Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan

10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan

Quickest Way to Lose Weight for Busy Working Professionals
Monday, 8:23 A.M.
From The Desk of: Daniel Ho
"Losing The Corporate Belly"

Dear Ambitious Professional,
t's 6:07 a.m.
As you step out of the shower, it seems like just another Monday morning .
It's time to get ready for work. As you wait for the bathroom mirror to unfog, you step on the scale to weigh yourself.
While you're waiting
for the scale to do it's thing, you start thinking about how much you enjoyed this past weekend. It's a shame the weekend had to end and you have to go to work this morning.
You look down at the scale and read the bright unflinching numbers.
Another 2 pounds gained.
How in the world could this have happened? You start thinking about what you ate over the weekend… At the time,
it didn't seem like it was “fatty” foods. You can't think of any of weight gaining activities you did either.
Healthy Tip#1: Why Liposuction Rarely Works
Thinking of using liposuction as the quickest way to lose weight? Think again.
First, like any surgery there are
health risks
with getting liposuction.
Second, it
doesn't adjust your metabolism
so your body won't maintain your lighter body weight on its own… it work overtime to put the missing fat back on!
But here's another reason why liposuction isn't a long-term answer.
A study done by the New England Journal of
Medicine revealed that
health indicators like blood pressure, triglycerides,
insulin resistance, and cholesterol are still the same
in spite of losing up to
25 pounds of body fat in liposuction.
So you're lighter (temporarily) but… not any healthier!
You start thinking,
“Maybe it's time to start a new diet”
. But which one? There's so many of them to choose from… and the last one… well, that was a
disaster. After 3 days, you felt like you were in some type of military bootcamp and couldn't wait to get out.
And going to the gym… let's get real —
who has the time?
Lately you've been so busy at work. Then there's the constant pressure to get more things done quickly… the
“urgent” deadlines… the never-ending meetings and conference calls… the daily flood of emails that have to be opened and at least reviewed…
By the time you leave the corporate jungle and head off for home, you're utterly exhausted. You can't even
of exercising — or
finding the energy to do a decent workout either.
As these thoughts run through your mind, you look at the clock and realize you've completely lost track of time.
As you rush to get ready for work, you can't help but wonder:
ow in the world you can ever lose these unwanted pounds and get back to your old vibrant self again?
It's time.
It's time to get rid of the extra, unwanted fat you've been carrying and get the body
want. It's time to stop picking out clothes that make you look slimmer and
slimmer instead.
Let's be real
: It's not like you went out of your way to gain weight. Or that you woke up one morning to a very unpleasant surprise.
Not hardly.
It took months — maybe even years — of long hours at the office… eating a quick lunch at your desk (or skipping lunch completely).
It took frequently grabbing something quick and easy for dinner… because at the end of the long workday you were
dog tired and didn't want to spend a lot of time cooking in the kitchen.
I understand completely. I've been there myself.
The problem is
the weight slowly adds up on you. It's a pound here… a pound there.
Before you know it, a year has passed and suddenly you're
buying new clothes because your old ones don't fit right anymore.
You can't help but wonder… what is the quickest way to lose weight? There's gotta be a way to lose the fat that doesn't take a lot of time…
Hi, my name is Daniel Ho and I used to be where you are now. After finishing my degree at the university, I plunged into the corporate jungle with the rest of the working ranks.
Over the years, I've worked my way up the corporate ladder to get to my current position of the company's product manager.
When I was younger, I didn't worry about staying fit and trim.
I even headed to the gym after work a few times each week. I thought I was doing the right thing and didn't have to worry about my weight. I didn't think I'd ever be overweight or get fat. (Boy was I wrong!)
My co-workers didn't realize it but they were adding fuel to my bad fantasy fire.
During office parties and get togethers, they'd
say things like,
“Daniel, c`mon, finish the last piece of cake. Why are you worried?
You go to the gym so it's not like you're going to get fat.”
It didn't take long until I started to believe it myself.
Boy was that a mistake.
I didn't realize then but…
At first, I blamed my pants getting tighter… on the dryer. I figured maybe I had accidentally shrunk them. And my shirts no longer tucking properly… well, that had to be the dryer again… didn't it?
Healthy Tip #2: How To Burn 1000 Calories More Per Day!
In a study done by Dr. James A Levine from the Mayo Clinic, we can
burn up to an additional 1000 calories per day
by incorporating something called Non-Exercise Induced Activity Thermogenesis (or NEAT for short).
Sounds complicated but it doesn't have to be.
I'll show you what exactly you need to do to tap into this NEAT technique to quickly lose your beer belly!
I started buying business suits and clothes that made me “look” slimmer… instead of clothes that would make me look even fitter.
As I strived to climb higher up the corporate ladder, I started putting in longer and longer hours at the office.
I'd rush off to get to work in the morning… work like a maniac all day (even working through my lunch break)… only to trudge home at the end of the day.
Worse, there were times where I head home… and still have to attend a late night conference call with other co-workers located somewhere in the world.
It didn't take long until I wasn't being as consistent about getting to the gym and when I did…
Most of the time I was already pretty tired
and didn't have much energy to do a high-intensity workout.
I was
going to the gym so I'd
feel like I was getting
for my monthly gym membership and not feel so guilty about the sub-par workouts I was trudging through.
I didn't realize it then but I was trapped in a vicious cycle that was growing bigger and bigger. And like the vicious cycle, my waistline was slowly getting bigger and bigger too.
I kept ignoring the obvious signs that I was getting heavier until one day, something
unexpected happened…
Well, not
… but here's what happened.
I was in the office taking a few pictures with an overseas co-worker. About a week later, he
me the pictures and I was shocked.
Healthy Tip #3: How To Easily Lower Your Cholesterol!
Numerous studies have revealed that replacing trans fats with monounsaturated fats can
reduce your bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase your good cholesterol (HDL) at the same time
Polyunsaturated fats also have the same effect on improving your cholesterol levels.
It's easy to do with a few dietary changes that I can show you!
I couldn't believe the guy with the puffy face and growing spare tire was me!
I wondered if
my co-worker “photoshopped” the photo to make me look fat? Well, you can imagine how much worse I felt
he told me the photo was

