Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Athletic Body Workout

Athletic Body Workout

Athletic Body Workout eBook

Give Me 10 Minutes And I'll Give
You a Sure-Fire Plan to Help You Build a Strong, Lean Athletic Body
Coach Eddie
Lomax, Author of the Athletic Body Workout was recently interviewed on
a Health and Fitness Blog. In the interview, Coach Lomax revealed his
top secrets for losing fat and building lean muscle mass while still
boosting athletic performance. Read the transcript below:
An Athletic Body Workout
for Men and Women: Interview with Coach Eddie Lomax
Parth - Hey Coach, Glad to
have you back again. So, whats Athletic Body Workout all about?
Coach Lomax
- When
most people decide to workout it is because they want to change the way
they look. They usually want to lose fat and gain muscle. And
traditionally, when asked to pick the type of body they want, they
usually use some type of athlete to describe the body they want.
Most people want the strong, lean, athletic body type. And the best way
to build an athletic body is to train more like an athlete and less
like a gym rat. The Athletic Body Workout is designed to train you like
an athlete, so you can build the athletic body you want.
Parth - Awesome. Well,
what are the benefits of combining Barbell, Dumbbell, and Bodyweight
workouts within one program?
Coach Lomax -
is about movement…both the movement of your own body, as well as the
movement of objects. So, to train your body for all these types of
movements you need to use different “tools”. Bodyweight for the
movement of your own body. Barbells for the movement of an external
object with both limbs. Dumbbells for the movement of external objects
with either one limb or in alternating fashion.
Using bodyweight, barbells and dumbbells not only trains your body to
perform these movements better…but build athletic muscle and burns fat
as well. You not only improve your athletic skills, but your athletic
appearance as well.
Parth - Makes sense. Is
Athletic Body Workout similar to your previous workouts? What is the
main difference?
Coach Lomax -
workouts were
Workout Without
Dumbbell Workout
. Besides the obvious difference of combining
bodyweight, dumbbell and barbells, the workout structure is completely
different. You rotate between General Fitness, Fat Loss, and Strength
& Size workouts to keep you on a steady path of building your
athletic abilities and athletic body.
Workouts I did after this like the
Gymless Workout
Dumbbell Fitness
Body Workout
use this similar system because it works so well…and
keeps you from getting bored.
Parth - You talk briefly
about nutrition in Athletic Body Workout. Can you elaborate on what you
feel are some optimal nutritional strategies for the average trainee?
Coach Lomax -
the average trainee, you don’t need to worry about supplements or
complex eating strategies. But you should clean up your diet. In my
opinion, most people already know how to eat correctly…they just don’t.
What is better for you, an apple or a cookie? I bet you already know
the answer, right?
I would start to write down everything you eat for a week. Then take a
look at it in writing. You’ll quickly be able to pick out your problem
areas and clean up your diet. Remember, you need fuel to build an
athletic body and give your all during the workouts…so give your body
good, healthy food.
Parth - In your previous
workouts, the cardio was intertwined with the strength workouts. Do you
follow the same strategy with the Athletic Body Workout?
Coach Lomax -
this is a big part of Athletic Body Workout. Just think about it, most
athletic activities combine strength and cardio at the same time. The
only exceptions are sports that focus on only one physical attribute,
like powerlifting. You need to have the strength to perform the
activities AND the heart and lung power to sustain the activity. You
perform how you train…so you must train both strength and cardio at the
same time.
There are GPP workouts sprinkled through the workout programs. This is
for General Physical Preparedness. They are a lot of fun and give a lot
of benefits…as well as challenge both strength and endurance at the
same time.
Parth - How would a
complete beginner go about achieving a more athletic physique?
Coach Lomax -
training like a bodybuilder and start training like an athlete. By that
I mean throw away all those split routine workouts and “isolation”
exercises and start using Full Body Workotus with compound exercises.
The object of an athletic body is not to maximize the size of each
muscle, but to build athletic muscle and a strong body that works
together. Plus, you need to start to blurr the lines between strength
training and endurance training. Doing biceps curls and jogging for 20
minutes is not going to build an athletic body no matter how much you
do it.
If you get the Athletic Body Workout, start with the General Fitness
Workout. You’ll probably realize you are not as fit as you think you
Parth - Is the Athletic
Body Workout for Men Only?
Coach Lomax -
The Athletic Body Workout is for women as well. However, if women feel
uncomfortable using barbells, they can stick to dumbbells for those
