Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Nicolas Darvas Home Study

Nicolas Darvas Home Study

Nicolas Darvas Trading Secrets Home Study Course
a Full-Time Dancer Rocketed His Trading Account From $25,000 to
2 Million Dollars And How You Can Do The Same In Only 15
Minutes Per Day."
secrets discovered by Nicolas Darvas can identify significant market
price moves before they happen. Imagine… each of your entries
as accurate as clockwork!
Jim Cox
9:30pm Friday
S. Cox
Here To Email Me
If you are serious about trading profitably this will be the
most important letter you will ever read. Here's what it's
all about
My name is Jimmy Cox and, until very recently, I was a full
time engineer and a part time trader. One of my hobbies was
tinkering around with trading systems trying to dream up ways
to make them work better. I tried out all sorts of ideas until…
one day…
I hit the jackpot!
I swear, I’ve never seen anything like this. I only wish
I could take credit for it. To tell the truth, I wouldn’t
have rediscovered this myself except for one day when I had stumbled
upon an old book named “How I Made 2 Million Dollars In
the Stock Market.”
You may have read this book or even heard the intriguing story
about a young ballroom dancer name Nicolas Darvas who traded $25,000
into 2 million dollars within just 18 months by using the stock
market. In today’s terms that would be worth well over 20
His story was so amazing, on May 1959, the Time Magazine
devoted almost a full page in its business section to the
extraordinary stock market story. But here’s the kicker,
Darvas remarked it wasn’t so much how much money he
made that surprised him but rather the ease with which he
made it.
Understandably, the deeper I began to dig into his story,
the more fascinated I became and the more fascinated I became,
the deeper I began to dig.
became obsessed with the famed Darvas box trading method.
Trading Pioneer
I read everything I could find on Darvas; books, reports, interviews,
white papers and I even found a rare tape set that revealed some
tremendous insights. Through hundreds of man hours work, I began
to piece together the original Daravs trading method few have
ever seen.
What I found most revealing was the fact that when comparing
Darvas’ system to many other trading systems it’s
clear why most trader’s lose money. In short, there is a
“fatal flaw” built right into the design of almost
every other trading systems’ entry and exit rules.
Because of this flaw no one (not even the top pros) have been
able to rely 100% on their trading systems. In fact, until now
much of a trader’s success has been the result of nothing
except a raging bull market. It’s true, “all boats
float on a rising tide.”
The fatal flaw.
99% of trading systems will give you too many false signals…
they’re just not reliable. The trader is whipsawed in and
out of trades and the only person who ends up making any money
is your broker.
Traders, even the best of them, have had trouble with their entries
and exits ever since people first began speculating on the stock
Now at last the problem is solved.
It took Darvas a lifetime of research, over $450,000 and a near
fatal accident before he discovered a trading system so reliable
I worry about the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) making
it illegal.
most other trading systems it has its entry and exit rules
clearly defined… but the difference isn’t in each
of these components… it’s in how to all works
together! Shockingly, to this day, I am yet to find another
trader correctly applying the Darvas box method, as Darvas
would have traded it himself.
To Learn
To Read This Darvas Chart
Click Here
Why am I sharing these secrets?
Understandably, you may be a little skeptical and I don’t
blame you. If I were you I would be thinking, “if this trading
system is so fantastic why would he be sharing it with anyone?”
Well, over the past 3 years I have been quietly extracting huge
profits from the market, and NOT sharing my results with anyone.
Looking back I now realize I had fallen into a self limiting mindset
by keeping these trading secrets to myself… I mean, these
secrets weren’t even mine to begin with.
It has always been a core belief of mine that the world is abundant
and that there is more than enough for everyone. Sadly, over recent
years I had forgotten these fundamental truths and this has taken
its toll in other areas of my life – it’s funny how
the universe works.
I won’t
bore you with the details, but suffice to say…
I am setting things right.
I have decided
to create a unique training product that shows the individual
trader — from beginner to pro — how to identify stocks
ready for a significant market price move.
I wanted
to create a simple (yet comprehensive) step-by-step "system"
that would allow ANY trader, at ANY level, to learn how to use
the Darvas box method properly, quickly and effectively.
Nicolas Darvas Trading Secrets Home Study Course
this truly a one-of-kind, packed-to-the-rim course, I reveal
the precise steps you must take to trade the Darvas box
method. Every last step is explained for you in full detail.
Nothing is omitted, nothing is left to guess-work and nothing
else is needed to hold it all together.
isn’t some $19.95, 10 page, size 16 font ebook that
doesn’t tell you squat about trading. I really believe
this course will, over time, be known as the definitive
guide to Darvas trading.
Here’s a few of the specific things you’ll discover
in my home study course:
Click Here To Order
duplicate Darvas’ reliable and repeatable trading
in today’s markets and achieve phenomenal
results. This is a step-by-step plan which no-one else is
using - and it works!!

