Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

Andy Bolton Strength Squat, Bench Press & Deadlift Offer

Andy Bolton Strength Squat, Bench Press & Deadlift Offer

Andy Bolton Strength: Explode Your Squat, Bench and Deadlift
"Discover How To Add 100's Of Pounds To Your Squat, Bench Press And Deadlift... Using The Exact Techniques I Use To Squat 1214lbs, Bench
Press 755lbs And Deadlift 1008lbs"
Regardless of your current strength levels... If You Want To Get Stronger
And Minimise Your Injury-Risk, This Could Be
The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Read
Learn How To:
Master your
Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift Technique
... you'll lift more weight
- faster than ever before
Lift Raw and Equipped
- if you don't know the differences between the two styles you could end up in trouble
aches and pains
Develop a powerful mind-set
... this will give you an "edge" in the gym and at competitions
Perform 10 easy-to-learn Pull-Up variations that you can use to
build a stronger Back
Quickly design
Conditioning and Recovery Workouts
that will improve your strength,
body composition
your health
Grab Your Copy
"Explode Your Squat"
"Explode Your Bench"
"Explode Your Deadlift"
“Conditioning & Recovery Workouts For The Strength Athlete"
"Powerful Pull-Ups"
And 4 Awesome Bonus Books
Usual Price
Right Now Just

Dear friend who wants to get stronger,
I have some important questions for you...
Be honest with me as you answer:
Have you ever felt
by the huge amount of information that is available to
you on the internet, in books and in magazines... about how to improve your Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift?
Do you ever
struggle to hit depth
on your squats?
Do you feel like your Squat, Bench Press and/or Deadlift TECHNIQUE needs to improve
in order for you to
get stronger
reduce your injury-risk
whilst training... but you are unsure of how to make these improvements?
Have you ever experienced a
, where no matter what you tried you could not
get any stronger?
Have you ever missed a workout, wimped out of doing a heavy set or one rep max attempt or
even failed a lift becuase your mind-set was
strong enough... worse still, have you ever
missed a training session because you could not be bothered to go to the gym?
Have you ever
missed a heavy Deadlift
because you could not lock it out OR because your
strength off the floor was not good enough?
Do you totally ignore any form of
conditioning work
in your strength
training program because you fear that conditioning workouts will make you
... or
have you ever added conditioning workouts to your training program, only to find that
the result was a
drop in performance
during your main strength training sessions?
Have you ever suffered an INJURY, or experienced aches and pains whilst training?
If you are anything like I was when I first started strength training and focusing on
the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift, you will have answered "YES" to a few of those questions
or perhaps all of them.
However, you
must not
feel bad about it because their are many other lifters and athletes out
there who are experiencing similar problems with their lifting.
So you are not alone.
And the good news is...
There is hope and I'm going to explain why, right now...
"How I Went From Zero To Hero And Ended Up Squatting 1214lbs, Benching 755lbs and Deadlifting 1008lbs... "
As I write this I can say that I have Squatted 1214lbs, Benched 755lbs and Deadlifted 1008lbs.
I've also been
7 time WPC World Powerlifting Champion
and a 2 time WPO Champion. During my career I have also held the all-time
Powerlifting Total Record, the all-time Squat record, the British Bench Press record and have of course Deadlifted
over 1000lbs not once, but twice.
Most people would agree that makes me pretty dam strong ;)
However, things were not always this way for me and I started out my strength training career like everybody else...
totally clueless
I really didn't know anything about strength training... my Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift technique were awful and
I was often over-trained and/or was suffering with
injuries, aches and pains
. In fact, despite recently Bench Pressing 342.5kg in
a powerlifting competition - I struggled to Bench 65kg when I first started training...
Not very impressive for a guy weighing 110kg (I was naturally a pretty big dude but unfortunately this didn't mean
I naturally had a big Bench Press).
What I am glad to tell you is that I did not settle for knowing nothing about training and have
spent the past 20 years reading, researching and figuring out what really works in the field of
"getting strong"
And with this knowledge I have built my
Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift
to the numbers I previously told you about
and I routinely help my clients hit life-time Personal bests... even if they had been stuck at the same numbers
for months prior to working with me.
Here's a quick list of the areas that I have spent the most time finding out about and that have been the
in helping me to get strong and are most important for helping you to get strong as well:
Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift technique
Training program design
Assistance exercises
Conditioning and Recovery Workouts
The reason why I have put this offer together for you is so that you can benefit for
my experience and start to make the kind of
strength gains on your Squat, Bench Press
and Deadlift
that you deserve. I also want to make sure that you don't have to make all
the mistakes that I made along the way.
Before I tell you more about the offer, I am going to share with you some of the most
important things I know (and teach) about getting seriously strong.
Pay careful attention as you discover 5 of my most powerful training ideas and techniques:
"5 Things You
Do If You Want To Increase Your Squat, Bench Press And Deadlift... "
1. Work On Your Technique
Technique is
very important
for 2 main reasons.
Firstly, excellent technique will allow you to make the
fastest strength gains
and reach your strength potential.
Secondly, good technique will give you the best chance possible of staying
and minimising
the amount of aches and pains you get from training.
If you look at the world of strength training, you will often find
that the strongest guys have great technique. I hope you are sold on
the idea of improving your technique and make a commitment to do so.