exercises. Both men and women can benefit greatly from this type of
athletic workouts.
Parth - As in all your
other workouts, does this one come with templates?
Coach Lomax -
course. I am big on having workout journal sheets so you can document
your progress. Getting an athletic body is a journey…and like any
worthwhile journey, it should be documented. The journal sheets are
printable so you can use them over and over again.
Thanks for talking with me
again, Coach.
Yes Coach, I’m Ready For
The Athletic Body Workout
No Coach, I Need More Information:
It is
time to change your approach to something that works!
The Athletic Body Workout
is not a “Fitness Workout” a “Fat Loss Workout” or a “Muscle Building
Workout”. It’s ALL THREE, put into a comprehensive, step-by-step plan
with only one goal…
To build the fittest, strongest, leanest and most athletically muscular
body in the shortest time possible!
Athletic Body Workout is NOT some rehashed Bodybuilding Workout! After
all, why would you spend your time and energy performing a workout that
was NEVER designed to produce the body you want?
The Athletic Body Workout is the entire blueprint for the attainment of
fast, long-lasting fitness, fat loss and muscle building RESULTS
through proper exercise! It is the all-in-one, unbeatable PLAN to the
body you’ve always wanted.
So it’s ok to start visualizing yourself looking in the mirror and
feeling PROUD of the reflection staring back at you. You can now
picture yourself on the beach and having people admire YOUR body. Go
ahead and imagine yourself wearing the clothes and sizes making you
look and feel your best. Because, this time, you WILL get results!
Why you should purchase the Athletic Body
You know that
most people
stubbornly adhere to ineffective workouts, even though they aren’t
getting the results they seek. You are different. You want something
that works, and are willing to change your mindset to achieve results.
You are looking
for somehting that is designed to be time efficient and “low
You realize that
most of what you see people doing in local gyms is based on outdated
exercise and nutrition information. You want something that is based on
updated information, and something that works.
You understand
that bodybuilding resistance training combined with long-slow cardio
has never been the path to the athletic body. You are ready to try a
new approach.
You are looking
for a comprehensive, step-by-step training program, NOT JUST A WORKOUT!
Here is what you will
learn from Athletic Body Workout:
Why you should “clean the slate” to finally achieve
the body you want? Don’t stubbornly hold on to exercises and training
methods that haven’t worked for you. You’d be surprised at how many men
blindly hold on the exercises and methods that have never given them
the results they want! You must be ready to try new things… things that
Why you should think of yourself as an athlete,
whether you are one or not? You won’t “look” like an athlete if you’re
not prepared to train like one! After all, we are all athletes facing
the challenges of sport, work and life DAILY! Become an Everyday
Athlete and excel, no matter what the challenge!
What type of athlete should you envision to get the
body you want? Get this wrong and you won’t succeed. Here’s a hint. If
visions of bodybuilders and power lifters are filling your head, you’re
on the wrong track. There is an ultimate athletic body in all of us!
Why High Energy Flux is the key to the athletic body?
Good News! You should NOT go on a highly restrictive calorie diet if
you want the Athletic Body! Yes, you need to EAT! Your Athletic Body
needs fuel, so no starvation allowed!
What is the Athletic Body Environment, and why do you
need it to succeed? Building an Athletic Body takes more than just
proper exercise. Don’t sabotage your progress by neglecting important
(and necessary) elements of your environment. Bet you’ve never thought
of your training as creating an environment!
How to build the Athletic Body Environment through
High Energy Flux? Train and eat for High Energy Flux, and use this to
guide the other parts of your life. When you successfully create the
Athletic Body Environment, success is guaranteed! How you train, what
you eat and how you live all play a role in your success!
What are the key areas of each Athletic Body Workout?
Most likely, the Athletic Body Workout is unlike any workout program
you have seen before. It is NOT bodybuilding resistance training
combined with long slow cardio like you’re probably used to. Each part
of the Athletic Body Workout is important!
How do you perform the Athletic Body Workout? This
step-by-step process makes it fool-proof! The Athletic Body Workout is
a powerful tool for creating a strong, lean, athletic physique. Learn
to use it properly to maximize your results! Nothing is left to chance…
follow the instructions and get results!
But now it’s time to get
to the individual workouts…
The General Fitness
Build A Body That Performs As Good As It Looks Without Losing Athletic
Muscle Or Gaining Ugly Fat!
The General Fitness Workout improves physical abilities needed for a