I really was that fat!
That was it.
I knew I had to make a change and make a change for the better.
I began by looking at my dietary and lifestyle habits. I looked at my training methods… and knew I had to find a better way to get an effective workout in less time.
I “hit the books”, studying every diet, health, and fitness resource I could find. I literally devoured every highly recommended book, magazine, and fat loss program in my search for an answer to my “corporate weight gain”.
As I found tips, tactics, and techniques that sounded like they might work (and were safe), I personally put them to the test.
The things I found that worked in my own diet, lifestyle and training… I kept doing. The rest got tossed on the
“fat losing idea” scrap heap.
I was determined to lose the weight safely — and keep it off for good.
I tracked everything and kept detailed notes. (That way I knew
what I needed to do to keep losing weight in a safe and consistent pattern.)
It didn't happen overnight but I started seeing a different in my appearance.
Pretty soon, I start seeing the beginnings of some
six-pack abs
! I kept following the program I had created from my research and personal testing.
Before I knew it,
I had

Even better, I slashed my
from 18% - 7% bodyfat in just 3 months.
Why is that important?
Well, it means…
… The weight I lost was purely fat and I added
muscle at the same time!
So that's how I got the fit & trim body that I have today. (Check out my before and after photos to the right!)
My girlfriend used to tell me that she thought my body looked “okay”… but now she tells me how great I look instead!
While I gradually lost the unwanted pounds and added lean muscle over several months time — I knew that it could be done even faster than I did — and still be completely safe to do.
And that's why you'll be able to …
You see, I made
of mistakes early on.
I wasted a lot of time studying dietary and fitness ideas that turned out to be pure fluff and no substance.
I wasted time trying things that flat-out didn't work.
I've managed to test… refine… even test my fat burning system to a laser-like precision.
In fact, my system has been perfected to the point where almost anyone could use it to lose up to 20 unwanted pounds in just 5 weeks…
Let's face it
: There's never been a fat burning solution for the busy corporate professional and it's for a really good reason why: TIME.
Quite simply, we don't have a lot of free time remaining. For many of us, it's been a long time since we put in a “typical” 40 hour work week. The days in the corporate jungle are long and hard… it's quite common to leave work feeling tired or flat-out exhausted.
Believe me, I know… I have plenty of times where I feel dog-tired by the end of the work day.
I know how it feels to be so tired that you feel like you can't summon up the energy to head off to the gym.
I know how it feels to be sluggish because you're carrying some extra unwanted pounds that you don't really want… or need!
And I know how easy it is to fall into the trap of grabbing some fast food on the way home because you don't feel like cooking
when you finally get home.
That's why I created my “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan”.
It's a time-saving complete fat-burning program designed for busy professionals by a busy professional.
You don't need loads of time to exercise
because I give you a full body workout routine that you can complete in just 10 minutes.
You don't need any special equipment
because my program can be done without weights.
You don't need an expensive
gym membership or to feel embarrassed about working out in front of other people
because my program can be done
in the comfort (and privacy) of your own home.
you don't need any special or extreme dietary methods