Here are 3 things to work on that are
to your lifting success:
1. Arch your lower back when you Squat
The opposite situation is where you round your lower back.
The arched position is STRONG and SAFE. Whereas the rounded back position
is weaker and un-safe.
If you value your Squatting strength and the health of your lower back,
make sure you arch throughout each and every rep. Film your lifts to check
your form and if you do not arch,
reduce the weight
and work on it until you
can hold the arch on every rep you do.
Only then should you ramp up the weights again.
2. Use your legs when you Bench Press
A lot of guys think that the Bench Press is purely an upper body movement.
And whilst the Pecs, Delts, Lats and Triceps do a lot of the work, you must
not overlook the roll of the legs.
Without a massive leg drive, you will
reach your potential on the
Bench Press.
If you do not currently drive with your legs on the Bench and you learn to
do so, you could realistically
add 20 pounds or more to your press in a few
if you start to work on this.
As you lower the bar to your chest,
drive your heels into the floor
. As you
press the bar back up, drive even HARDER (and make sure that your Glutes stay
on the Bench).
Mastering leg drive requires some practise but you can do it.
3. Keep the bar close to your body on your Deadlift
One of the biggest mistakes that beginner and intermediate lifters make
on the Deadlift is letting the bar get too far in front of them as they pull.
When this happens the lower back and Hamstrings are made to work overtime and
whilst you can get away with it with lighter weights... when you approach your
max you will probably fail - or not lift as much as you could.
The correct way to pull is to
keep the bar close to you at all times
This is the easiest path and the one that allows you to lift the
most weight
Think of "pulling back" as soon as you break the bar from the floor and you
will soon be pulling like a pro with the bar nice and close to your body.
If you ever wondered why great Deadlifters have scars on their shins... now
you know. And if you don't want the scars, just be sure to wear long socks
when you Deadlift. Problem solved.
2. Learn To Get Tight
Tension and tightness
are a lifters best friend.
If you want to build your Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift... you must learn to stay tight because
the tighter you get, the more weight you will lift.
When you watch a beginner Squat there is usually a noticable lack of tension and this results in
"strength leakages"
(or losses of power).
Here are some tips to think about when you
Squat, Bench and Deadlift
that will help you
get tighter:
When you Squat, tense your abs
as hard as you can
and flex your lats. This will give
you the tightness and core stiffness required to Squat big weights
When you Bench Press, squeeze your Glutes hard, screw your heels into the floor, get
your upper back as tight as possible and grip the bar so hard
your knuckles turn white
. Do
these things every time you Bench and you will soon be pressing more than ever before
When you Deadlift, get your abs tight, flex your lats hard and grip the bar as powerfully as you
can. All these things will contribute to a
bigger pull
if you practise them each and every
time train your Deadlift
3. Train Hard... With Purpose And Intensity
You must train hard
It sounds so simple, yet many people fail to do it and it should be no surprise that these people are always the ones
complaining that they can not get stronger.
Strength is a great attribute to have, but the reason why 99.99% of guys never get anywhere near their strength potential is
because they do not train hard enough.
If you train with
purpose and intensity
, you will be training hard. Here are what those two words mean in this context:
Training with "purpose"
If you go to the gym and bust your ass (train really hard) but you haven't got a sensible
plan - then you may progress, but you will do so at a
slower rate
and with a
greater risk
of injury
than if you trained with purpose.
To train with purpose
you need a plan
You must not simply go to the gym and "lift". Instead, have a
training program
that guides
you. A good TRAINING PROGRAM will lay out the following things:
How many days per week to train
Warm ups
What exercises to do
Sets and reps
Rest periods
Recovery workouts
If you are neglecting any of the above things in your training program then I can guarantee
that you are
getting the most out of your training.
So start to really take a look at everything you are doing in the gym and put together a
training program where you have a solid reason for including everything that is on it.
If you don't know why you are including something in your plan - it probably shouldn't be
The bottom line is that your training program gives you purpose.
Training with "intensity"
Intensity has 2 meanings.
1. Busting your ass and training really hard (this is how most guys see it)
2. The percentage of your 1 rep max (for example, if you have a 100kg 1 rep max on the
Bench Press and do a set of 5 reps at 80kg... you are working at 80% intensity)
The truth about intensity is that both meanings of the word are useful. You can not
maximal strength
if you never go above 70% of your max and likewise - you are
unlikely to get strong if you never feel like you have worked hard.
The take home message is that if you want to get strong, you must
train hard and lift
4. Use Conditioning And Recovery Workouts To Help Your Main Lifting Sessions
Conditioning and recovery are very important to your success as a lifter.
With better conditioning you will be able to do more work in same amount of time at the gym
or the same amount of work in less time. This will
make your training more efficient
you recover from your training, the better you will perform the next time you
train. To get the most out of your training you must do as much work as possible in a given
session, whilst not doing so much that you can not recover in time for your next workout.
Here are some very easy things that you can do for
conditioning and recovery
Walking with ankle weights
Use 5 to 10 pounds per leg and walk for 15 to 30 minutes twice a week. Walking is a
great way to condition yourself without it impacting on your leg strength. The ankle
weights make the walk somewhat tougher.
If your legs are sore from
heavy Squats or Deadlifts
, a 20 minute walk is a great idea.
increased blood flow
will help recovery. Sitting on your ass watching television won't.