high-level of fitness WITHOUT NEGLECTING your fat loss, strength and
muscle building goals.
Fitness is more than just strength and cardio-respiratory endurance.
What about flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance,
accuracy and mental toughness? Yes, my friends, you’re in for a treat!
By training all the physical abilities needed for a high-level of
over-all fitness, your body makes the necessary physical adaptations…
not only improving your performance, but improving your physique
physique as well!
And isn’t a body that performs as good as it looks why we started
training in the first place?
The Fat Loss Workbook
Shed Pounds Of Blubber Without Losing An Ounce Of Hard
Earned Muscle
A Probably ADD Some Athletic Muscle In The Process!
The Fat Loss Workout reduces fat WITHOUT NEGLECTING your general
fitness, strength and muscle building goals.
For most of us, myself included, shedding unwanted fat is what reveals
the athletic body underneath!
The Fat Loss Workout is NOT a prescription for long-slow cardio
sessions, aerobics or endless ab exercises. You’ve probably tried these
methods before… and even if you did lose some fat YOU PROBABLY FAILED
This challenging workout strategy is probably the most difficult of all
the workouts in the Athletic Body Workout. But it is also the most
productive. While fat loss is specifically targeted, you’ll do it in a
way that maintains or INCREASES muscle mass and improves general
fitness. PLUS, you burn off fat both DURING and AFTER the workout!
Strength & Size Workbook
Double Your Strength And Increase Muscle Mass Without
Drugs Or Bulking Up With Tons Of Unwanted Fat!
The Strength & Size Workout increases muscular strength and size
WITHOUT NEGLECTING your general fitness and fat loss goals.
Don’t you want to be big AND strong? After all, one does not have to
focus on one without the other. You can get both, if you use the RIGHT
exercises in the RIGHT way.
I’m not talking about pumping out boring workout after boring workout
of 3 sets of 10 reps either. Varying the weights, sets and reps
promotes more strength and muscle gains. As a matter of fact, you can
double your strength and muscle growth with planned variation!
Everyone (yea, I’m talking to YOU) can build a strong, muscular
physique by using the proper exercises and methods. When you see this
workout, you’ll think it’s too simple to be effective… until you try it!
Build strong muscles in all the right places!
Each Workbook Contains:
A comprehensive 4 week chart of the entire workout,
so you can see where you are at a glance!
A detailed description of every part of the workout,
so you know exactly what is expected of you!
know exactly how to perform the workout and can easily track progress!
A Compliance Chart, so you can be accountable for
your performance of the workout!
Each workbook lets you easily move through each
workout, document your RESULTS and track progress. No more forgetting
what to do, scratching down notes on a piece of paper or forgetting
past performances! The Workout Journal Sheets are an important key to
your success… use them well!
But what about exercise descriptions and photos, Coach?
Exercise Encyclopedia
Detailed Exercise Descriptions With Photos, So You Can
Perform The Exercises Correctly The First Time!
Every exercise for each part of every workout has been described in
detail and exemplified in photos. The entire Athletic Body Workout is
made up of…
3 Different Warm Ups
2 Different General Fitness Workouts
3 Different General Physical Preparedness Workouts
6 Different Fat Loss Workouts
3 Different Strength & Size Workouts
2 different Active Recovery Workouts
And 1 After Sessions Stretching Routine
Yes, it’s a lot of exercises and workouts!
To make it easy for you to find the exercise description for the
workout you are performing, I’ve listed the exercise descriptions with
photos ACCORDING TO WORKOUT. Therefore, all you need to do is go to the
section of the book for the workout you are doing, and all the
This makes it easy to find and review the instructions for each
I’ve even made it easy for you to get started…
The Quick Start
You’ll Be Ready To Go Within Minutes Of Downloading Your
Fast results come to those who take immediate action! While I want you
to read, study and understand all the information I give you, the
benefits of the Athletic Body Workout are in the doing. I’ll show you
how to get started immediately, and then you can review all the
material at your leisure.
Just think, the faster you get started, the faster you can SEE, FEEL
and USE the RESULTS of your athletic training. Results like more
muscle, less fat and the kind of body that turns heads!
As you can see, I give you everything you need to succeed…
Bonus Products Information – Fitness
Trilogy Super Training Bonus - ($20 value)
The Fitness Trilogy manuel provides you with the 3 Keys
you need to a fit body that turn heads, outperform others and allows
you to live life to the fullest! You’ll get great results by just doing
the workouts as directed… but I want you to have all the info you need
to FINALLY succeed in reaching your fitness, fat loss and physique
building goals!
Now, at this point, you’re probably wondering…

