information I possibly can convey without
meeting you in person. There will be no fluff, no fancy names
routines, nor extra "bells and whistles." Everything you need
build muscle can be found in:
is what you will
find inside the weight training guide:
You Can Train Like A Champion And Build Muscle
(starting on
page 29)
Big Money
- Learn how to save
money while getting bigger and
stronger (page 118)
Weak Body Parts
- Learn how to
construct your own specialized
routines designed to help your specific situation (page 56)
To Prepare The
Night Before Your Workout
(page 72)
"Lifting" In Order To Get Stronger
(page 67)
To Achieve Your
Goals Like A Champion
Frequently You
Should Change Your Exercises
(page 35)
To Eat Properly
For Your Goals, Age, And Bodyweight
(pages 82-83)
To Cardio
(page 89)
To Use Your Brain
To Train Even If You Are Injured
Training If You Are Over 40
To Overcome The Drawbacks Of The Stereotypical "Bodybuilding Lifestyle"
(page 115)
You Need In A
Good Training Partner
To Eat While
(page 102)
To Train At Home
And Set Up Your Home Gym
Plus you will get exact routines used by Ronnie Coleman, Branch Warren,
and other Metroflex Gym legends!
And you will get all of this for less than the cost of an hour's time
with some regular personal trainer at your gym, fresh out of
certification training. Do you trust such a trainer with only
"book knowledge" or someone who has been a bodybuilder, powerlifter,
trainer to champions, and contest promoter for over 30 years?
Still, I genuinely want you to add quality muscle and spread the
"hardcore training" mentality in gyms around the country.
all of the focus on training methods teaching everything EXCEPT getting
bigger and stronger, I want REAL training information to become
commonplace. And you have the chance to build bigger muscles
get stronger for any activity as a result!
In order to make the job easier for you I have included a few bonuses:
Bonus #1: Sled
Dragging Report ($19.95
You get that bonus
right now
by clicking this
Bonus #2:
How To
Get In The Zone ($19.95 value)
Have you ever
felt "off" before a big workout, like leg day? Have you ever wanted
felt less than ready when driving to the gym, yet you wanted to train
with the same intensity as your best training session? Well now you can
learn how to quickly and easily get "in the zone" anytime you want!
Learn one of the secrets used by professional athletes, Olympians, and
famous actors to be able to bring your "A-Game" anytime you want. Best
of all... you can do this technique for free!
Bonus #3: Once A
Week Workout For Busy
People ($29.95 value)
you someone who wants to build up muscle
yet you are pressed for time by business travel, family obligations,
and work committments? You might be a single parent who barely has
enough time to sleep, let alone go to the gym during the
your time pressuresyou may
have given up hope about building up muscle fast. Now you can rekindle
those dreams! Metroflex Gym has a workout for you that is
doneONCE a weekAND for less than an hour.
Bonus #4:
Aces High
Workout ($19.95 value)
Can't do your cardio exercise
outdoors due to
bad weather? Is money tight this month so you had to forego the gym
membership? Are you on the road and not able to get in a good workout
at the gym? No problem!! Get a great workout which you can do anytime,
anyplace... and all you need is a deck of cards!
Bonus #5: Free
Revised Editions ($29.00
You get free revisions and for the
of the book! When we find new ways to help you build and
update the e-book you will get a new
version right away.
Bonus #6: Extra
Chapters Designed Aroung
Your Feedback
If you
have a question or need information on
certain subjects then e-mail them to us! We will create bonus exclusive
chapters or videos for customers only... focusing on YOUR
have done this already for our current
customers and look forward to helping you. You will get to
ask the original trainer of a multi-time Mr. Olympia winner your
questions and get the same advice!
All of this is available to you for just $29. Considering
most first-time personal trainers will charge you over $40 an hour in
any commercial gym, you should be able to recognize what a bargain you
are getting.
Just in case you are still concerned, imagine that the most
knowledgable personal trainer you know were to give you his or her best
information. All you had to do was pay their hourly rate
they talked and you took notes.
You would still be paying hundreds of dollars!
And chances are that they haven't seen, done, and met the type of
experts which have been involved with Metroflex Gym. Do
a favor and get the quality information you have been seeking for ages.
100% Risk-Free Guarantee
Unlike other personal trainers, you get an 8-week guarantee.
That's right, if you don't get quality results you want in 8
weeks (even though I know you will get them in a shorter period of
time!) then you get a 100% money-back guarantee. The best
part is
that the guarantee comes from a third party, so you have extra security
with your purchase.
Just remember to let us know your successes with the information WHEN
you gain the muscle you have wanted for ages!
You will download the information in an e-book (PDF) format.
you are just 5 minutes away from reading the information which has
produced Mr. Olympia winners, champion athletes, and tons of muscle on
everyday people around the world just like you.
having new
muscles in just
4 weeks and knowing that today was the day that you took the one step
toward finally achieving your longtime goal. The best part is
that you have over 30 years of experience, tons of reassurance from the
international muscle magazines, Mr. Olympia training videos
confirming the advice, AND a money-back guarantee.
And you are welcome to come visit Metroflex anytime you are in the
Dallas-Fort Worth area!
Secure, Risk-Free Acceptance Form
When I order now, I will receive:
Gym's Down-To-Earth Guide To Your Ideal Body
Free report on
sled dragging
Subscription to
the "
Free bonus on
"How To Get In The Zone"
The "Once A Week
Workout" report
The "Aces High
Free revisions
and special customers-only bonus
The 8-Week, 100%
Satisfaction Guarantee
am making the small investment in my weight training education of
$29 and I can order with any major credit card or PayPal.
look forward to
your upcoming success story, and welcome to the Metroflex Gym family,
took me a while to figure it out for myself, but I believe I know what
makes this gym the most hardcore gym in the world. It is the heart of
the beast, the warrior spirit behind all of it. It’s the
owner Brian Dobson. He is the reason that Metroflex Gym is the most
hardcore gym in the world. It’s an attitude he has, a
mentality of hardcore if that makes sense.
is what Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman stumbled upon so many years ago. Mr.
Coleman has always given credit to his success to Brian and now I
understand why. Brian is someone that awakens the hardcore in people.
It has happened to me personally and so many others. He makes you want
to work harder than you ever have to reach your goals. It’s
really hard for me to explain. Some people just have a God given gift
to do great things and I see God’s great hands at work in
Brian Dobson. Whether it is the Special Olympians he works with or Mr
Olympia himself, he motivates everyone he comes in contact with to do
better and work harder to be hardcore!
Che/Metroflex Samurai.

2010 info
- Build Up Muscle Fast


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Gym E-Book Publicity

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Result of Metroflex Gyms Down-to-earth Guide To Your Ideal Body

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