Band only Push Downs and Hamstring Curls
2 or 3 sets of 15 to 30 reps of Band Only Push Downs and Band Only Hamstring Curls is a
great way to pump the Triceps and Hamstrings full of blood. This can be done at home and
will take 10 minutes at the most.
As well as
promoting recovery
conditioning the muscles
to handle more work in your
main strength training sessions, a mini workout like this will build TENDON and LIGAMENT
strength - vital if you want to get as strong as possible, as safely as possible.
5. Find Out Which Assistance Exercises Work For You
There are 1000's of assistance exercises that you can include in your training program.
In fact, every single day I get numerous questions about which
assitance exercises
to use
for which lifts. The fact is, everyone is different.
For example, if you pull Sumo, the Front Squat may be a good assistance exercise for your
Deadlift. In contrast, if you pull Conventional with a rounded upper back... the Front Squat
probably wouldn't work so well for you.
For this reason, trying to say that a particular assistance exercise will make you stronger
on a particular lift is not easy to do. Some
must be done.
With that said, there are
two simple ways
to work out whether or not to include an assistance exercise in your
The 2 things you must consider with regard to every assistance exercise...
1. Include it if it is likely to make you
less likely to suffer an injury
2. Include the exercise if it
helps you get stronger
on the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift (or
whatever your main lifts are)
If an exercise doesn't meet numbers 1 and/or 2 in the list above - drop it from your
program because it's a
waste of time and energy
So there you have it. Some simple, yet highly effective ways to
instantly improve your strength
. Be sure
to work on these things the very next time you set foot in the gym.
In the books that you will receive from this offer you will discover plenty more information
like the stuff you've just read about above... the only difference is there will be way more
of it and it's way more detailed...
what you need to know to start getting stronger straight away...
"Here's A More Detailed Look At What You'll Learn When You Take Me Up On My Offer... "
This offer contains 5 e-books and 4 bonus books, all designed to help you increase your Squat, Bench Press
and Deadlift. I'll show you what you get in each book right now...
In "Explode Your Squat" you'll discover:
simple drill
that will FAST-TRACK your progress to
awesome Squat
... it's easy to learn and only takes 60 seconds to perform
(and can be used in the gym or at home)
How to breathe before you even un-rack the bar - get this right and
you'll Squat stronger and more safely than ever before (get it wrong
and you are asking for an injury)
The differences between RAW and EQUIPPED Squatting... you
this if you want to reach your strength potential
The most important muscles for Squatting huge weights (you might be
How to
MASTER your mind-set
and succeed in the heat of competition
(fail to work on your mind-set and it may let you down when the
pressure is on)
Why Leg Curls, Leg Extensions and the Leg Press and weak choices if
you want big, muscular, STRONG legs
How arguably the GREATEST STRENGTH COACH of all-time used Squats to
create 9 Olympic Champions - and what YOU can learn from this great
My own personal Squat history... this will
you (and make you
want to train harder than ever before)
What RAW Squatting is - and the best Raw Squat technique for developing
Strength and
injury risk (whether you are a Powerlifter,
Athlete or just a guy who wants to get stronger... you need to know this)
How EQUIPMENT effects your Squatting style (try Squatting with the wrong
Squat style for the equipment you are wearing and you are doomed to failure)
The most important part of your Squat - get this right and everything
else flows (get this wrong and you will be highly frustrated)
The exact position to place your hands on the bar. A good hand position
will provide STABILITY and should keep your elbows PAIN-FREE
A very simple bit of Maths that clearly shows you why working on your
technique is so important if you want to reach your strength potential -
and do so as quickly as possible
Where to
position your head
when Squatting (get this wrong and you invite
a nasty accident)
3 QUICK and EASY exercises to
cure bad posture
and help you get your Upper
Back tight when you Squat (this can cure a ton of problems and instantly
make your Squat stronger)
A powerful drill to teach you to ARCH your Lower Back (this is the most
efficient way to Squat... it's STRONG and SAFE)
2 Exercises to make your CORE strong - essential if you want to hold your
arch under big weights (and if you don't hold your arch you invite injury)
How to set up for your Squats if you are using a Mono-lift... this will
help you make the most of this specialised piece of equipment
A simple list of 5 things that will ensure you
set-up correctly
you un-rack the Squat bar
Exactly how to
un-rack the bar
(whether you are using a mono-lift OR
walking your Squats out)... getting this right can instantly ADD POUNDS
to your Squat
How to BREATHE when you Squat (another technique that will bring you an
instant increase in your Squat strength)
An awesome drill that teaches you to "sit-back" on your Squats... it's
easy to learn
and will make sure you make your biggest, strongest muscles
work to their MAXIMUM POTENTIAL during your Squat
How to get your training partners to help you cure your Squatting "depth"
issues (no more red lights at Powerlifting meets if you do this)
Pictures of me Squatting at the gym where I have trained for my BIGGEST