“So, How Much Coach?”
You may be thinking, “If
other trainers are charging $97 and UP for A WORKOUT that loses its
effectiveness after 4-8 weeks, what’s this TRAINING PROGRAM I can use
for a lifetime going to set me back?”
Well, put your fears to rest, I’m going to make you a spectacular offer!
Let me explain…
I could charge a lot for the Athletic Body Workout, but I’m not going
to because I want to get this powerful workout program in the hands of
as many men as possible. I’m a firm believer that reaching your
fitness, fat loss and physique goals should not cost a fortune. So, I’m
practically giving the entire package away for…
One-Time Price Of Only $39.95
(I have to be honest,
when I was putting the final package together I seriously considered
raising the price. I mean, $39.95 is an incredible value for what you
get. But I decided to let it go for $39.95 to start with, and then
possibly raising the price in the future. So, consider yourself
fore-warned. Jump on this offer NOW, while it lasts!)
Get Athletic Body Workout NOW!
Only 39.95!
Wow, that’s a lot of stuff! I think you’ll agree, $39.95 is a small
price to pay to get this complete, step-by-step TRAINING PROGRAM. But I
want to take all the pressure off your decision to download Athletic
Body Workout right now (anywhere in the world, morning, noon or middle
of the night) by backing my work with a…
No Risk ~ Worry Free
8 Week Guarantee
If for any reason, you
are not completely satisfied with the Athletic Body Workout in the
first 8 weeks, just contact me and I’ll give you ALL your money back…
No Questions Asked. I’m so confident the Athletic Body Workout is
everything I say it is (and MORE), I’m willing to take all the risk and
make your decision to download now worry free!
It’s time to get YOUR ATHLETIC BODY…
The PLAN For The Athletic
You’ve Always Wanted Is
Available For
Immediate, Safe &
Secure Download!
Once you place your order
on Clickbank’s secure server, you go to a download page where you can
download a zip file with the Athletic Body Workout package, plus a link
to the Bonus Download Page where you can get all the free bonuses and
sign up for free to the Exclusive Customer Area!
All ebooks are in PDF format and can are accessible on any computer (PC
or Mac)… and you can even print them out to view in hard copy!
Armed with this step-by-step PLAN, nothing stands in the way of you and
the effective training leading to awesome physical abilities, tip-top
health and the lean, muscular, athletic body you’ve always wanted.
Don’t waste another minute on ineffective workouts, take advantage of
the LOW price now. I could come to my senses to the TRUE value of this
incredible workout plan at any time.
Your success is my
Coach Eddie Lomax
Founder and President
Optimum Fitness Network LLC
Yes Coach, I’m Ready For
The Athletic Body Workout
p.s. Even if you are just
remotely interested in learning how to use a progressive plan of
athletic workouts to improve fitness, lose fat and better your
physique, you owe it to yourself to at least try Athletic Body Workout.
If you have failed to create the athletic body of your dreams, stop
what you are currently doing and start the Athletic Body Workout TODAY!
WORKOUT and the Free Bonuses are downloadable e-books. No physical
products are sent. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to
download all the e-books onto your computer as one zip file. You should
already have a program to unzip the file installed on your computer. If
not, unzip using a trial version of WinZip or WinRar… or get a free
copy of 7-Zip. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which you can
view on Mac or PC. If you don’t have Adobe Reader, get your copy here.

Read more detail

Result of Athletic Body Workout

Athletic Body Workout - Ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online.,Hey Coach, Glad to have you back again. So, whats Athletic Body Workout all about? When most people decide to workout it is because they want to change the,A couple of days ago in my Athletic Workout Introduction post, I mentioned coach Eddie Lomax's Athletic Body Workout. If you're wondering whether an athletic,How to Build an Athletic Body. Achieving an athletic body takes hard work and dedication, but it is not impossible. Although athletes undergo vigorous ,MaxWorkouts is an athletic body workout that builds useful muscle and burns lots of fat. If you want to look like an athlete, start training like one and stop ,Get the best workouts with moves tailored to your athletic body type,Aim for an Athletic Body Instead! I think focusing on full body workouts, compound exercises and hiit cardio is the best way to build athletic, fit, ,This workout helped two NBA stick figures bulk up big-time. Use it to reengineer your body today,So many people are looking to have an athletic body, not just for summer, but year round. This article outlines a specific athletic workout to get the body you deserve.,An Athletic Body Workout for Men and Women: Interview with Coach Eddie Lomax Parth - Hey Coach, Glad to have you back again. So, whats Athletic Body Workout all about?

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