because I show you simple & easy ways to “tweak” your existing diet to painlessly lose unwanted pounds.
That's what the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan” can do for you.
In fact…
The real reason
s why
diets almost never work…
(Page 27)
An excellent time saver that works on your shoulders, legs, and buttocks at the same time!
(Page 175)
4 midday meal tips for busy executives
(Page 85)
How public restaurants are making you fatter!
(Hint: It doesn’t matter what food you’re ordering either!)
(Page 20)
9 waist-saving tips to use on your next business trip…
(Page 90)
5 deadly ways stress can pack on the pounds…
(Page 18)
How to lower your blood pressure by FIFTEEN points… takes about 8 minutes to do and you don’t even have to leave your desk!
(Page 94)
Back to school! Why “studying” the glycemic index can make a major difference in your weight loss efforts.
(Page 54)
Are push-ups too easy? Try this little “twist” & crank the intensity up a few notches!
(Page 130)
Many Hollywood Stars pay big money to personal trainers for this surefire fat loss trick that will burn fat over and over again!
Turn to
page 33
to discover!
The real secret to triple your fat loss rate by tricking your body to use fat as fuel even when you are not exercising!
(page 64)
Plus Much More!
When I designed the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan”, I put
a lot of emphasis on proper health and safety.
After all, if a weight loss product makes you sick or leaves you with permanent health problems… was it really worth using it… just to lose some unwanted weight?
No way.
That's why my program is designed to work with
You can safely and comfortably lose
unwanted weight over time.
For most people, they can use my program to
safely lose up to 20 pounds in just 5 weeks
. For those who need to lose more, they can still use my program but over a longer period of time.
It doesn't matter what your weight loss goals might be… you can use my easy step-by-step system to drop unwanted
weight… And you can do it in just 10 minutes per day!
But if you're not completely convinced then…
Why most people see the weight “creep” up once they hit 30…
(Page 21)
The worst of all fats… this one is so bad for you — it should come with CPR instructions!
(Page 43)
The secret
to building a powerful broader-looking back… even if you can’t do a chin-up!
(Page 125)
27 sneaky ways that food manufacturers use to try to disguise how much sugar they’re adding to their foods…
Turn to
Page 24
for the shocking truth!
The #1 thing that will sabotage your weight loss quest!
(Page 46)
Hit a plateau? Don't worry… simply turn to
page 67
and discover how to gently “shock” your body into continuing to lose fat!
A bad habit that can increase your risk of obesity by 450%!
(Page 86)
Busy work schedule?
Here’s a simple way to make sure you don’t miss a midday meal…
(Page 84)
A simple test to determine what
type of glycemic index
a food is…
(Page 55)
6 quick lifestyle changes to
help accelerate your weight loss success…
(Page 73)
Plus Much More!
I honestly believe this program will open up greater self-confidence and a more fit, slimmer you quicker than you probably have imagined…
And the best part is … You'll be able to take what I've discovered through my own trial and error and use it to quickly improve your body.
You literally
get a first hand "school of hard knocks" education in what it takes to quickly and safely lose weight consistently.
This is exactly what you'll get and much more when you grab your own copy of “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan”.
But wait, there's more.
I'm a big fan over-delivering value and content on every product or service that I attach my name to. I took the original training manual and added even more powerful resources…