competition lifts and world records. (This will show you how a gym should
really look)
How to blast through your
sticking point
Why you must arch your upper back hard on the way out of the hole (and
how this can save you from missing heavy Squats)
A simple routine for SAFELY and efficiently racking the bar after your
set of Squats (most people take this for granted... don't be one of them)
5 footwear choices that will promote great Squat technique, overload
the posterior chain and make your Squat Stronger
The SIMPLEST technique in the world for a RAW Powerlifter to make
himself feel more comfortable on competition day (why more RAW lifters
don't do this is beyond me)
How to AVOID embarrasment, disqualification and even being labelled a
"cheat" in competition (this is so simple to do and takes just a few
The one fact you have to understand about technique... this will ease
your mind on days when your technique doesn't feel 100% (even though
you've been working hard on it)
6 Powerful ways to develop a BULLET-PROOF mind-set - get this right
and you will
dominate the weights
, your competition and the Squat bar
In "Explode Your Bench" you'll discover:
Why Benching how they tell you to in all your favourite bodybuilding magazines
bust up
your Shoulders,
your Pecs and cut your training career short
– almost without doubt. (And how to avoid this happening to you)
How to “break the bar apart” when Benching and instantly
increase your triceps
– as if by magic
Exactly how to
for the Bench Press – Strong and Stable; this tip alone
could add 50 pounds to your press immediately
A killer drill performed with a simple Band that makes you feel precisely the
upper back tightness
that you must have when Bench Pressing - if you want to
press BIG
Which muscles are
most important
for a Big Bench – (you might be surprised)
Why a good spotter is essential and what they need to do – ignore this and you
could end up one of the few people who dies in the USA each year when Benching
How to DYNAMICALLY EXPLODE the bar on every rep for
maximum strength and size
The little know secret of compensatory acceleration and how incorporating this
tactic can supercharge your Bench
What you must do before you un-rack the bar – you have probably never even
thought about this. But you MUST, if you want to
reach your strength potential
How a Champion thinks before attempting a Big Bench – these
“mind-set” tricks
will set you apart from your competition and turn you into a pressing STUD
The exact mental ritual I go thru before every big lift (this has helped me to
dominate my rivals
in competition and can do the same for you)
The difference between RAW and EQUIPPED Benching – you must understand this
in order to set solid goals for your Bench Press, and achieve them
A FEMALE athlete who weighs less than the average man AND Benches over 500lbs
(if this doesn’t inspire you to a monstrous Bench then nothing will)
How the Bench Press is used in the NFL as part of the process that decides who
gets Multi-Million $ contracts – Yes, the Bench really is that important!
Why the
Triceps are king
if you want to Bench BIG
How I launched myself from a miserable and embarrassing 154lbs Bench to a near
800lbs Bench – you’ll discover the exact technique I have used to skyrocket my
When and when not to use
Wrist Wraps
(this is an interesting one and needs
careful thought)
The exact spot on your body where the bar should touch, each AND every time
you Bench – get this wrong and say goodbye to your shoulders
What we can learn from
world class athletes
like Tiger Woods and Roger
Federer: and how to apply this knowledge to supercharge your Bench Press
How to grip the bar for MAXIMUM strength and safety (this is often overlooked,
but essential to your success)
The secret
Law of Irradiation
and how employing this to your Bench Press AND
every other lift you do in the gym will instantly increase your strength
A simple drill that will turn a saggy, flaccid backside into
buns of steel
allowing you to achieve a better set up on the Bench and press way, way more
(plus, a hard butt indicates impressive thrusting power to members of the
opposite sex. So chicks dig it. But I digress…)
How to
improve your arch
and shorten the distance you have to press the bar –
yet another method for rapid strength and muscle mass increases
The different foot positions that you can use for the Bench Press and why you
must pick the right one for your circumstances and style. (Get this wrong and
it could cost you dearly)
5 easy steps to ensuring you set up correctly for the Bench Press, EVERY TIME.
– This will save you hours of frustration
How to quickly determine whether or not a particular Bench Press station is a
good one for you to train on. The right equipment will let you lift the most
weight, whilst reducing injury risk. (The wrong Bench could really mess you
up and put a stop to your progress)
Exactly how to
with your training partner or spotter – this will
improve your lifts and could save you from a nasty injury
Why you should use the Straight Arm Pull Down to help you
master your Bench
(and how to avoid ruining the drill by keeping your EGO in check)
An easy way to check that your bar path is consistent – all you need is a dark
top and some chalk
How to AVOID breaking your Jaw, dropping the bar on your Windpipe and/or knocking
out your Teeth. YES, really… This can happen if you don’t know what you are doing
Whether or not you should
the bar on your chest when training (this depends
on your goals and requires some serious thought)
How to
use your legs,
to instantly increase your Bench Press poundage’s – I’ve
seen people add 100 pounds in one training session by doing this!
