Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Primal Stress

Primal Stress

RMAX Primal Stress

"Scott Sonnon’s revolutionary new work Primal Stress clearly and comprehensively explains the impact of stress on the body, and how not only to offset but to optimize it in order to build the best possible life that you can. If you suffer any symptoms due to excessive stress from your job or your lifestyle (and who doesn’t?) you need this book. Even if you don’t think that you suffer due to inordinate stress, you need this book. Basically, if you have a body, you need this book. What you learn from it can change everything.
Working in film and TV production comes with a unique set of challenges – punishingly long hours, often unpredictable conditions, and a lot of heavy lifting, both physical and mental – it’s the worst and best job in the world. Nearly 20 years in the business had taken it’s toll on my body – chronic pain from recurring injuries, adrenal exhaustion, and a host of other miseries – and I was sadly considering another way of life, which felt like the end of the world to me.
Then I found Scott Sonnon. Using principles I learned through his programs Intu-Flow, Prasara and TACFIT, now crystallized in his groundbreaking book Primal Stress, I’ve been able to regain the inner and outer strength and resilience I need, in order to keep doing the job that I love. I truly can’t thank Scott enough, and I can’t think of any better way of paying my gratitude forward than to recommend his book to everyone I can, so that they may reap the life-changing benefits that I have."
~ Tanya Lemke,
Tooshea Media
"Primal Stress is hands-down, the single-best bodyweight training program available today, and I’ve tried almost all of them!"
~ John Sifferman, Professional Online Fitness Reviewer
"This is Scott Sonnon's Magnus Opus! It is his life! Fantastic Coach, fascinating read. Incredible to see all your work weave together like a huge tapestry."
~ Jobe Linn
"This is now my #1 recommendation. Condensed joint mobility, power core workout, metabolic waving protocols in bodyweight, and compensatory yoga that flows. It is the TOTAL PACKAGE! The massive knowledge base on stress response and psychological performance = Magnum opus!"
~ Daniel Market
"Primal Stress may well be the most complete and intelligent body-weight exercise program ever created. Emphasizing health but taking fitness to an edge FAR beyond the casual needs of any normal citizen, by the time you've outgrown and absorbed this you will understand your body and mind at a level absurdly beyond the human norm in a modern society."
~ Steven Barnes, Best-Selling Author, Screenwriter and Speaker
"I truly appreciate your generosity to divulge such useful information to help anyone caring enough and willing enough to thrive in life, regardless of circumstances. Consistently
elevating one's quality of life, you are helping many to be successful as well. This is a GREAT GIFT!"
~ Darren Veira
"Primal Stress will take care of ALL of my REHAB as well as STRENGTH GAINS! Highly recommended!"
~ Simon Robinson
"When I saw the amount of material you've been working on I thought I could never afford it even with a discount because it is thousands of dollars of worth of value! So when I saw the price, I couldn't believe it! You're still giving it away!!! OMG! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"
~ Vino Chan
"I am in awe of the Work Coach Sonnon has put together. The Revive and the Thrive videos are for EVERYONE, excellent, excellent resource for decreasig tension in the body, even if you never get into the workouts, which are extensive and multi-layered. I STRONGLY recommend you get this program, NOW! It is superb!"
~ Peter Ryan As a practicing Doctor of Chiropractic, a Husband and Father
"I finally got done reading the manual. WOW. The workouts are always changing. This is much more refined and very different from your earlier work Scott. I am glad I bought it.Great job on this Scott!"
~ Steve Rogers

nward calm cannot be maintained unless physical strength is constantly and intelligently replenished
”, advised Prince Siddhartha.
Our physical movement cannot guarantee that we can attain “inward calm” but throughout our history as a species, ancient movement disciplines and modern bodywork have offered a bodily path to develop the inner state of grace.
• Why do we not live in a continual state of flow? • What interrupts our natural condition of relaxed readiness and energized vigor?
I’ve invested my life asking this question, due to early violent experiences. When my father returned from the Korean War, my family began to disintegrate. My social conflict accelerated as childhood learning disabilities and obesity conflated my already volatile environment.
Like many of us, I couldn’t comprehend the “rusting armor” I had adorned. I only felt weighed down more and more with each advancing year.
The British novelist Anne Brontë wrote:

All of our talents increase with usage; and every faculty, both good and bad, strengthen by exercise
” Thankfully, persistence is indiscriminate.
Whatever we repeat most often, we become. We can harbor regrets of where blind nature of adaptation has unwittingly carried us, or we can revel in the opportunity to deliberately carve our own path. It’s never too late to plot a new course, for, as Napoleon Hill explained: “
Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success