This is the first training manual you'll start reading when you invest in my program.
It lays out the core fundamentals… the dietary changes you should be making… and the 5 weeks of 10 minute Jumpstart training.
This is the
program you'll be happy to use while you
safely and quickly remove unwanted fat.

have a gym membership or thinking of getting one?
No problem.
Simply use this advanced plan to rework
your overall fitness plan.
Or if you find that the 10 minute Jumpstart is no longer a challenge for you, then you can try out the gym routines in this book and see if you can take your physical fitness and fat burning furnace to the next level…
Of course the 10 Minute Jumpstart will always be an option for you on days where you absolutely have no time to hit the gym. 

Let's face it: Sometimes knowing what to eat is a big challenge. It's really easy to underestimate how many calories a food might be or to make unhealthy choices.
So I'm giving you some healthy options. Simply choose the daily meal plan that is closest to your current intake (between 1500 to 3000 calories) and start following the recommendations for your unique metabolism.
Combine it with the core Corporate Fat Loss training program and you gain a powerful 1-2 punch in the battle against the bulge!

Want to track your own eating habits?
Simply use this meal diary to track what you eat and drink each day.
It's an easy way to identify any unhealthy foods you're eating that can be reduced or even eliminated.
It's an even easier way to chart your progress as you heads towards your goal of a slimmer you!

Here's a deceptively simple idea:
Write down each workout after you've completed it.
It's sounds like extra work but you'll be glad you did… it's one of the most powerful ways to stay motivated and see
how much progress you've made since you started the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan”.
It's real easy to think you're not making much progress until you look at your workout log and see how many unwanted pounds have be shedded and how much stronger (and fitter!) your body has become since you started.
So I've included your own workout log. Simply print it out and each time you do your 10 minute Jumpstart workout, simply fill in the details of your workout.
Not necessarily. If you're extremely overweight then I would encourage you to first see your physician.
Make sure your body is capable of handling any exercise or nutritional program. Listen to your doctor's advice and take the safest route to reaching your ideal weight again.
I realize that I may turn some people away from buying my program but I have a very good reason. I honestly believe it's far more important to point people in the right healthy direction than maybe selling a few more copies of my program.
When I decided to release the 10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss plan, I created two editions: A Standard
and Premium.
So I'm going to sweeten the pot a bit more…
for a limited time, when you buy the Standard level of the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan”, I'll automatically upgrade you to the Premium version at no additional cost to you.
That's easily a $74 added value… but don't just take my word on it.
Here's what you'll gain…
I've gone to great pains to explain in clear, easy to understand directions how to do each of the exercises shared in the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan”.
As good as those explanations are, it's not the same as someone actually
you how to do each and every one of the exercises.
Now I don't know where you are in the world… its probably not very close to where I live. Chances are, you don't have the luxury of flying to my hometown to personally train with me either.
So I've done the next best thing.
I've had each of the exercise routines captured by a professional videographer. You'll be able to watch each exercise and each week's routine being personally performed by me. And the same time, you'll be able to hear me explain how to do each exercise and personally “coach” you on to finish each routine strongly.
I realize it may be tough to understand how professionally crafted these videos are, so here's a small sample of what you'll enjoy with my video training series…

Jumpstart Workout
Video Demonstration
Loading the player ...