When to use the
Push Press
instead of the Bench Press (coaches of athletes should
pay very special attention to this if they don’t want a lawsuit on their hands or
angry parents shouting in their face)
The main reason why letting your backside come off the bench is a disaster, how
stop it from happening
AND why you MUST stop it from happening if you want to
reach your potential and avoid horrible, career threatening injuries
6 ways to think like a Champion and use
Jedi Mind Tricks
to smash your old numbers
into the ground and become a Bench Press MASTER
How to safely use the Bench Press to add serious
Upper Body size
(and protect your
joints in the process)
In "Explode Your Deadlift" you'll discover:
How to
build a freakishly strong Deadlift
(and minimise injury-risk)
Which muscle groups are
most important
for a big pull (understanding this will let you identify your weaknesses and make those areas
stronger - it's only when you do this that you'll start making really fast gains)
2 exercises to
get your Hamstrings really strong
... with stronger 'Hammies' you'll pull better, squat bigger and sprint faster
The single most important thing to focus on if you want a
MASSIVE Deadlift
(this applies to both beginners and advanced lifters/athletes)
The advantage that the Deadlift has over other classic exercises - and why this is of interest to you if you are not a competitive lifter
2 Deadlift
that you must practise in order to be able to effectively use ANY Deadlift variation in your training
355kg at 82.5kg bodyweight
, as a junior... you better believe it. This will inspire you to train harder than ever before
How to
up to 35 pounds to your pull, just by changing what you wear on your feet
The way you must use your power belt in order to
Add Pounds to the bar
CONVENTIONAL vs. SUMO... you decide (the pros and cons of both methods - if you want to Deadlift to your true strength potential and
ensure injury-risk is kept as low as possible; you need to know this)
Why the Conventional Deadlift is probably better than the Sumo Deadlift if you are not a competitive Powerlifter
How to
your range of motion by up to 12 inches (in just 20 seconds)... this is so easy to do, it's almost unbelievable
To round the upper back or not to round the upper back? You'll find out here (then you can really make a sensible decision about
how you should pull for MAXIMUM strength)
An unusual Deadlift style that will bring up weak glutes and hamstrings
correct set-up
for the Conventional Deadlift - Get this right and you set yourself up for maximum strength and progress (get it
wrong and a weak pull and injury await you)
The Hook Grip
- Explained (you'll soon realise if you should use it or not)
3 things to avoid
wearing when Deadlifting if you want the fastest, safest gains possible
How to avoid Bicep tears
... this is quick and easy to do (and could save you from having to take months off due to injury)
Exactly how to breath for
maximum strength
and PROTECTION for the lower back
What you must do
you break the bar from the floor (very few people know about this)
3 powerful drills to 'awaken' sleepy glutes and
increase your lockout power
How to Deadlift for reps the right way (this will save you a ton of wasted time and effort)
The Law of
Compensatory Acceleration
and how you can use it to
skyrocket your strength
- not only on your Deadlift, but all your lifts
Correct percentages to use for
speed work
Why you
lift light weights explosively if you value your Joint health (and what percentage you must have on the bar before you
lift as fast as possible)
Sumo set-up
explained in detail - get this right and it could be the lift for you (get it wrong and the bar won't leave the floor). Period.
What you must do when the bar gets to knee height... this will
make your lockout strong
Secret exercises to bring up weak Hamstrings and Glutes... these will make your Deadlift and Squat go up (and you'll
run faster, jump higher and
throw further
3 methods for developing
brutal starting strength
(you need this to get the bar off the floor when you are Deadlifting)
A little known technique for developing
explosive power and lockout strength
Why the Sumo Deadlift can 'beat-up' your hips and how to solve this problem once and for all
6 exercises for building a
big bad back
and more
lockout power
The Kettlebell Swing:
when to use it and how it's done... this is a
killer drill
for getting your posterior chain seriously strong
1 thing you must do BEFORE you turn up at your competition (this will eliminate missed lifts caused by silly mistakes)
How I have my
Deadlift SUIT customised
to give me maximum carry-over... I thought I'd always keep this a SECRET, but here you
go; the inside story on my suit (use this advice to get yourself an awesome Deadlift suit)
The truth about DEADLIFT TECHNIQUE when you're lifting a near max - this will give you a new perspective and let you see things as they
really are
How to
develop a bullet-proof mind-set
for a monster pull (and what can happen if your mind is weak)
much more
than I can list here
In "Conditioning & Recovery Workouts For The Strength Athlete" you'll discover:
Conditioning workouts that you can perform
outside, at home or at the gym
- with this
much choice it makes it
very easy
to do these conditioning workouts, no matter how hectic your schedule
The kind of conditioning and recovery workouts that will
improve your strength on the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift
... as well
as improve your tendon and ligament strength, body composition and health - there's nothing not to like
Conditioning workouts for beginners, intermediates and advanced athletes and lifters - whatever your current level... you'll find
workouts in this book to
suit you
A simple, easy-to-do conditioning plan for people who have never done any conditioning work before or haven't done any for
a long time... no fancy equipment required - it doesn't get any simpler than this
A six week conditioning plan using
Hill Sprints
... a great option for the advanced athlete and the person
who wants to develop
all round athleticism
2 versatile tools that can be used to build FREAKY conditioning levels and improve recovery from your heavy Squats, Benches and Deads...