The secret to “buying dear and selling dearer,”
confusing this with “buying cheap and selling dear”
could potentially cost you thousands of dollars in profits
and losses. You absolutely must know the difference!

How to
pinpoint the perfect time to close your trades
for maximum profits… never again exit a position
too early or exit too late. Learning this secret will enable
you to let your profits run while also simultaneously cutting
your losses.

20 point checklist
detailing every insight Darvas
gained over his illustrious trading career. You will gain
a lifetime of learning guaranteed to improve your trading
and confidence immediately.

3 critical components that your trading system must have
- without just one of these components
you're guaranteed
to fail.

precise trading rules
that detail exactly where
to enter, and exit your trades. These are the secrets Daravs
used to beat the trading professionals at their own game
- it’s all in your timing.

why if you’re not writing down your trading rules
correctly, you’re sabotaging your success. Mastering
this one element could mean the difference between dismal
failure and run away success.

the fatal flaw
built into the design of almost
all trading systems and more importantly how the Darvas
box method takes advantage of this flaw.

subjective, biased and conflicting indicators Darvas avoided
and how you too can implement similar strategies to protect
yourself from this harmful information.

As you
can see, I've left nothing out. I have included every profit-pulling
strategy Darvas used to be successful... and there's more...
golden rule to develop a zen like, laser-focused self-discipline.
Once you apply this technique you will be unstoppable, not
only in your trading but in your life too!

to let the market identify support and resistance lines
and then use this knowledge to
spot significant market
price moves before they happen
… any self respecting
trader wants to know these secrets.

best way to use automatic buy orders and automatic stoploss
orders to effectively automate your trading system and replicate
Daravs' near perfect system implementation. These strategies
enabled Darvas to tour the world, pursuing his ballroom
dancing career, while also managing his portfolio with ease.
how Darvas proved that great traders are made, not born. Finally
you will have proof you need that you’re not chasing
a pipe dream - you too can be a successful trader.

set yourself free from tips, rumors and advice
from those who don’t know the first thing about trading
profitably. Just imagine how much extra time you’ll
have when you know how to ignore the crap!

to design a reliable trading system that takes the stress
out of trading - don’t believe for a second that you
must be trapped behind the screen all day. Finally, spend
your time doing the things you love.

precise formula you can use to define a stock’s volatility
and risk. Without knowing this method you're needlessly
putting yourself into high risk trades – doesn’t
it make sense to manage your risk?