Suppose you need to do the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan” but you won't be near your computer.
No problem.
Simply put the audio version of this week's training on your Mp3 player and listen to my voice as I coach you through
the entire training routine every step of the way.
If you hired a personal trainer to coach you one-on-one, you'd easily spend $50 or more for each session… but not with my program.
I'm including these recordings at no additional cost to you when you invest in the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan”.
I really want to see each and every person who invests in my “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan” to reach their weight loss goal. So here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to coach them to success.
I've set up a private V.I.P. email address that only Premium members will get. Many motivational speakers talk about needing 30 days to make a new good habit stick… so that's what I'm going to help you do.
During your first 30 days as a “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan” Premium member, simply email me at the private V.I.P. email address any questions you have. I will answer your question as soon as possible (typically within 1-2 business days) with the exact answer you are looking for.
It's easily a $197 value… but it's yours free with your Premium membership.
That's just one of the many reasons why I believe you're going to be delighted with the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan”.
And right now I'm going to take all of the risk off of your shoulders and put it squarely on mine.
Here's what I mean…
Okay, here's what you get with your one-time investment in the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan”…
You get the core “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan” instructional manual
$87 value

You get my Advanced Training plan
$47 value

You get my 5 weeks of Meal Plans
$37 value

You get my 5 week Meal Planning Guide
$17 value

You get my customizable Workout log for tracking your exciting fat-burning progress
$7 value

You get my Premier edition 5 week Video Training program
$57 value

You get the Premier edition 5 Week Audio Training — perfect for training when you're out of town or at the gym
$27 value

You get the Premier edition 30 days of Private Email Coaching — with me personally
$197 value

If you were to purchase each part of the
“10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan” separately, you would spend up to
$486 to get everything.
But here's the good news: You don't have spend $486… or $157… or even $97. For a limited time, it's a single one-time investment of just $47 and you get the free automatic upgrade to the Premier version.
Right now you're at the crossroads and there's three clear paths to choose from.
The first path
is you could choose to do nothing. Five weeks from now, you will probably be as heavy as you are now… maybe even heavier.
The second path
is you could try to piece together your own fat loss plan but… honestly, you and I both know how difficult that can be.
You have to find something that works… go through trial & error for weeks or even months
to test it… maybe even suffer through drastic dietary changes that feel like punishment after the first few days. Now maybe it's me but this path sounds pretty frustrating and time-consuming.
Or you chould chose the third path.
You could make the wise choice to grab your copy of the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan”. It's a proven
5 week step-by-step fat burning program. Would you want to be slimmer in 5 weeks?
I wish I could make the decision for you but I can't.
But if I could, I know which path I would choose. I would definitely choose the proven way to lose unwanted fat and that's the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan”.
settle for the body you see when you can quickly & safely melt away the unwanted pounds instead. You can get the body you really want and now is the time to go get it.
Don't wait another minute… grab your copy of the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan” right now.
I understand that I'll be getting complete access to your “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan”, your Advanced Training Plan, your Meal Planner, your workout log, your 5 weeks of healthy meal plans, your
training audios and videos,
and everything else that is found exclusively inside your members-only area.
I understand that I'm grabbing your limited time special and I can lock-in the low one-time investment of only
I understand that I will get instant access to everything inside “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan”.
I will be able to use your field-tested and proven to work system to gently shed unwanted pounds in just 10 minutes per day.
I can rest easy knowing that I'm fully protected by your 60-day
money back guarantee
so I'm ready to take the next step.