Yet, as Brontë alludes, if we will not choose change, change will choose us. If we repeatedly hold trauma, anxiety, desperation, fear, frustration and pain, then, like anything else, we will adapt and strengthen it. It becomes “rusted armor” that only moving
can heal.
The most dramatic influence in our lives,
, primarily determines our health and fitness, not anything we do.
Insufficient sleep, poor nutrition, inadequate hydration, and most relevant to this message, lack of mobility, are not individually the problem, but merely contributors. They are each stressors, which accumulate. Like a tsunami, once stress crests over a particular threshold, it floods devastation throughout our lives.
This flood metaphor held great insight for me. Unlike others in the birthing field of stress physiology, I didn’t ask how to build higher levees to protect against the swollen waters. I asked, how we recover when our levees break and are overrun. Where others sought to become
(able to resist higher floods), I sought to become more
(able to recover
the levees broke no matter how high or strongly we build them). And this became my research filter for one simple reason...
Unless we know how to recover from failure, we cannot resist it.
We cannot become tougher, until we become more resilient. Like a tree, the depth of our resilient roots determines the strength of our tough trunk and limbs. To stay with the flood metaphor, if we do not know our emergency plan for recovering from our levees breaking and devastating the town, then we cannot effectively build levees to properly protect us.

Fall down seven times. Get up eight.
” Martial art gave me a unique opportunity to observe high stress within a controlled and timed crucible. Unlike the chaos of emotional and psychological violence where you may inadvertently become stronger from the experience, martial arts intentionally aim to develop the virtues of resilience and toughness.
You learn how to bounce back when you make errors, when you get surprised, or when you do not succeed immediately. Errors, surprise and failure are guarantees, so when they happened, I was given an opportunity to observe a predictable pattern arise.
As a national coach and international competitor, I noticed that whenever a fighter would reach their threshold, the stress they were experiencing throughout their lives caused them to be over-whelmed. This event would elicit very specific behaviors: common denominators which coalesced into a method I observed throughout my career.
Teaching tactical fitness for the federal government, I noticed the phenomenon from the opposite end of the spectrum: even these veteran trainers were not able to “enter” drills due to common aches, pains and injuries.
The pattern emerged: these impediments to their health and performance were adaptations from the stresses of their job. They had become “stress-shaped.”
The #1 killer in their world was neither bullets nor knives, but stress-related heart disease.
Excessive stress cannibalizes our bodies, erodes our minds, and literally breaks our hearts.
Providing these agents with solutions to their occupational stress was
not merely changing lives.
It was potentially saving them.
For the past seven years, I’ve kept my head down working with government agencies, military outfits, air and marine offices, fire rescue departments, and of course my own discipline of martial arts.
The revelations they provided galvanized me to look at the health statistics outside of the tactical community. You can imagine my shock when I learned that the #1 killer in the world outside of the high-stress world of tactical response was also stress-related heart disease.
So, looking back through my archives, and studying new subjects, I observed the same set of predictable behavioral patterns when beset by excessive stress:
the same common aches, pains and injuries
(as well as the same set of stress-induced attitudes.)
Implementing my discoveries with the general public, across a broad demographic sample, I found identical relief and empowered physical potential in each of them.
Stress affects us all in the same
unless we become aware of:
the genetically encoded mechanisms to
our relaxed readiness from the reflexes stress induces,
the powerful biomechanics that give us our optimal strength and condition to
stress, and
the unique neurological elegance that causes us to
under positive stress, like no other creature on the planet.
Primal Stress represents the culmination of the above lifetime of experiences, study, research and development.
Scott Sonnon
World Champion,
Master of Sport,
USA National Team Coach,
Fitness Consultant for Federal Government Agencies

* The
above is a symbolic depiction of the product’s content.
For illustration
purposes only. The complete product’s content comes in a digital/downloadable
** iPhone and Audio player are not included.

Result of Primal Stress

Secondary stress (or obsolete secondary accent) is the weaker of two degrees of stress in the pronunciation of a word; the stronger degree of stress is called 'primary'.,Primal Stress will unlock and express your power and grace. Its Flow Physique high intensity workout system will help restore mobility and regain stability.,Primal Stress may is the most remarkable and intelligent body-weight exercise program ever created. Emphasizing health but taking fitness to an edge FAR beyond the ,This axis controls the body's levels of cortisol, the primary stress hormone, and it generally does not function normally in individuals with depression- and stress ,primary stress n. In both senses also called primary accent . The strongest degree of stress placed on a syllable in the pronunciation of a word,In addition, patients with primary stress incontinence and primary pelvic pain symptoms were excluded.,The Primal Stress Program just went live earlier this morning, and Ive been scrambling all week to get my product review published in time.,Learn all about Scott Sonnon's new Primal Stress program and find out if it's right for you from this detailed product review.,In linguistics, stress is the relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a word, or to certain words in a phrase or sentence. The term is also used ,"Scott Sonnons revolutionary new work Primal Stress clearly and comprehensively explains the impact of stress on the body, and how not only to offset but to

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