of course there’s loads more to learn.
Click Here To Order
Right now very few people know about my Darvas Trading Secrets
Home Study Course. But, about three weeks ago I shared it with
two of my closest friends in the industry. Here’s what they have to say:
of the most solid trading course I have ever seen."
"Congratulations Jimmy, this course is one of the
most solid trading course I have ever seen.
many people know but my personal trading system (the one
I currently trade to this day) is based the Darvas box
trading method. I believe this to be the most powerful,
trading method I have ever come across. It’s simple,
robust and more importantly incredibly accurate.
far as I am aware your course is the first ‘complete’
Darvas trading system ever documented and it’s sure
to be a winner for all who trade it.
honestly believe for $97 people might actually not realize
how powerful this course is… Those who take the
time to fully study and apply your teachings will be well
congratulations and thank you for your service to the
trading community."
Professional Trader, Author and Coach.
yourself a severe dis-service if you do not
purchase this course right now."
"I'm almost at a loss for words to express how I
feel about the Darvas Package that you've put together.
What you've done here is truly profound, and I don't use
the term lightly.
The Darvas trading method you reveal in the Nicolas Darvas
Secrets course is so ground breaking I feel honored to
have taken part in its production.
What makes it so profound is its simplicity and clarity.
Not just the method, but the perspective on trading. I
was so inspired by your work on Darvas that I created
a special whitepaper summarizing Darvas' insights.
Nothing has moved me quite like the Darvas story because
it just makes so much sense. There is almost an elegance
to it.
What is it worth to have your eyes opened and the light
bulbs come on? It's hard to put a dollar value to something
that can alter the course of a trader's career, and it
is certainly worth literally hundreds of times what you're
asking for in exchange for this course.
If you're new to trading, or even a seasoned pro, I sincerely
believe that you would be doing yourself a severe dis-service
if you do not purchase this course right now."
Brian McAboy, creator of "The Subtle Trap of Trading"
Click Here To Order
The One Flaw In This Course
only negative feedback I received from those who reviewed
the preview copy of my course was that to fully explain
the Darvas method, they suggested I include some additional
training videos. Unfortunately, due to my limited video
skills, I had decided to release this course without them
– I believed that the manual was more than comprehensive enough.
When I mentioned this to Brian McAboy, knowing full well
how much value this would add to my course, he volunteered
to assist me in recording these videos. In hindsight I am
glad we persisted and I am absolutely convinced you’re
going to love this 60 minute presentation…
To Buy Now And Watch Video
Here's a sneak peak at Brian's video presentation:
Click Here To
Best Shot At Success
My goal is
to have you look back, when you’re trading profitably -
living the life of your dreams - and realize that this was the
best investment decision you have ever made.
To do that
I need to be sure you have all the tools you need to start trading…
In the past,
as I’m sure we’ve all seen many times in other offers,
there’s a tendency for the author to give away hundreds
of dollars in bonuses that really aren’t worth the disk
space they take up.
made an effort to steer clear of this usual hype and I've added
only my most valuable bonuses...
Let's take a brief look at each one.
Darvas Blueprint
blueprint gives you an at-a-glance summary of the entire
Darvas Trading Secrets Home Study Course. It will make a
very handy reference guide when trading the Darvas system!
How many times have you
read a manual and tried to organize your notes into
an easy-to-follow summary? It takes a lot of time
and effort, and you still find yourself referencing
the source material. That's why I created this awesome
You can print out, review it regularly and trade
profitably as a result!
Here To Buy Blueprint Now
Darvas Articles
believe that I have now proved beyond a shodow of doubt
that I have researched the Darvas boxing trading method
well beyond what any other trader has ever done.
could be expected, I have come across some amazing articles
and research reports that played a pivotal part in piecing
together Darvas’ original trading method. Within
this bonus I have provided what I consider to be the best
of the best of these articles.
am not suggesting that my work is in any way incomplete,
but I do know the benefit in reading additional
material covering similar concepts. It will further
crystallize and internalize your new learnings.
am sure you will find them an extremely valuable
addition to what is quickly becoming the definitive
guide to Darvas trading.
Here To Buy Articles Now
Charting Formula
Despite the fact that Darvas successfully traded his method
without the use of computers I, like most traders, now
use a charting package to aid in my trading.
bonus gives you the actual charting formulas needed
to identify trading candidates as Darvas would have
done himself by hand. The code is written for the
follow programs:
Ami Broker
Neo ticker
Trading Solutions
Bright Spark
Here To Buy Blueprint Now
remember Darvas successfully traded his methods without
the use of computers and even if you don’t have
one of these charting packages it doesn’t mean you
won’t be able to trade using his methods. This is
simply a bonus for those who use one of the above mentioned
charting packages…
I am not a programming whiz and I don’t really know
much about these charting packages. Each of these formulas
have been verified but I don’t provide any support
for them. They are provided “as is” and it’s