To Your Fat-Burning Success,
It's true — Being constantly stressed out can lead to a whole load of health related diseases as well as weight gain. Now is the time to fight back stress… grab your own copy of the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan” and put stress back in its place!
In a clinical study done by Dr. James A Levine from the
Mayo Clinic, we can
burn up to an additional 1000 calories per day
incorporating Non-Exercise Induced Activity Thermogenesis in our daily
Sounds complicated but…
here's the good news:
I explain it in plain English on page 93 of the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan” so you can discover how to get slim easily.
It's just another great reason why my program helps
lose up to 20 pounds of unwanted fat quickly and safely. Don't wait another minute. Grab your copy of the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan” right now.
Not sure how much food to eat at any meal?
I share a simple (yet amazing effective) way to
determine the right sized portion of any food inside the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan”.
Isn't time to
get the body you want and deserve?
If so, then grab your copy of the “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan” right now!

Grab your 10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan
with the limited time
special premium upgrade
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: I tried other programs and it didn’t work. What makes
your program different from the rest?
A: My fat loss program is especially targeted to busy
corporate professionals or people who have little or no time to exercise. I
have been a busy corporate professional myself and I understand the constraints
experienced by people like you. I understand the impact that work stress can have on
your fat loss. I have experienced how it is like to come back home after a long
day at work and not having the time or motivation to exercise because I have to
attend those late night conference calls.
My program does not require you to adhere to ridiculous
diets that are not practical for a typical office worker and neither does it
require you to spend hours at the gym. It is the same system that I have
perfected and used to get to reveal my six pack today! And guess what? Two
years have passed and I’m still maintaining my six pack because my fat loss equation works over and over and over again!

Q: Do I have to go on a miserable diet in your program?
A: If you are looking for the quickest way to lose weight, I would be lying if I told you fat loss does not
require any kind of restraint or lifestyle change. But my program is created
with subtle progression in mind. There are cheat meals built into this program
which will allow you to eat ANYTHING you want. So I promise you. You will not
feel miserable.

Q: Do I need a gym membership to use your program?
A: Absolutely not! My program is designed for busy
corporate workers. My Jumpstart routine exercises are all bodyweight exercises
that you can do at the comfort of your own home! Whats more, each of these
workouts only last for 10 minutes! If you think 10 minutes is not enough to
give you a good workout, I challenge you to take up this routine.

Q: How long will I take to see results?
A: Even though this is essentially a 5 week program,
users have reported losing up to 5lbs in just the first week alone and
subsequently 2 - 3 lbs every week (which is a healthy rate of weight loss). As this
program comes with a dynamic exercise component, users will gain lean muscle
mass in place of their fat. Users also noticed a very evident firmness and
tightness in their muscles which indicates an increase in lean muscle mass.
Ladies, do not be put off by the increase in muscle mass. We
are not talking about looking massive and bulky. Having increased muscle mass
means a higher metabolic rate and more caloric consumption. This means, you can
eat more because your body burns more. Besides, it is muscles that make up
those sexy curves, not fats.

Q: Whats the average weight loss in this system?
A: Results will vary with different individuals. It
entirely depends on your dedication to the program. At the end of the five week
program, it is not uncommon see at least a fat loss of between 15 to 20 lbs.
Remember, we are talking about fat loss here. Not weight
loss. You gain valuable lean muscle mass in place of your fats. As such, even
though the numbers above may not be staggering, you will look and feel like
you’ve lost over 30 lbs!

Q: Other programs don’t require me to exercise? Do I
really have to exercise to see results?
A: There are many fat loss programs out there that just
teach you how to diet. But personally, I feel that no fat loss program is
complete without an exercise component.
While you can see results just by following the strategic
dieting tricks in my manual, you will not experience the full benefits of this
And yes, you have to be prepared to spend 10 minutes to
exercise. If you are not prepared to exercise, then this program may not be
suitable for you.

Q: Ok what if after trying this program and I found that
this is not suitable for me?
A: Then simply email me within 60 days and I’ll refund
you every cent, no questions asked.

Grab your 10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan
with the limited time
special premium upgrade
Disclaimer: The “10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan” proudly uses Clickbank as our payment processor. For our customers convenience, our program has been made available as an instantly access digital downloadable product.
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Result of 10 Minute Corporate Fat Loss Plan

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