after a few weeks of this your Hamstrings, Quads and Triceps will be stronger than ever before and will recover faster than ever
The 3 best tools for performing conditioning and recovery workouts at home - they're
cheap and highly effective
7 great exercises that can be performed at home using resistance bands... they are easy to learn, require very little space
and will
promote recovery and build tendon and ligament strength
(which will make you less likely to suffer an injury)
The best weight of
to buy for conditioning workouts - get this wrong and you'll either overtain (if it's too
heavy) or get no training effect whatsoever (if it's too light)
6 different conditioning and recovery workouts that you can perform at home... with this much choice you'll never get bored
30 conditioning workouts that you can perform at the gym... these training sessions will help you INCREASE your Squat, Bench and Deadlift
STRENGTH faster than ever
How to use
- so even if you only have 5 minutes a couple of times per week you can still improve
your conditioning and recovery
In "Powerful Pull-Ups" you'll discover:
10 different variations of the Pull-Up... each will
make your back strong
and this increased back
strength will help you drive your Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift numbers upwards
The 5 muscle groups that the Pull-Up primarily works and why this is important for your
Squats, Presses
and Pulls
The difference between Pull-Ups and Chin-Ups - the debate and confusion are put to sleep once and for all
What we can learn about the Pull-Up, Elite Gymnasts and the Bench Press... if you want a
bigger Bench Press
will inspire you
cheap and easy way
to do Fat Bar Pull-Ups even if you don't have a Fat Pull-Up bar - you will appreciate the
increased GRIP strength that this exercise brings you
2 Pull-Up programs for
- take your pick... whichever you choose, you should go from struggling to do
0, 1 or 2 Pull-Ups to doing a set of 8 to 12 strict, strong Pull-Ups in as little as 8 weeks
An "old school" technique that I learnt from the Russian Pavel Tsatsouline that allows you to perform more
Pull-Ups (with less fatigue) than any other method you have ever tried... regardless of whether you want to add
weight to your Pull-Ups or do more reps in one set - this technique will get you there
An 8 session "Ladder" program to
build serious strength
on your Pull-Ups
How to use "Ladders" to
build freaky strength-endurance
on your Pull-Ups... if you thought that 25 consecutive Pull-Ups in one
set was out of the question, think again - with this method it's entirely possible
A years worth of Pull-Up programs that use weighted Pull-Ups to build the kind of strength in your
Lats, Upper Back, Biceps, Forearms and Grip that is required to Squat, Bench and Deadlift
- there's so much
variety in this program that you'll never get bored of doing Pull-Ups
How to make continuous progress if you choose to focus only on 1 Pull-Up variation... this method will ensure
that you
go stale and plateau or over-train
"Who Needs These Books And Who Doesn't?"
If you're the kind of guy who already has
Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift technique, then maybe you don't need
If you can already Squat 3 x your bodyweight, Bench Press 2 x your bodyweight and Deadlift 3.5 x your bodyweight RAW... then
maybe you don't need this.
If you have never experienced an
injury, ache or pain
whilst at the gym, then maybe you don't need this.
If your conditioning levels are
and you fully understand the best ways to recover from your strength training
sessions - maybe you don't need this.
If you can perform 6 strict reps in the Wide Grip Pull-Up with 50kg strapped to your waist and perform 35 dead hang bodyweight
pull-ups, then maybe you don't need this.
However, if you answer "YES" to one of the following questions... I recommend that you get yourself
a copy of these books.
And if you answer "YES" to more than one of these questions... you must get yourself
a copy
Do you feel like some
expert guidance
would enable you to improve your Squat, Bench
and Deadlift technique?
Are you
of the best conditioning methods for the strength athlete/powerlifter/guy who
just wants to get strong?
Do you ever
struggle to recover
from your heavy strength training sessions - feeling low on energy, sore and lacking enthusiasm?
Have you ever had an
injury, or experienced aches and pains
as a result of your
strength training - perhaps you had (or have) pain in your knees, ankles, wrists, hips, shoulders or elbows?
Have you ever trained really hard, for weeks or months on end and yet still
to get stronger?
Have you ever had your mind "play tricks on you" and the result ended up being that you missed a personal
record attempt on a heavy lift or wimped out of doing it altogether?
Do you ever miss workouts because life "gets in the way" or your can't be bothered going to the gym?
Have you ever wondered what the
best assistance exercises
are for your Lats, Upper Back, Traps, Biceps, Forearms and Grip?
Is your technique good with lighter weight but
falls apart
with heavier ones?
The bottom line is this:
I don’t need to tell you whether or not you need the information that is in
these books. If you need them,
you already know it
There is a very good chance that these books contain THE KEYS you need to
have the
success at building strength
that you want. And I want you to have that STRENGTH…
"What Makes This Different From Everything Else Out There?"
These books are written by a guy who has "been there and done it" - me. They have
been put together by some "internet warrior" who has never lifted a weight in his life... unlike
much of the information out there today.
I have built my strength on the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift to
world class
, and have competed against some of the STRONGEST men in the World and very often
beaten them.
I also teach what is in these books to my clients and they very often experience
the best strength gains of their life. Just check out what Jim said after he bought
my Deadlift book and used the advice wisely:
Hi Andy, my name is Jim Thompson. I just got your book “Explode your Deadlift”.
I loved it and the technique section was very helpful. My best Deadlift
up to getting your book was 744lbs.
After a few changes in form and adding a lot of KB swings I hit a pr of
805lbs! I’m 43 yrs old and weigh 240lbs. When I hit 744 I was 290lbs.
My squat has gone up as well. My best at 290lbs was 985. I hit 900 for
2 at 240 lbs. Thank you for the motivation and easy to understand
–Jim Thompson - Powerlifter
The power of what can be achieved when you take my advice and apply it
to your own training is huge. You'll be excited by the results when you do.
Just be sure to drop me an email at
and let me know about it (like Jim did)... I'd like to hear from you soon.