up to you to incorporate them into your trading.
Original Darvas Story
(valued @ $57)
great expense I have acquired the rights to Nicolas Darvas’
original story “How I Made 2 Million Dollars In
The Stock Market.”
this book doesn’t actually detail the trading rules
Darvas used to trade so successfully, it does provide
many great insights into the history leading up to his
tremendous success in the markets.
to say, I have spent hours studying this story and to
this day I continue to find new distinctions that improve
the quality of my trading. It has been dubbed a “Wall
street classic” and upon reading it you will soon
see why.
will receive both the original manuscript and MP3 audios.
I actually sell this bonus on another website for $37
But you will get it as a free bonus.
Bonus – To Be Announced
isn’t some sneaky marketing tactic, I have a
legitimate reason for making this bonus unknown. I’m
in the process of purchasing the rights to a unique
software package that makes identifying Darvas’
stocks super easy.
At this stage I am a little hesitant to say any more
since I don’t want you to purchase based upon
this bonus alone… Suffice to say, this program
will be worth more than the entire price of this package
if I can secure the rights.
Click Here To Order
With all this knowledge can you imagine the turbo power you can
add to your trading profits?
After you
learn how to trade using the Darvas method, your profits will
explode. I promise you, once you go through my course, you'll
never look at trading the same way again. It really is that powerful.
By now you must be curious about the price.
Earlier I explained my motivation with regards to why I am releasing
this course… it’s not all about the money… I
believe in a world of abundance.
I also understand
that unless a fair price is paid for an item people have a tendency
to underplay its value.
So after
lots of back-and-forth, I decided on
USD for the entire Nicolas Darvas Trading Secrets
Home Study Course shown below...
Here To Order
Here To Order
fact of the matter is, I could easily sell this course for much
more… especially when you consider this course has the potential
to pay for itself with one good trade. In the future I plan to
sell a physical version of the same course for $367, at which
time the digital version will be raised to $197.
If you’re
still sitting on the fence, I want to show you I’m so confident
you’ll love this course by offering a very special 100%
Risk Free Guarantee.
Here it is
-- see if you think this is fair...
Risk Free Guarantee
Go ahead and order now.
send you the entire Nicolas Darvas Trading Secrets
Home Study Course via immediate download. Then,
you can take advantage of my entire course.
If you don’t like the course for any reason, just
return it within 60 days of purchase and I’ll refund
100% of your purchase price – no questions asked.
This gives you plenty of time to review ALL the materials,
ask questions, and even make your first investment before
you ever have to decide if this is right for YOU!
There is NO RISK whatsoever.
that simple.
Long And The Short Of It.
Let's, be
REAL clear; I'm making no promises regarding your actual earnings
- and I'm not putting any limitations on how much you could make
I don’t
need your money. I am not a marketer, I’m not a guru, and
I don’t have any other trading products I sell online. I
am a trader. I am one of the few who simply make their living
trading the markets.
In fact,
these days, with my trading system almost fully automated, I don’t
even do much of that. I spend time with the most valuable asset
in the world… my family.
I am not
looking for fame and glory by releasing this product… I
just want to help other traders achieve the same level of financial
success I have.
If you can
see the value in what I have to offer just click the link in the
box below.
Yes, Jimmy! I'm ready to discover
Nicolas Darvas' Box Trading Method!
Please let me download your complete Nicolas
Darvas Trading Secrets Home Study Course asap!
I understand my purchase is backed with your
100% money back guarantee and o
nce my order is
processed via your online secure form, I will
be able to download the entire course immediately!
$97 USD
Order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
We use “Clickbank” to process our orders as they are the world’s biggest and arguable the safest on-line banking system.
They process most credit cards plus PayPal.
ClickBank is an independent payment processor that is not directly associated with our website. This ensures your details are kept 100% private and secure at all times.
Clickbank privacy statement
I sure hope we hear from you soon.
Here To Order
And remember,
the trend is your friend.
Jimmy S. Cox.
Ps. Don't say 'yes' right now. Just say 'maybe'. If I haven't
delivered everything I promised and more, then I insist you email
me and I'll refund 100% of your purchase price. I'm so confident
in the value of this course that I want you to have every reason
Click Here
To Order
reserve the right to stop selling this package at anytime.
Due to the fact that the information disclosed on the
package is so valuable, this package will not be available
forever. I also need to limit the number of students that
I will be able to help.
U.S. Government Required Disclaimer
- Trading has large potential
rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the
risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in any
market. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This
website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell penny
stocks. No representation is being made that any account will
or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed
on this website. The past performance of any trading system or
methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Order Now
Privacy Policy
Nicolas Darvas Trading
2009 darvassecrets.com All rights reserved.
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