"Here's What You Are Going To Get... "
When you place your order, you will receive the following books - all of which
are available for INSTANT download (so no shipping charges and no waiting for
stuff to arrive in the post. All you need to read them is Abobe Acrobat... it
doesn't get any easier):
1 copy of the
"Explode Your Squat"
1 copy of the
"Explode Your Bench"
1 copy of the
"Explode Your Deadlift"
1 copy of the
"Conditioning & Recovery Workouts For The Strength Athlete"
1 copy of the
"Powerful Pull-Ups"
Within these books, you will find:
Easy to understand
information on Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift Technique (everything is covered that you
need to know in order to build technical excellence on these lifts)... perfecting technique
will get you STRONGER, faster than anything else
Advice on how to develop a
strong mind-set
... ESSENTIAL if you want to Squat, Press and Pull BIG weights
Color Photographs (these make the ideas and concepts in the books even simpler to understand)
Simple drills to help improve your lifts
- starting today
Ideas that could lengthen your training career by keeping you
injury- free
Proven information that I've used and my clients have used to build HUGE numbers on the Squat, Bench and Deadlift
The truth about conditioning and recovery methods for the strength athlete - prepare to be
better conditioned and stronger
very soon
Simple, yet
highly effetive
ways to master the king of upper body pulling exercises - the PULL-UP... when
you do this you'll have a stronger back than ever before
And that's not all,
You are also going to receive 4 awesome bonus books...
"Your 4 Bonus Books That Will Supercharge Your Results... "
When you combine what you are going to discover in The Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Conditioning/Recovery and Pull-Up books with
the information in these bonus books you will achieve
amazing results...
Bonus 1:
The Truth About Recovery Methods: 7 keys To Rapid
Recovery From Your Strength Training Sessions
In this book you will discover:
2 recovery methods that are cheap and effective - that when combined will significantly
reduce muscle soreness
training sessions or totally eliminate it
The most powerful recovery method of all... not only will it help you recover from heavy Squat sessions, it'll also
your health
What to drink before, during and after training - most lifters and athletes over-look this but it is one of the fastest ways
to improve your recovery AND
skyrocket your strength and muscular size
easy ways
to improve your sleep... sleep better and you'll recover better. Period.
Bonus 2:
12 Week Big Bench Training Program
In this 12 Week Bench Program you will discover:
The exact
training cycle
I used leading up to my 342.5kg (754lbs) Bench Press - you can follow it exactly if you like
4 exercises that you can use to build your Bench Press - they are easy to learn and can
be performed in any gym
How to modify my program if you Bench Raw - it's quick to do and will improve your results massively
3 exercises for curing a weak Bench Press start... these movements will
build your strength off your chest
How to train your Bench Press once per week AND how to train your Bench Press twice per week... both ways will
produce great results - you'll see how to do it in this book
Bonus 3:
“The 5 Best Exercises For A Bullet-Proof Bench Press Lockout And MONSTER Triceps”
In this book you will discover:
2 ways to use BANDS to
build your lockout
- they are both easy to do and can be done in any gym
How to use
Board Presses
and the
Floor Press
to increase your triceps strength
A fool-proof way to use CHAINS to build your Bench Press
The correct way to set-up all 5 of the best lockout/tricep exercises - images are included to demonstrate this
Bonus 4:
"Spartan Strength Secrets: Volume 1"
Jack Lovett is one of the UK's best Strength Coaches. In his book, 'Spartan Strength Secrets', you'll discover:
5 Deadlift variations (that are quick and easy to learn)... that you can instantly use to
build extreme
, all the Deadlifting muscles and get yourself a bigger pull
A Deadlift variation that's easier on your Back than Conventional pulls... a perfect variation if you are trying to work
around an
or if you are a beginner
The Correct way to perform
Tire Flips, Atlas Stones and Farmer's Walks
- if you don't want to tear your Biceps AND
you want to build brutal strength... you need to know these simple, proven techniques
Click Here To Grab Your Copy Now For Only $97
You are getting a ton of value when you take advantage of this offer. And it's all designed
to help you get stronger and improve your Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift...
Here's the maths:
"Explode Your Squat" = $49.97
"Explode Your Bench" = $77
"Explode Your Deadlift" = $44
"Conditioning & Recovery Workouts For The Strength Athlete" = $17.97
"Powerful Pull-Ups" = $17.97
Total =
, but
today you pay only
Oh, and of course you get the 4 FREE Bonus books as well
Just remember that this offer expires at midnight on July 22nd 2011 so don't miss out and be sure to take advantage before it's too late
I should also probably tell you that people pay me $147 plus for an hour's coaching and $250 to intern with me. For just $97
you get to discover my best ideas and keep them forever... so that you can constantly refer back to them whenever you
need help.
You are getting a ton of value with this offer - it's as simple as that. No catch ;)
I just like helping people to get strong and want you to
achieve your strength potential
. That's why I've put this offer
together for you. So take advantage now and start getting stronger today...
Click Here To Grab Your Copy Now For Only $97
"My 100% Money-Back Guarantee... "
I am
confident that when you apply what you discover in my books - you will
quickly become the
strongest, most technically proficient and least injury prone
lifter that you have ever been.
There is no doubt of this in my mind because I am sharing with you the exact same things
I use in my own training and my clients training and it always produces
great results
For this reason, when you buy my books and take advantage of my offer, you will
do so
because I am going to give you a full 60 day
money-back guarantee
If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, simply drop me an email at and I'll refund you in full - no questions asked.
You have
nothing to lose
and a whole new world of STRENGTH to gain.
You could just walk away right now, leave this page without grabbing yourself copies of my books
and carry on training as you were.
The problem is that if you do that you will have the
exact same problems
that you are currently experiencing...
If you have poor technique, you'll still have
poor technique
. If you are
on the Squat, Bench Press and/or Deadlift... you'll still be weak.
Worse still, if you have
, they'll remain with you. If your conditioning
is poor and your recovery abilities are not great - those problems will persist as
well. If you suffer the embarrassing condition whereby you can't do a Pull-Up and
have weak Lats, Traps, Biceps, Forearms and Grip strength... you better get used
to it because if you don't change what you are doing, you'll end up with the same
old mediocre or
poor results
Even worse than all that is the fact that you'll know that the way to improve
was only a few clicks away and yet you let it slip through your finger tips.
However, if you decide to take advantage of my offer you will discover the
strength training SECRETS that have enabled me to become
extremely strong
. Furthermore, you will find
that when you take what you learn in the books and apply it to your own training, YOU
will become a
better lifter
In fact, when you take what you learn and apply it, you are likely to find the following
awesome things to be true:
Your Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift technique
improve massively
Your Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift numbers
Your Pull-Up
strength goes up
... your Lats, Upper Back, Biceps, Forearms
and Grip all get stronger and as a result so too does your Squats, Presses and Pulls
You recover
faster from your strength training sessions
conditioning improves
and you can complete your strength training sessions
in less time
do more work in the same time - basically, you'll be training much
more efficiently
Aches and Pains will reduce and you will be much
less likely
to get injured
Your mind will be STRONGER and in turn this will give you a
new-found confidence
both inside the gym and outside of it
I am sure you will agree that all of those things are highly desirable, but I
can't make up your mind for you. However, I think you already know whether or not
you need help with your lifting and if so you know that taking advantage of
my offer is going to help you massively.
I wish you every success in your quest to get stronger and please be sure
to let me know your success stories - I'd love to hear them. You can email me at
Talk soon,
Andy Bolton
Powerlifter, Strength Coach, Author, Public Speaker and the first man to ever Deadlift 1000lbs
This is a totally
purchase. If you are not satisfied for any reason,
just drop me an email within 60 days of purchase and I'll refund you in full - no questions ask. You really
have nothing to lose and a whole new
world of strength to gain
If you are serious about
your Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift, there
are certain things you must work on. The most important is your TECHNIQUE and that's why
I share the very best of what I know about technique in the books you are about to buy.
course, you'll also discover how to perform
conditioning workouts
, recover from your heavy
strength training sessions, get really STRONG on
and a load more great stuff in
the books and 4 FREE bonuses. The end result will be that you end up stronger, better
conditioned and
less likely to suffer an injury
than ever before.
Click Here To Grab Your Copy Now For Only $97
"Testimonials... "
Hi Andy, my name is Jim Thompson. I just got your book “Explode your Deadlift”.
I loved it and the technique section was very helpful. My best Deadlift
up to getting your book was 744lbs.
After a few changes in form and adding a lot of KB swings I hit a pr of
805lbs! I’m 43 yrs old and weigh 240lbs. When I hit 744 I was 290lbs.
My squat has gone up as well. My best at 290lbs was 985. I hit 900 for
2 at 240 lbs. Thanks you for the motivation and easy to understand
–Jim Thompson - Powerlifter
Hey Andy,
I really enjoyed reading your books, including "Explode Your Deadlift"...
I learned a lot. I always said that you had the advantage
over me on the pull, because you have long arms. I now realise that that is a poor excuse. I learned from reading your book that
I do not spend enough time on my set-up. I also do not get the proper mental state of mind with deadlifts when I train or in a meet.
I dread them.
So with your added advice for lengthening the arms and the truth about where the feet and hands go in relation
to the bar position, I should see a PR in the near future. Thank you for helping me with my worst lift.
Good things are yet
to come!
Cheers mate
–Donnie Thompson, Owner of the all-time Powerlifting Total Record and Strength Legend
If I should ever get back into Powerlifting and require
advice on how to build my Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift - I know where I would turn...
To my great friend and Powerlifting legend; Andy Bolton.
–Svend Karlsen. Former World's Strongest Man, Powerlifter, Bodybuilder
Usual Price
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Result of Andy Bolton Strength Squat, Bench Press & Deadlift Offer

Nowadays Andy Bolton Strength Squat, Bench Press Deadlift Offer is one of the most hunted products at United States. This product quality is good.,Search Result Andy Bolton Strength Squat, Bench Press Deadlift Offer. Andy Bolton Strength: Explode Your Squat, Bench and Deadlift,Here Andy Bolton Strength Squat, Bench Press Deadlift Offer is one of the most hunted products in United States. This product quality is better.,Press Release issued Apr 22, 2013: After reading the related information about Andy Bolton Strength Review customers will be able to decide whether investing or not ,Andy Bolton Strength Squat, Bench Press & Deadlift Offer Customer Review - Sports product. Highest quality, utmost effectiveness and affordable, this Andy Bolton ,Andy Bolton Strength created by Andy Bolton is a strength training package that covers bench press workout, exercises for squat and deadlift,So if you are really looking to experience explosive gains in size and strength Andy Boltons Explode Your Squat, Bench bench press, the deadlift and the squat.,Andy Bolton Strength Squat Bench Press Deadlift Offer - Download as Text file (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read online.,STRENGTH BUILDING TOOLS Use these strength building tools and techniques to build your strength and increase your Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. I have,Andy Bolton Strength exists to serve Powerlifters and Strength Athletes who want to get stronger, faster, (Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift)

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